It is a time of relative peace. Throughout the world, scientific and cultural achievements abound. The Triple Alliance of Zululand, England, and Russia has been defeated by a Coalition of Nations, led by the German Democracy and the Persian Empire. The Great War of Aggression ended with the annihilation of the Zulu and the detonation of three nuclear weapons, reluctantly launched from German missile silos, on three English cities. As the world's greatest armies slowly dwindle to their pre-1950 size, the world prepares for what seems to be a necessary peace; for what nation would dare start a war, with the threat of a nuclear holocaust? Apparently, only one.
German Chamber of War, Berlin - 1978
"We now turn the time over to the Minister of Commerce."
"Danke," Hans Schmidt, Minister of Commerce, said. "Our furs trade with France continues to provide us with a great source of income, as does our spice deal with the Babylonians, which I have recently renewed. However, I'm afraid our current situation with the Persians is a bit more...precarious."
From the expressions of the other Ministers, this was no new revelation.
"They have once again made an offer for our uranium. They now offer, in addition to their wines and incense, quite a large sum of gold and rubber. Normally, I would without hesitation decline their offer, except they had not previously offered us rubber, a resource which they seem to have an unlimited supply, and one that we are quickly using up. I now bring it before the Ministry for discussion."
"Under no circumstances can we allow the Persians uranium-from us, or anyone else," the War Minister declared. "Persia has become increasingly hostile toward us, and the only thing preventing a war is our nuclear deterrence. Their air superiority endangers Germany as it is."
"I agree," Verlag, Minister of Domestic Affairs. "We would have a disaster on our hands if the people found out that Persian nuclear missiles were aimed at our cities."
"Are all ministers in agreeance?" Bismarck asked. They nodded. "Very well. Hans, I believe you have our response."
The Commerce Minister nodded. "That is all I have."
"Very well," Bismarck said. "We will retire until next week. Herr Rosendbladt, if you will stay a moment."
The other ministers gathered their papers and left the room, leaving the Iron Chancellor and his War Minister alone.
"I received an aerial reconnaissance report this morning," Bismarck said. "It was taken along the Persian border."
"I have seen it," Rosenbladt said neutrally.
"Then you are aware of the Persian armor spotted along the border?"
"Yes, Herr Bismarck. I am also aware of the airbases being constructed along the border near New Berlin."
"How serious do you treat this threat?" Bismarck asked in a resigned voice.
"With your permission, I would already be loading our Panzers onto the railcars and be moving the bulk of our forces from the occupied cities to the southern border, along with our fighters and bombers. I believe the Persian threat is greater than the threat ever poised by the Triple Alliance."
"I will be meeting with the French ambassador this afternoon, and the Babylonian tomorrow morning, to see the position of their governments toward Xerxes. I will contact you in three days. In the meantime, I want you to begin moving the bulk of our Panzers south, leaving our defensive units in the occupied cities." Bismarck parted the curtains and looked out at the city of Berlin. "I will order the mobilization of our factories immediately. In the meantime, continue our aerial monitoring."
"As you command."
It is a time of relative peace. Throughout the world, scientific and cultural achievements abound. The Triple Alliance of Zululand, England, and Russia has been defeated by a Coalition of Nations, led by the German Democracy and the Persian Empire. The Great War of Aggression ended with the annihilation of the Zulu and the detonation of three nuclear weapons, reluctantly launched from German missile silos, on three English cities. As the world's greatest armies slowly dwindle to their pre-1950 size, the world prepares for what seems to be a necessary peace; for what nation would dare start a war, with the threat of a nuclear holocaust? Apparently, only one.
German Chamber of War, Berlin - 1978
"We now turn the time over to the Minister of Commerce."
"Danke," Hans Schmidt, Minister of Commerce, said. "Our furs trade with France continues to provide us with a great source of income, as does our spice deal with the Babylonians, which I have recently renewed. However, I'm afraid our current situation with the Persians is a bit more...precarious."
From the expressions of the other Ministers, this was no new revelation.
"They have once again made an offer for our uranium. They now offer, in addition to their wines and incense, quite a large sum of gold and rubber. Normally, I would without hesitation decline their offer, except they had not previously offered us rubber, a resource which they seem to have an unlimited supply, and one that we are quickly using up. I now bring it before the Ministry for discussion."
"Under no circumstances can we allow the Persians uranium-from us, or anyone else," the War Minister declared. "Persia has become increasingly hostile toward us, and the only thing preventing a war is our nuclear deterrence. Their air superiority endangers Germany as it is."
"I agree," Verlag, Minister of Domestic Affairs. "We would have a disaster on our hands if the people found out that Persian nuclear missiles were aimed at our cities."
"Are all ministers in agreeance?" Bismarck asked. They nodded. "Very well. Hans, I believe you have our response."
The Commerce Minister nodded. "That is all I have."
"Very well," Bismarck said. "We will retire until next week. Herr Rosendbladt, if you will stay a moment."
The other ministers gathered their papers and left the room, leaving the Iron Chancellor and his War Minister alone.
"I received an aerial reconnaissance report this morning," Bismarck said. "It was taken along the Persian border."
"I have seen it," Rosenbladt said neutrally.
"Then you are aware of the Persian armor spotted along the border?"
"Yes, Herr Bismarck. I am also aware of the airbases being constructed along the border near New Berlin."
"How serious do you treat this threat?" Bismarck asked in a resigned voice.
"With your permission, I would already be loading our Panzers onto the railcars and be moving the bulk of our forces from the occupied cities to the southern border, along with our fighters and bombers. I believe the Persian threat is greater than the threat ever poised by the Triple Alliance."
"I will be meeting with the French ambassador this afternoon, and the Babylonian tomorrow morning, to see the position of their governments toward Xerxes. I will contact you in three days. In the meantime, I want you to begin moving the bulk of our Panzers south, leaving our defensive units in the occupied cities." Bismarck parted the curtains and looked out at the city of Berlin. "I will order the mobilization of our factories immediately. In the meantime, continue our aerial monitoring."
"As you command."