The sun was beautiful over the open plains of the East Persian Plains. Xexus walked slowly on patrol along the stone walkway at the top wall along the eastern edge of Persepolis. Since the Greeks had attacked and retaken Delphi last year, there was an impending threat of invasion along the east.
The rising sun reflecting off the dew-covered prairie lit the endless fields with a bright yellow glow. Beautiful, it made spotting any enemy forces coming in on the horizon very difficult. It's okay, the scouts would spot any Greek troops before me anyways. , Xexus assured himself. He stopped, listening very carefully. The rapid pounding of a horse gallop interrupted the silent morning patrol. The sound was faint, but getting louder as the scout approached. Xexus raised his hand and shaded his eyes from the sun. The scout, clad in Persian army attire was riding hard and fast.
"Open the gate, Greek troops approaching!" the rider yelled. Xexus turned to the inside and relayed the order to the gatekeepers.
"Open the gate! Scout approaching!" The men at the gate hurried to the door. They lifted the large wooden block and heaved it aside. Clutching the wooden handles, the men backpeddled and the door slowly opened with a piercing creak as the iron joints scraped against each other.
Xexus turned towards the East scanning the horizon for Greeks. The Persian rider had managed to outride the Greek forward scouts. Tired from miles of intense riding, the horse slowed to a stop as the rider entered the inner walls......
that's enough for now, I'll continue this later
The rising sun reflecting off the dew-covered prairie lit the endless fields with a bright yellow glow. Beautiful, it made spotting any enemy forces coming in on the horizon very difficult. It's okay, the scouts would spot any Greek troops before me anyways. , Xexus assured himself. He stopped, listening very carefully. The rapid pounding of a horse gallop interrupted the silent morning patrol. The sound was faint, but getting louder as the scout approached. Xexus raised his hand and shaded his eyes from the sun. The scout, clad in Persian army attire was riding hard and fast.
"Open the gate, Greek troops approaching!" the rider yelled. Xexus turned to the inside and relayed the order to the gatekeepers.
"Open the gate! Scout approaching!" The men at the gate hurried to the door. They lifted the large wooden block and heaved it aside. Clutching the wooden handles, the men backpeddled and the door slowly opened with a piercing creak as the iron joints scraped against each other.
Xexus turned towards the East scanning the horizon for Greeks. The Persian rider had managed to outride the Greek forward scouts. Tired from miles of intense riding, the horse slowed to a stop as the rider entered the inner walls......
that's enough for now, I'll continue this later