Okay at first this is gonna sound like a fantasy but it does somewhat pertain to Civ3. Also if this sounds like Sovy Kurosei's story A New Creation of Order well I PMed him and he said I could take his beast thing idea.
So here goes nothing
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Chapter 1: Commudus' Sacrifice.
The howls and screechs seem to come from the fires of Hell itself. The Hordes of Death had arrived. Maximus could hear the Dark Lord laughing. That icy cold laugh was a sign of death. No person who had heard that laugh ever lived.
The Dark Lord raised his hand and let it fall. Now the Hordes roared as 1. The Hordes ran so fast and so controlled it look like a black and red flood. Those few brave pike men that had stayed where killed almost instantly. Maximus watched in horror as several of the raptor beasts [half man half Velciraptor] threw a pike man in to the air, then jumped and clawed him to the ground. But wait there was pike man who actually gotten close to the Dark Lord. He raised his weapon, but the Dark Lord, almost sensing it, swiveled his head and laughed. He raised his hand, and almost instantly the beasts stopped.
" Well done soldier, Well done. " said the Dark Lord amused. The pike man was looking absolutely bewildered and was eyeing the beasts aprehensely.
" For getting so close to me, you may take your family and 1 other to the nearest city. I will bypass that city allowing you to prepare some " adaquate " defenses.
" I don't have a family. " muttered the soldier. Maximus recogised the soldier as Commudus, his best friend. " They were killed in the last of your raids. " The Dark Lord looking throughly amused called one of the Wolf Beasts forward. He snapped his fingers and the beast puked up a middle aged woman and a 12 year old boy covered in slime and other unmentionable things.
" Is this your family? " laughed the Dark Lord. Commudus couldn't controll himself.
" You Bastard!!!! " he screamed. He lept at the Dark Lord, but the Dark Lord simply stared and his eyes went form dark tunnel black to a firey red. Maximus had heard myths that the Dark Lord had psychic powers. Commudus was stopped dead in mid-air.
" For your bravery pick ONE person to go in your stead. " said the Dark Lord but his voice was no longer amused but sounded as though the gates of Hell had awoken and the Devil himself was roaring.
" I chose Maximus. " Maximus could hardly believe it. The Dark Lord then gave him a horse and said to go to the top of the nearest hill. Maximus did so. Then for some strange reason the beasts had dug in the ground. Maximus then shifted his eyes to the Dark Lord and gasped.
Commudus was still floating in mid-air. The rest of the town was watching as though transfixed. Beams of light were appearing out of nowhere and were zooming to the Dark Lord. The light was turning black and pulsating.
Then the light stopped zooming to the Dark Lord and forze. Then the light exploded out of the Dark Lord and washed across the town.
When the light receded all that was left was a dark black skull and the Dark Lord laughing.
So here goes nothing
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Chapter 1: Commudus' Sacrifice.
The howls and screechs seem to come from the fires of Hell itself. The Hordes of Death had arrived. Maximus could hear the Dark Lord laughing. That icy cold laugh was a sign of death. No person who had heard that laugh ever lived.
The Dark Lord raised his hand and let it fall. Now the Hordes roared as 1. The Hordes ran so fast and so controlled it look like a black and red flood. Those few brave pike men that had stayed where killed almost instantly. Maximus watched in horror as several of the raptor beasts [half man half Velciraptor] threw a pike man in to the air, then jumped and clawed him to the ground. But wait there was pike man who actually gotten close to the Dark Lord. He raised his weapon, but the Dark Lord, almost sensing it, swiveled his head and laughed. He raised his hand, and almost instantly the beasts stopped.
" Well done soldier, Well done. " said the Dark Lord amused. The pike man was looking absolutely bewildered and was eyeing the beasts aprehensely.
" For getting so close to me, you may take your family and 1 other to the nearest city. I will bypass that city allowing you to prepare some " adaquate " defenses.
" I don't have a family. " muttered the soldier. Maximus recogised the soldier as Commudus, his best friend. " They were killed in the last of your raids. " The Dark Lord looking throughly amused called one of the Wolf Beasts forward. He snapped his fingers and the beast puked up a middle aged woman and a 12 year old boy covered in slime and other unmentionable things.
" Is this your family? " laughed the Dark Lord. Commudus couldn't controll himself.
" You Bastard!!!! " he screamed. He lept at the Dark Lord, but the Dark Lord simply stared and his eyes went form dark tunnel black to a firey red. Maximus had heard myths that the Dark Lord had psychic powers. Commudus was stopped dead in mid-air.
" For your bravery pick ONE person to go in your stead. " said the Dark Lord but his voice was no longer amused but sounded as though the gates of Hell had awoken and the Devil himself was roaring.
" I chose Maximus. " Maximus could hardly believe it. The Dark Lord then gave him a horse and said to go to the top of the nearest hill. Maximus did so. Then for some strange reason the beasts had dug in the ground. Maximus then shifted his eyes to the Dark Lord and gasped.
Commudus was still floating in mid-air. The rest of the town was watching as though transfixed. Beams of light were appearing out of nowhere and were zooming to the Dark Lord. The light was turning black and pulsating.
Then the light stopped zooming to the Dark Lord and forze. Then the light exploded out of the Dark Lord and washed across the town.
When the light receded all that was left was a dark black skull and the Dark Lord laughing.