Egypt , the ancient land of wonder , a nation born of the gods and destined by the stars for greatness....
The history of Egypt has like her Queen, has been shrouded in myth and legend for time immemorial . The deeds of her people have been the making of legends since story telling began and the power of the egyptian gods have seen all their enemies prostrate before them. From humble beginings in the misty hills around the nile delta to mans first tentative grasps for the stars the egyptian people had led the human race everforward in the pursuit of enlightenment. Those nations which had seen the light chose to follow Egypts gleaming example and were strengthened and bettered for their loyalty ... for those who had fallen to the dark and chose to stand in Egypts way , only isolation , poverty , scientific stagnation and the eventuall overthrow of their empires was their rewards.
The Egyptian Empire was the envy of all others , her people delighted in their superior cultural achievments and their scientific community was rivalled only by the prowess of her Majestic Armed Forces.
However as with all greatness came a danger... jealousy.
From across the Gulf of Athribis the Roman Republic looked on at the magnificence of egypt with envious eyes , in Egypt the Roman Senate saw what Rome should be , a world leader , apowerhouse of ideas and greatness and as their envy grew ever deeper so their greed grew ever stronger and deep in the heart of the senatorial Citadel below the streets of Rome they drew their plans for Greatness.
The Senate of Rome knew that to defeat Egypt alone would be a feat only the Gods could perform so they dispatched envoys to the four corners of the globe in an attempt to gain allies for thier devious and callous assault on the worlds greatest power. They found only a few , but were heartened by the news that thier greed was matched by others and now braver and less furtive they chose their first victim.
Babylonia , once a great power nestled on the tip of the egyptian empire , they had chosen their lot and during the early 15th century had lauched an assault against egypt herself , it was a mistake of cataclismic proportions for their nation . In thier initial attack thier bowmen had raised two of egypts finest cities,
invoking the rage of the entire empire . Prince Rameses himself was ordered to take charge of the armies of egypt and crush Hamurabis hordes .
When he was done , no less than fourteen years later Babylonia was no more , only a small handfull of colonies on the Roman side of the gulf of Athribis were allowed to remain as Soverign states and these were under Egyptian Domminion until 1870 when the last of the Pacification forces were withdrawn.
The Roman invasion of ' The Western Babalonian City States ' was watched closely from egypt . Special intrest was paid when a group of Modern Armour was seen heading for the front lines . Up untill this point many in Egypt belived the Romans to be a backward nation . This was clearly no longer the case and on the day the Romans announced their victory over Babylon the Egyptian Government announced a three fold increase in defence spending.
As the year 1986 drew to a close the Roman Senate made public its Mutual Protection Pacts with Greece , the second largest nation on earth and sharing a land border with Egypts northern neighbour and earstwhile Ally Persia , and Germany Egypts most troublesome advessary , with whom egypt had fought several lengthy wars with over the Soverignty of the Southern Islands and lay not less than two hundred miles to the east across the Southern Ocean.
Within a year Roman Troops were Massing on the Persian border , and Egypt , the greatest nation on the planet braced herself for ' Total War'.
Egypt , the ancient land of wonder , a nation born of the gods and destined by the stars for greatness....
The history of Egypt has like her Queen, has been shrouded in myth and legend for time immemorial . The deeds of her people have been the making of legends since story telling began and the power of the egyptian gods have seen all their enemies prostrate before them. From humble beginings in the misty hills around the nile delta to mans first tentative grasps for the stars the egyptian people had led the human race everforward in the pursuit of enlightenment. Those nations which had seen the light chose to follow Egypts gleaming example and were strengthened and bettered for their loyalty ... for those who had fallen to the dark and chose to stand in Egypts way , only isolation , poverty , scientific stagnation and the eventuall overthrow of their empires was their rewards.
The Egyptian Empire was the envy of all others , her people delighted in their superior cultural achievments and their scientific community was rivalled only by the prowess of her Majestic Armed Forces.
However as with all greatness came a danger... jealousy.
From across the Gulf of Athribis the Roman Republic looked on at the magnificence of egypt with envious eyes , in Egypt the Roman Senate saw what Rome should be , a world leader , apowerhouse of ideas and greatness and as their envy grew ever deeper so their greed grew ever stronger and deep in the heart of the senatorial Citadel below the streets of Rome they drew their plans for Greatness.
The Senate of Rome knew that to defeat Egypt alone would be a feat only the Gods could perform so they dispatched envoys to the four corners of the globe in an attempt to gain allies for thier devious and callous assault on the worlds greatest power. They found only a few , but were heartened by the news that thier greed was matched by others and now braver and less furtive they chose their first victim.
Babylonia , once a great power nestled on the tip of the egyptian empire , they had chosen their lot and during the early 15th century had lauched an assault against egypt herself , it was a mistake of cataclismic proportions for their nation . In thier initial attack thier bowmen had raised two of egypts finest cities,
invoking the rage of the entire empire . Prince Rameses himself was ordered to take charge of the armies of egypt and crush Hamurabis hordes .
When he was done , no less than fourteen years later Babylonia was no more , only a small handfull of colonies on the Roman side of the gulf of Athribis were allowed to remain as Soverign states and these were under Egyptian Domminion until 1870 when the last of the Pacification forces were withdrawn.
The Roman invasion of ' The Western Babalonian City States ' was watched closely from egypt . Special intrest was paid when a group of Modern Armour was seen heading for the front lines . Up untill this point many in Egypt belived the Romans to be a backward nation . This was clearly no longer the case and on the day the Romans announced their victory over Babylon the Egyptian Government announced a three fold increase in defence spending.
As the year 1986 drew to a close the Roman Senate made public its Mutual Protection Pacts with Greece , the second largest nation on earth and sharing a land border with Egypts northern neighbour and earstwhile Ally Persia , and Germany Egypts most troublesome advessary , with whom egypt had fought several lengthy wars with over the Soverignty of the Southern Islands and lay not less than two hundred miles to the east across the Southern Ocean.
Within a year Roman Troops were Massing on the Persian border , and Egypt , the greatest nation on the planet braced herself for ' Total War'.