Heyyyyyyy..............I finally made it out of the Ancient years on Regent....yippeeeee ! this is my 3rd regent game , so just surviving into the Industrial Ages is big news . the first 2 games never made it to Middle ages .
overall , not doing real well on score . think I'm in 6th out of 9 civs( but I FEEL like a million bucks ) , on a large archipalaego map . 4 or 5 continents , all elongated snake-like in shape . very cool map; gonna be some interesting naval encounters in the future , as there are many blockade oppurtunities .
the ancient ages went completely war-free . strange thing , with the Aztecs in it ! I started with about 10 cities , with just enough resources/luxeries to provide a stable income . so far , Ive gotten everything I need within my borders , except horses . but who needs horses when you got Immortals . the Great Library got me caught up on the tech-tree .
All hell broke loose in the early Middle Ages .major war declarations everywhere , couldnt keep track of all the alliances , and later the MPP's . the Zulu declared on me , with a military the same size as mine . they were to my immediate East , with a major bottle-neck type border . I took 1 city pretty quick , then razed another shortly afterward ( for culture flip reasons ) . my Immortals and Knights/Cavalry ( traded for horses from Babs )ran around the country-side like school boys at a Brittany Spears concert ! when the smoke cleared , I took about 80% of the Zulu territory , with the Iroquois taking the rest . the Iroqs jumped in at the end , just like the Russians right after Fatman and Littleboy fell on Japan . the Iroqs started to the East of the Zulus , so that makes them my new neighbor along with the Germans on a seperate peninsula to the south of Iroq and to the south-east of myself . currently the Iroqs are invading Germany , so I'll have to watch that play out for future expansion possibilities ; depending on diplomatic relations with the related parties . overall it was the best invasion I've ever executed , leaving no blanks for other Civs to fill ; upon cease-fire with Zulus , I immediately sealed off newly acquired territory with my units to prevent other Civs from penetrating new borders with settelers . the war ended with me and the Babs in the beginning of what I hope is a long relationship , as in MPP( their idea ! ) . they are the powerhouse to my immediate west , gotta stay cool with them and the Americans on a different continent . also had a couple run-ins with the Russians , but have yet to see much of an assault . they are 2 continents away , with my buddies the Americans nearby .I pity the souls of the Russians if the Babs intervene on my behalf.........you just dont mess with the Babs .and I think the Babs have an MPP with America , so it would appear I have friends in high places. by the way , Ive had to pay the Babs a little " protection bonus " a couple times ; well worth it .
Future expansion : I got my eye on the Egyptians , who are on their very own continent about 3 squares away , with the continent running parrelel to mine ( easy invasion ). my military is large compared to theirs , and I'm ahead on the Tech -tree . they have no money , no MPPs , basically nothing to offer the world ............except LUXERIES ! and they have 1 city on my continent with a coal source ! if ( or should I say WHEN ) I take that city , it would be my 2nd source of coal . I'm currently trying to provoke them into a fight with constant border crossings and obnoxious offers for their luxeries . so far they arent biting .
currently building up economic status of my nation , but once again find myself buying the best Techs from the Big 3 ( Babs , Americans , and I forgot the 3rd ) .
this all occured during a 12 hour Civ marathon on Saturday !
what a grueling day........hahahahahaha
overall , not doing real well on score . think I'm in 6th out of 9 civs( but I FEEL like a million bucks ) , on a large archipalaego map . 4 or 5 continents , all elongated snake-like in shape . very cool map; gonna be some interesting naval encounters in the future , as there are many blockade oppurtunities .
the ancient ages went completely war-free . strange thing , with the Aztecs in it ! I started with about 10 cities , with just enough resources/luxeries to provide a stable income . so far , Ive gotten everything I need within my borders , except horses . but who needs horses when you got Immortals . the Great Library got me caught up on the tech-tree .
All hell broke loose in the early Middle Ages .major war declarations everywhere , couldnt keep track of all the alliances , and later the MPP's . the Zulu declared on me , with a military the same size as mine . they were to my immediate East , with a major bottle-neck type border . I took 1 city pretty quick , then razed another shortly afterward ( for culture flip reasons ) . my Immortals and Knights/Cavalry ( traded for horses from Babs )ran around the country-side like school boys at a Brittany Spears concert ! when the smoke cleared , I took about 80% of the Zulu territory , with the Iroquois taking the rest . the Iroqs jumped in at the end , just like the Russians right after Fatman and Littleboy fell on Japan . the Iroqs started to the East of the Zulus , so that makes them my new neighbor along with the Germans on a seperate peninsula to the south of Iroq and to the south-east of myself . currently the Iroqs are invading Germany , so I'll have to watch that play out for future expansion possibilities ; depending on diplomatic relations with the related parties . overall it was the best invasion I've ever executed , leaving no blanks for other Civs to fill ; upon cease-fire with Zulus , I immediately sealed off newly acquired territory with my units to prevent other Civs from penetrating new borders with settelers . the war ended with me and the Babs in the beginning of what I hope is a long relationship , as in MPP( their idea ! ) . they are the powerhouse to my immediate west , gotta stay cool with them and the Americans on a different continent . also had a couple run-ins with the Russians , but have yet to see much of an assault . they are 2 continents away , with my buddies the Americans nearby .I pity the souls of the Russians if the Babs intervene on my behalf.........you just dont mess with the Babs .and I think the Babs have an MPP with America , so it would appear I have friends in high places. by the way , Ive had to pay the Babs a little " protection bonus " a couple times ; well worth it .
Future expansion : I got my eye on the Egyptians , who are on their very own continent about 3 squares away , with the continent running parrelel to mine ( easy invasion ). my military is large compared to theirs , and I'm ahead on the Tech -tree . they have no money , no MPPs , basically nothing to offer the world ............except LUXERIES ! and they have 1 city on my continent with a coal source ! if ( or should I say WHEN ) I take that city , it would be my 2nd source of coal . I'm currently trying to provoke them into a fight with constant border crossings and obnoxious offers for their luxeries . so far they arent biting .
currently building up economic status of my nation , but once again find myself buying the best Techs from the Big 3 ( Babs , Americans , and I forgot the 3rd ) .
this all occured during a 12 hour Civ marathon on Saturday !
what a grueling day........hahahahahaha