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Call To Power 2 Cradle 3+ mod in progress:
Originally posted by trickey
guys im sorry but i have to quit, i lost interset.
Does that mean that King Heron took over Macedonia killing old King Pleb???
"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio
Syn contemplated the Germans request. On one hand, these Vikings could use the theory behind the Republic, and become too busy to increasing their own infastructure.
But the emperess narrowed her eyes. How can these Vikings hope to use the Republic effectively though? Although this Northern Civilization has come far in improving their road networks, and teaching their youngsters about the theorums and technologies provided in part by the Romans themselves, will the Vikings effectively use this theory of the Republic properly?
"Here is the deal," began Syn, a couple of her servents turning their heads back to her, with pen and paper in hand.
"We will exchange this republic with you, in exchange for some coastal land. With such coastal land, the shipping of ores, furs and wines will go more smoothly with both the strengths of Roman knowledge and Eastern German might," said Syn, her one of her servents writing down the message, and rushing off after the emperess dismissed her servent.
The fog bank was rolling into Rome, as the sun began to slowly rise. It is not often that fog does go through Rome. But the clanking and clinging of armour is heard, as her former swordsmen were practicing in their new sets of armour as pikemen.
The sound was coupled with the blacksmith in the distance, banging down, refining and air blasting an alloy to perfection.
And all these sounds were coupled with the creaking newly built galleons, floating on the sea and bobbing up and down like a cork.
It was a magnificant sight to see, and it was only has been a few weeks since these advancements have been uncovered.
Syn smiled. The fog didn't cloud her vision as she saw her empire ever expanding technologically.
"They cannot be trusted! they only want the land as a platform from which to invade us!" Percipus shouted.
"I'm not so sure, a common border might be the first step on a path towards an alliance, and maybe even a East German superpower."Alarich replied.
"You're mad, i demand control of this nation!"
Alarich swung with his peacemaker sword, but Percipus parried. running out of the Advisor house to rally support to his revolution.
To Rome:
I accept you'r deal but for that land i think maybe another tech would not be too much to ask. maybe Literature?
Giovannurk was sleeping on his royal bed, while all around him the Selucid people were voting on who should be the new king of Seleucia.
Tarik organized the elections well, he gave vote right to every citizens of the Selucids, and expanded the citizenship to every male theat earned more the 40 Gios (the new Seleucid money) a year. Tarik knew that the people would have been happy of that, and he knew that the rich people would have voted for King Giovannurk.
-Two days later-
Rukulun just finished counting the vote, surprisingly enough Giovanurk received other 75% of the votes, the other candidate, Burukir, was soon arrested and put in jail.
Giovannurk was elected King of the Seleucids once again.
"Tarik, what do you think of my victory?"
"Well, I was sure you would have won, you served this nation well, and the people were happy"
"What about our Science advisor?"
"He is very happy, and he declared that we will now be able to research things faster than ever"
"good, so we reached our goals"
"well, not exactly...... did you hear of the death of King Pleb?"
"Pleb?.. our old friend? that's not possible"
"It is, King Heron, that was exiliated from Syracuse, went to Macedon, he than payed a killer in order to muder Pleb and took over the country"
"call for a special meeting of the Mediterraneum Alliance, I want to hear from everybody on what should be done"
"ok, sire, I will invite all leader in a special meeting in Cyprus"
"call Rome and Delphi too"
"I will sire"
In short
Selucids are now a Repubblic, and will now be a fast-tech nation.
Giovannurk call for a meeting of the Alliance + Rome and Delphi in order to decide what to do with Macedon
"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio
Alkiabades praises the Seleucid and Carthaginian support in opposing Heron, but says his people will not tolerate another war and the military buildup that comes with it. He will attend the meeting but the Assembly has passed laws limiting the length of a mobilization if no war is declared.
Syn watched the bobbing of one of her newly built ships. Called a 'Careval', these ships can speed across much of the mediterranian in half the time it takes for the old Triemes, and the successor, the galley's.
The newest and most advanced in her fleet, the 'RS Teuton' is ready for sailing supplies and information between two points on any known map. But Syn was interrupted from her gawking of the small floating palace, as one of her subordinates addressed the emperess.
"My Liegress," addressed the steel and iron cladded knight, "The Vikings have agreed to our proposition, if only you tell them of the theory of literature,"
"Oh? Is that so?" replied Syn, her purple eyes gazing from her new ship, to the knight who is kneeling down at her feet.
"Tell their leader we accept their counterproposal," said Syn, her eyes fixing back on her ship as she was sitting on her portable throne.
"My Emperess? Is it so wise to allow these Vikings the knowledge of literature?" asked the knight, named Octavius.
"Why not? They are bound to record their histories on scraps of paper soon enough. How do you think we learnt? From superior beings? And if so, how did those superior beings learn how to read and write?" Syn said, her eyes looking back down at the knight, but are slightly narrowed as the subordinate questioned her order.
"As I have given you a reason now, do NOT question my commands again," the now angry woman said, her fingers gripping the thrones arm, and her nails digging into the metals.
The knight quietly backed off, and relayed the message to the Vikings that their offer is accepted.
But before the Knight could get out of the sight of Syn, she called him back once more.
"But, I am willing to give a second chance. You may board the new Roman ship, the RS Teuton, in order to assist in relaying the message,"stated Syn. The Octavius' muscles slowly relaxed, now the burden of message relaying was cut signifcantly, as the two routes of going through Central Germany, or the unclaimed lands to be ferried to East Germany are now gone.
"Prepare the message and technology immediately," said Syn. Octavius ran off, now pleased that the emperess has offered him a second chance.
Syn summoned somebody else, and spoke privately to them momentarily.
It was only 2 hours later when Octavius was seen, onboard the RS Teuton, sailing away to East Germany. He had a mop in hand, and was swabbing the deck.
The young emperess smirked. She knew that Octavius won't ever doubt her orders again. Ever.
But that was the least of her concerns, as Praetor Maximus has brought up an interesting report with King Heron slapped on as a title.
She knew this couldn't be of any good, as the situation in Syracuse of his expultion could only resault in more trouble.
"I believe King Heron might try something against the colony of Rome," said Praetor Maximus.
Foreign Advisor Julius simply stared down at the table, with General Veii nodding in approval with Maximus' statement.
"If the Macedonians mass up an army and navy, I don't think Rome could last so long in case of an invasion takes place," continued Praetor Maximus.
"We only have a small parcel of land to bordering the Macedonians. If anything, at least strengthen our grasp on the colony," said Veii, as he twiddled with his fingers, slightly anxious with King Heron taking command of an even larger empire then Syracuse.
Syn thought to herself. With the expansion in East Germany, most of the ships will be too busy transporting goods between Rome and the new colony. But the Balkans Colony needs the extra fortification in order to withstand an assault, if one does strike the borders of Rome.
"General Veii, Praetor Maximus... Foreign Advisor Julius. My new orders are to use whatever ships to transport settlers to the Balkans Colony. They are to continue past the colony, towards the east. We should further our expansion alongst the Macedonian northern border. If the Macedonians, under the Rulers order, decides to expand, he will have to go around Roman held territory first," Syn said, her mind worked out her new solution. General Veii continued to stare at the Emperess, to finish her idea, before discussing any more strategies.
"King Heron, after he settles down the populace with his new rule, may want to annex the Central Germans, the Teutonics. With vast tracks of land, he can slowly expand, consuming each and every confederate German city state," the Emperess aid, her eyes darting between each of her advisors eyes.
"But what of the East German colony?" ask Julius.
"For now, Julius, we will have to put off any serious advancements on hold for now." replied Syn.
"And the navy?" asked Veii.
"To assist and to protect any goods going to our new East German colony. As well to help with shipping colonists to the Balkans Colony," again Syn replied. She thought to herself that hopefully her plan would be acceptable to the Senate tomorrow.
"And the defense of the colonists, and even the existing colony?" asked Praetor Maximus this time.
"Yes, that... We will have to transport our new pikeman divisions along with the new colonists. This is to... Defend our new expanding territories that we are claiming for the Romans," replied Syn. Her finger jotting down the new plans of expansion and defense are written onto a peice of paper.
"Tell the Seleuicids, Syracuse, and Carthage that Rome cannot participate into any attack on Macedonia, unless Rome is defending for her allies or herself,"
The morning sun was already beginning to glow, as the meeting was adjourned.
- Main Events! -
1. Give the East Germans literature for the new East German Colony.
2. Rome is to begin claiming land again over the Macedonian Norther border. Colonists and the new pikeman divisions are to begin the defense of Roman held Balkan Territories.
3. Syn says nay to attacking Macedonia, until King Heron does something silly first, like invading Rome, Rhodes, or Selecuids.
After years of death and destruction, the Egyptian Civil War had finally ended.
The war started, because King Ramses so badly wanted to have the biggest fleet in the world, that he didn't care about his people anymore. He raised taxes, and let his people work overtime.
A part of the nobility took advantage of the hatred from the people against the king. The reason they did this was because a lot of them had to give all their slaves and a lot of gold and silver to the king. He called it a 'fleet tax'.
The leader of the rebels was Rachoka, a rich man from Alexandria. Secretly, he formed an army to fight the king. He kept his army quite small, to keep it secret for the king. But when the king went to Carthage to discuss expansion matters, Rachoko asked in public to join the rebellion to rid Egypt of the evil king.
Thousands of men from Alexandria, and also from memphis and Elephantine joined his army. A part from the existing army and the entire fleet deserted to the rebels. However, the part of the army that came from southern cities, like Thebes, remained loyal to the king, because they were afraid the northern cities would become too dominant.
The commander of the loyal forces decided to retreat to Thebes, at least until he contacted the king. The rebel army wasn't organised too well and Rachoko decided not to pursue the loyalists immediately, so he would have time to draft new recruits and to organise his army better. But this was a mistake. Rachoko did get some extra recruits, but he had totally forgotten the loyal army also could get new recruits!
Rachoko lead his army to Thebes, as there was no other choice. Other nations would probably help Ramses and he wanted to end the war quickly. The struggle was very tight, but the rebels couldn't take the city. The day after the assault the king returned.
The king ordered to fortify the city, and due to lack of water the rebels had to return to the north. The following years were full of struggle. The loyalists gained the upper hand. After six years of fighting they stood before the city of Alexandria, 'the Pearl of Egypt'. In this battle the two leaders fought each other personally. Full of hatred, they bashed on each other. Finally, when Ramses managed to kill his rival, he was killed by an arrow shot by one of of the rebels. The loyalists were furious. The rebels had cheated, it was not allowed to attack any of the two leaders during the fight. The loyalists were leaderless now, as Ramses' wife died when getting a child, and he had no children, except a one year old girl. He had no borthers and sisters either.
The rebels however, did have a leader. The daughter of Rachoko, Cleopatra, lead the army now. Later came out she was the one who had shot the arrow! She was a skilled archer, and a very good general. The loyalist didn't know what to do, and Cleopatra used that very skillfully to her advantage. Three years after the death of the king, her army was in Thebes, and the loyalists surrendered. Cleoptra was now the first queen of Egypt.
She knew there was a lot to do though. The land had to be rebuilt, and she gave orders to do that as quickly as possible, but the workers should start with building infrastructure and temples, as they were there key for unity, according to Cleopatra.
She still is unsure what to do about foreign affairs. She considers withdrawal from the meditereanean alliance, because she hates everything Ramses had done. But it seemed very dangerous, as the Egypt could well become a target. She decides to see how the situation around Macedon evolves, and then to decide.
She does send a messenger to Rome to ask about the possibilities between an alliance between Egypt and Rome.
In short:
1. Cleopatra is now queen of Egypt!
2. Rebuilding of Egyptian lands begins
Carthage sends 100,000 gold pieces(a princely sum I hope, if not increase it!) to Egypt to help rebuild after it's civil war. Hannibal welcomes Cleopatra as Queen of Egypt, and has heard of her beauty.
His enemies fear a marriage between Cleopatra and Hannibal could create an African super-state that could render them powerless, but Hannibal shows little signs of taking a wife - yet.
But his enemies begin to plot...
Quote:"He who has not learned to obey cannot be a great leader."