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SUNES-Storywriters' Union NES

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    • Alkiabades looked at Archimedes suspiciously. "What makes me think I can trust you?"

      "What makes me think I can trust you?" replied Archimedes. "For all I know, you could be an agent of the king testing my loyalty."

      "I am not. Almost a century ago my grandfather, who shares my name, was exiled to Syracuse from Athens. The king, who at the time was friendly with Sparta, welcomed him. His experiences in Athens taught him a thing or two about freedom and democracy. He taught them to me."

      "You can say that, but how do I know you're not lying?"

      "I don't know. I guess there are some things you just have to believe."

      "I'll come to the meeting." He sighed. "When and where?"


      • At the throne Room in Seleucia "Tarik" say Giovannurk "did we finish settling the land on the North"

        "We should, sire, unfortunately our mapmakers did not finish drawing the map , sire"


        "Do you want more land sire?"

        "No, I think we have a preatty big Empire as it is, I was trying to think of a way to make our Empire more efficient"

        "I heard, sire, that the Romans have a very good government sire, it is call Repubblic"


        "Yes sire, basically every some year there are elections on who should be the Emperor"

        "Uhmm, but, what if I lose my elections"

        "You will not sire, you did good for our country, plus, we will pilote the elections so that you'll always win"

        "sounds good, but what are the advantages"

        "well, the people will believe to have some power, therefore they will be happier, and our scientist will be more efficient"

        "oh... nice, what about drawbacks?"

        "drawbacks are that people will riot if we stay at war for too long, plus it will be expensive to mantain a too big army"

        "uhmm, I think that, as we are right now, we should try this...Repubblic, set up some rules for the changment!!"

        "Uh... I wuold sire, but... I don't know exctly how this system works"

        "well.... call Rukulun, and tell him to ask the Romans the secret of Repubblic"


        In short
        Seleucids wants Repubblic from Rome, what Rome wants from Seleucids for Repubblics???

        "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
        The trick is the doing something else."
        — Leonardo da Vinci
        "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
        "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


        • OOC: Civman, what about Carthage's expansions?! The aqueducts should help me expand into the desert, but my main colonising thrusts are south at the mouths of my expansion, as shown on the map below.

          Once that colonisation is complete, I will begin to expand into the desert using the aqueducts.

          Attached Files
          Quote:"He who has not learned to obey cannot be a great leader."


          • everyone's expansion will be up this afternoon. Note that as of today carthage and syracuse are in the early middle ages, which go up to knights and pikemen and maybe longbowmen. The middle middle ages go up to caravels and musketmen, and late is the rest.

            "Achimedes, you wanted to speak with me?"

            "Yes. I have developed a new economic and political system which will ensure our international supremacy. I call it feudalism. Here I have a short document on how it works." He handed it to the king. "It allows us to build up a military much faster and use a new weapon called a 'pike'. The disadvantage is that you have less control over the country. However, rebellion would be futile unless a large amount of your vassals were disloyal, in which case they would be successful under our current system anyways. I personally will be humble and continue working for you as the Royal Scientist and refuse any fief."

            "Sounds great! Let's get this implemented ASAP!"

            So Syracuse has switched to a feudal monarchy.


            • (OOC: what are we in 273BC? Yeah middle ages real realistic where are the reality police when you need them?)


              • OOC: I personally think that tech gaining shouldn't go by so quickly.

                Giovanni, I'll type up my reply later, as I have other business to attend to as of right now.


                • tech was set to be 1/3 era a week for medium tech rate civs...we were already in the late ancient so now we're early middle ages.

                  "As you know, Heron, Archimedes has been devoting himself to defensive science for a while," said Military Advisor Phillip Argos. "SO I have decided to put some people in my department to work on creating offensive strategies. We have created an armored horseman deign we call 'knights'."

                  Just then, a messenger rushed in and handed a note to Heron.

                  "Royal Vassals in revolt Alkiabades and Archimedes in head of it introdcuing feudalism was part of it," read Heron aloud.

                  "Yes a large army was attacking when I was sent off," said the messenger. "I serve Royal Vassal Markos. He was being attacked by what seemed like nearly all of the other vasslas!"

                  "That *@#&@$# Archimedes! Was he with the rebels?"

                  "I think so."

                  "OK, leave. Phillip, I want the Royal Guard mobilized. If necessary, get the Royal Fleet ready to take me to Macedon. Get someone to get permission to temporarily go to Macedon from their embassy. Now leave me alone!"

                  And the king was alone. He realized he had made many mistakes. FIrst, he had given too much independence. The only department that he actively ran himself was the foreign department. He rarely oversaw the others, and trusted them. And then he had gone along with Archimedes's plan which gave much independent power to the vassals. His other mistake was in choosing people to work for him. He knew he had an eye for talent, and his bureaucracy was very efficient. BUt he had not hired loyal workers. He never thought about that in choosing his advisors. ANd now he was paying for it.

                  But there was still a chance he might prevail. He might be more popular than the rebels thought. But if not, he would have to flee to Macedon. From Macedon, he could invade and regain power. And break the neck of the traitor Archimedes with his own hands. BUt only flee when the situation gets desperate.

                  It got desperate. The elite and very loyal Royal Fleet is requesting that Heron be allowed to reside in Macedon. THe new republican government, though set up like the Athenian democracy more than the Roman republic, is friendly with ROme. THe military has been shrunken and is nearly entirely defensive. Most of the soldiers are not full-time soldiers. This makes the people happier about maintaining a larger military but makes mobilization take a long time. The president is Alkiabades. Archimedes has vowed to never work on weapons again, so his science bonus is lost but the republic science bonus is gained, so the tech rate is still medium. THe new govt threatens to kick Macedon out of the alliance if they accept Heron, and has invited Rome and Delphi into the alliance.


                  • map:
                    Attached Files


                    • Civman:

                      Thats some pretty good Role Playing skills your showing. Good job


                      • "Sire, Sire" exclaim Rukulun

                        "what?" reply the King "can't you see I'm busy"

                        Giovannurk was playing chess with his friend Tarik, and, since he was losing, he was really disappointed by Rukulun interruption.

                        "Oh, I'm sorry sire"

                        "so, what's the matter?, but be quick"

                        "Sire, our Embassador in Syracuse just refered to us that old King Heron has been exiliated from the island"

                        "Interesting, who is the new King"

                        "One guy named Akibiades, sir"


                        "yes sire, but it is not a kingdom, it is a Repubblic"

                        "Repubblic? I already heard anout that"

                        "That's the type of government you asked Rome to tell you the secret" say Tarik

                        "Oh... you are right, my friend, well, I'm urgent in switching, sice the Romans declared to be busy at the moment, ask the Syracusan how to run a Democracy"

                        "Yes sire"

                        Tarik was still thinking on which move to do at chess in order to NOT win too quickly against his ruler

                        "YES, I KNOW IT" exclaim Tarik

                        "What??" say Giovannurk, disappointed for Tarik's shouting

                        "The Repubblic..... I know how to run one"

                        "Really, who told you?"

                        "I just figured it out"

                        "Ok lets swith it"

                        "I would like you to know, sire, that if we do, we will have probably some rioting during our Repubblican revolution"

                        "so what?"

                        "well, our army will have to go around our vast Empire, so wi will not be able to protect our borders, against a large or huge army"

                        "let's just do it" declared Giovannurk

                        "Maybe we should send a letter to anybody in the Alliance, asking for protection, just in case"

                        "You are right"

                        In short
                        Seleucids are now in Late Ancient (OOC: I forgot that we were going to adavance in tech today) so we have discovered Repubblic in our own.
                        A Revolution started, in this period our army will not be at full strenght (it will be considered MEDIUM for these two days), so we ask anybody in the alliance for their protection, in case of need

                        "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                        The trick is the doing something else."
                        — Leonardo da Vinci
                        "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                        "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


                        • yes everyone except germans, gauls, sparta, and anyone else who is "slow tech" advances today. ROme will advance to the early middle ages tomorrow


                          • "We are Interested in you're Republic" The German Ambassador Told the Roman,"Could i maybe watch how it goes to bring this system back to Germany?"
                            The Roman was shocked by how far the Germans had come, The first time he had seen them they had worn bearskins, now their ambnassador was clad in a toga.
                            "I don't see how there would be any problem but i'd have to ask the Consul"
                            Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land


                            • rome advances tp early middle ages


                              • guys im sorry but i have to quit, i lost interset.

