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SUNES-Storywriters' Union NES

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  • Delphi begins to build up its navy for defensive purposes only, the tiny passive city state wants only the spoils of trade and the security of it's tiny borders as well as increased cooperation with our betters the Romans. A new proposed defense spearmen unit is also in the works.

    Delphi will now shut up until it has something important to say.


    • I'm fine with those numbers. Both ships run the "lost at sea risk" I'm assuming, also.


      • yeah


        • Tarik "Sire, there is the emissary from Syracuse at the door, shall I let him in"

          "well, actually I was going to eat dinner now, tell him he is invited to join me"

          The emissary comes in

          "Good evening King Giovannurk, sorry for me interrupting your dinner"

          "Don't worry about thet, sit down at our table.... MARIUK, MARIUK SET THE TABLE FOR OUR SYRACUSAN GUEST"

          Mariuk enters the room and prepare the table, the Syracusan embassador sat down and start talking

          "We, the Syracusan, are building a huge alliance that will have all the nations of the Meditarraneum Sea together in order to accomplish the same goal"

          "sounds interesting, who is in this alliance"

          "Us, Cartaghe, Macedonia, Egypt and maybe Rhodes"

          "uhmm, good"

          "The only requisit to join the alliance is to upgrade your Navy"

          "My navy, well I have this new things I bought from the East Germans called "Longboats" but I need more slaves so that I can build them faster"

          "So... would you join us"

          "Yes I will"

          The embassador finish eating and than walk away

          Tarik "Great Job sire, now we are part of a big alliance and we will be an important player in world affaires'

          "I know"

          "Just a thought, where will you get more slaves"

          "prepare my horse, we are going to invade Galatia"

          "Invade Galatia?????"

          "Yes, call the military advisor"

          Rankali enters the throne room

          "set up our elephants, our Archers and Horse rider, we are going to invade Galatia"

          "Yes sire, immediatly sire"

          "I want also to keep colonizing the Territory North of us"

          "Yes sire"

          "what do you suggest?"

          I think we should send 3/4 of our army in Galatia as an invasion force, we must take them out completely, 1/4 of our army will instead protect our settlers going north"

          "sounds like a good plan, let's do it"

          In short
          seleucids join the alliance proposed by civman2000
          3/4 of Seleucid army is to invade Galatia completely
          1/4 is to protect my settlers going north
          Colonized another peace of territory in the North keep colonizing till all of Anatolia will be mine and the southern/east part of the Black sea too
          EDIT: forgot to add I start increasing the size of my navy

          "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
          The trick is the doing something else."
          — Leonardo da Vinci
          "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
          "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


          • Longships in the Black sea have reached greece, offering Furniture and Longship designs.
            Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land


            • King Heron, as the official leader of teh Great Mediterranean Alliance (GMA), fully spports the invasion of Galatia but points out that no one else should bother helping the seleucids, there is no need.
              Attached Files


              • Hannibal protests that city-states are having their right to exist taken away from them by the Romans(Gaul and the other place(wtf was it called again?!) and the Selucids.

                We will not however act as the Selucids are our friends, but Rome should watch her back.

                Quote:"He who has not learned to obey cannot be a great leader."


                • shh, our plotting against rome is supposed to be secret !! And neither the gauls nor pyrrhians were citystates. I support the right of citystates to exist, but only if i like them


                  • Combat Results

                    Galatia quickly surrenders to the Seleucids.

                    I'm interested as to how the large alliance will work might become rather top-heavy. Remember, in this ancient era back-stabbing and direct ruthlessness are commonplace.


                    • lets think no MPPs yet, if this is to be correct to the period
                      First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
                      Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


                      • not MPPs, i agree, but rather informal understandings coupled with RoPs between the leaders...much easier to end without hurting your reputation than MPPs!


                        • map:
                          Attached Files


                          • Heron sends messengers requesting longboat tech from the seleucids for the good of the alliance, and, erm, psst, a piece of the part of rome we conquer


                            • "Sire" announce Tarik "there is a diplomat from Syracuse, he is asking us what is the secret of a longboat"

                              "why should we give them that secret?"

                              "well.... they are our allies, plus they told us that if the Alliance will ever ..... ehm..... secretly go to war against Rome we will get a piece of it"

                              "doesn't sound fair to me, Rome is far away, our Elephants wouldn't be strong enough there, plus Rome has an army size very close to the one of our great Empire, so, if they are gonna secretly attack them, they will need our help"

                              "you are always right sire, shall I tall him to go away?"

                              "no wait! The syracusan are very advanced scientificaly, tell them that for the longboat we will accept the secret of Catapults"


                              "yes, seems fair to me"

                              in short
                              We wants: - We give:
                              Catapults - Longboats
                              ((piece of territory)) - ((all the help I can))
                              Alliance goodwill - Better treatment to our new Galatian citizen
                              "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                              The trick is the doing something else."
                              — Leonardo da Vinci
                              "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                              "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


                              • Praetor Maximus and General Veii both gazed up at the new map of the known world to Rome. Much of Gaul is under Roman rule. Veii and Maximus both smirked slightly at the expanding borders of the Roman Empire.

                                This new map stands at least a 3 metres tall. Ladders are placed out of site to make changes to the enormous map.

                                But a messengerboy broke the silence of the two occupants staring at the mural.

                                "What is this, young runner?" asked Maximus, as he swung his aging body to face the young, leather cladded boy approaching the two.

                                "A message from Emperess Syn! She has stated this message is of great urgency!"

                                Veii guessed that the message had something to do with the war against the Gauls.

                                The boy handded the message to the Praetor, and immediately left as the two advisors closed themselves around the letter.

                                Using a knife, and a flick of the wrist, Maximus opened the envelope. A sketch and a letter were the contents of this white, but mauled, envelope.

                                Veii quickly yoinked the map out of the Praetor's grasp, and looked it over. The other advisor read over Syn's message, his eyebrows bulging as he read on.

                                "What is the meaning of this? As I recalled, the West and Central Germans did not participate in this battle? And we have staked our claim into the Gaul land moreso then this map claims!" exclaimed the General, shifting his weight from foot to foot as he anticipates the explanation in the letter. General Veii looked much like an excited child waiting to get his ice cream cone.

                                Praetor Maximus skimmed the letter once more, and hands it to General Veii.

                                "Although the map may dumbfound you, my friend, she explains the reasoning of the changes quite well in this letter," explained the Praetor, handing the letter to General Veii to read. He took the letter excitedly, and began half reading it, and half mumbling it out. The letter said:

                                Dear Advisors

                                I am glad our armies have crushed the Gauls. And I am proud our General Veii was able to do this task without having excessive casualities. I had faith in you General, and it turned out that my heart was correct in setting you up for the task. I also send out my thanks to Praetor Maximus at keeping the senate quiet with this war against the Gauls. And Foriegn Advisor Julius at keeping our friends afar from being too troubled by this Roman expansion.

                                But it may pain you to hear this, it must be done to insure the survival of the Roman state.

                                With this letter is the sketch of the new treaty that is to be signed with the Gauls. Even though this may dumbfound you at first, it serves a good purpose. The lands we return to the Gauls would be very much useless to ourselves. A few mineral deposits, some ores that could be mined at best is in the lands.

                                As well, with some hope, the Gauls and the Romans will become friends in time. The other lands outlined are to goto the West and Central Germans. I have heard of the West Germans in my travels to Masillia. They may prove to be powerful trading partners in the future, and I would much rather be on their bright side. As well, those lands serve no real purpose to the Roman empire. More trouble then it will be worth, and that is the faith I need from my advisors.

                                Finally, send the nations of West Germany, Central Germany, East Germany, Carthage, Seleucids, Macedonia, Syrucase, Delphi, and their friends for a meeting of peace amongst our nations. By the time they reply, I shall be back in Rome.

                                I shall return soon,

                                Syn Kurosei

                                General Veii returned the letter to Praetor Maximus after he mumbled it all out.

                                "I see the reasoning in why she wants to hand the lands back, but I personally can still not agree with her," stated the General.

                                "Ah, but Veii. We hand the Gauls back their land, and they will feel magnanious, or subordinative, to our nation and her wealth. Our central and western Germanic friends are already inflated with vast territories of grouped city-states. A few more would hurt neither country, as opposed to Rome having to taking care of these fringe lands, the other nations can carry the burden,"

                                General Veii could only nod. He understands the reasoning, and although cannot fully agree with Syn's actions, he doesn't feel the need to disagree with her actions as he previouslly did.

                                "But for now, let us send messengers around the world for a meeting of peace in Rome. The Senate believes peace leads to prosperity, and so it has in our histories, and the histories in our fellow nations," said Maximus, telling the slightly ignorant Veii of the new goals for Rome.

                                The Praetor also sent a message to the East Germans that the Roman people would be happy to trade the Germans some technological advancesments such as road building, and the creation of buildings taller than 1 or 2 stories. As well as a supply of wines. In exchange, the Romans would want to have a supply of ores, as well as furs to applease the people of Rome.

                                In Masillia

                                Emperess Syn was escorted by her gaurd of horsemen as they approached the gates to the capital of Masillia. Emperess Syn was in her iron and brass cladded wagon. The gates to the capital of Masillia were already raised, as the wagon easily fitted through the doorways to the religious holy land.

                                The mistress looked out of her rocking wagon towards the buildings and cathedrals sprung out all over the city, breaking the sky with their domes, poles and towers. The large cathedral in the center of the city stood out the best of all, as the meager wagon slowly crawled its way through the labrynth of buildings and roads.

                                Eventually, the wagon stopped infront of the huge and looming cathedral. The horses snorted, as the mistress in the wagon stepped out, into the shining daylight. Her escort of her personal guard assisted her out of the wagon, by bringing out a small stepcase for her emperess. The guards were about to follow Syn into the cathedral, before she placed the palm of her hand up.

                                "I am only going to meet a friend for a while. I will be back shortly," said Syn, not bothering to turn around to face her guard while ordering them this. The guard simply stood there on the open street, not objecting to the mistresses commands.

                                Moments later, the young emperess was sitting in a small booth where she could privately speak to a priest.

                                "What is it my child?" asked a gruffy, but humbled voice of a minister.

                                "It is I, Syn Kurosei,"

                                The sound of shuffling of cloth was heard, as a face peered through the fabric that keeps the two occupants from facing each other.

                                "So, it is really you, young emperess..."

                                "Yes. It has been a long time since I last saw you, Father Alexander,"

                                "And so it has, I still could remember you when you were a child, and were extremely shy when we first met,"

                                "And I could still remember you, when you were hardly out of priest school. You have lost that stuttering now?"

                                "Yes I have, my child,"

                                "But I have not came here for a baptizing, but rather, to seek blessing and advice,"

                                "To be blessed for what?"

                                "I have sensed a grave forboding coming up the nation of Rome. A number of mysterious events, ill omens,"

                                "Go on, my child,"

                                "One such omen is seeing an owl flying in the daytime, with only moments later, to be attacked by a number of falcons, crows, and even smaller birds,"

                                The priest leaned back against the wall, listening to Syn explain the phenomenoms that she is stating.

                                "The owl crashed to the ground. Many of the birds landed by where the owl crashed, and began picking at the bones of the poor owl. When I shooed the barbaric creatures away, there were no signs of any remains of the owl,"

                                "Was there anymore ill omens you have saw?"

                                "Yes, Father Alexander. Another which I could not explain to my soul. The palace dogs that guard the perimeter of my castle walls have began fighting amongst each other. When I was making one of my speeches to a legion of soldiers, out in the corner there were 6 or 7 dogs growling and biting at each other. I assumed the animals were growling over the scraps of food they were getting, each wanting more food. The pets keeper, wanting to quiet the brutes, passed more food to the animals. But the dogs continued to fight and bite at each other. The pets keeper passed enough food to the canines to feed a half a dozen tigers. But the dogs continued to fight amongst themselves over the food, no matter how much there was. The biting quickly turned to a mauling, and my speech was interrupted,"

                                "Were there any more ill bodens you have seen?"

                                "A third, and final one. Surely not the least I have seen. I was walking in the gardens by myself one day last week, before I came here. Upon that walking, I saw a man running through the gardens with fire all over his body. I was horrified at the act. The man eventually fell, and guardsmen put out the charred body. They then explained to me that this man was a former guardsmen, before he met his untimely death. The next thing they said shook the fundamental morale of my soul, as the man had gone mad, along with his accomplisses. The mad men each attacked another, until there was only one remaining. And in an attempt at suicide, from the insanity he was plunged in, or the guilt he felt when he killed his comrades, poured an oil on himself, and lit himself on fire. He then went into a screaming rage, ranting on how he is invincible against fire or foe alike," said Syn, retelling the tales she saw as she explained the grissly details of what had happened.

                                The priest could only lean back, as his brain worked out what the Gods are telling the poor lady.

                                "From my understanding of what you had told me, a force is telling you to beware of the future. For Rome may be in a war against a singled out, and odd opponent. Even if your victory is assured, the spoils of the war would tear you and your allies apart. Even if your the last one remaining on the battlefield, the death of your nation is still absolute in one way or another," explained the priest. He knew chances are that this lady is just seeing a few coincidental happenings, and are probably just that.

                                But he also knew that the emperess would rather have an explanation given, then to be simply dismissed.

                                "Thank you, Father,"

                                "As always, my child,"

                                The priest wetted his hands in holy water, and shook the droplets through the fabric seperating the two. A few droplets landed on Syn's face and clothing.

                                "It is now time to return back to Rome,"

                                "And so be it. I wish you a fair and safe passage home,"

                                Syn left the booth, and returned to her personal guard. It was time to return.

                                - Main Happenings! -

                                1. Divy up the land like the map says so below.

                                2. Send out messengers around the world to discuss plans of peace in Rome.

                                3. To give the East Germans technological advancements of advanced road building, and the creation of buildings taller than 1 or 2 stories. As well as a steady supply of Wine to the East Germans. In exchange, Rome wants a supply of Ores and Furs.

                                4. Syn returns back to Rome.
                                Attached Files

