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Patriots and Tyrants(Dangerous Games III)

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  • #16
    great! Good to see people are still writing even the the NES seems to be dominating!


    • #17
      Spartacus trudged along at the head of his troops. They were retreating from Tirana, with it now in German hands. Soon they would be entering the historic boundaries of Greece, and Greece would be in German hands.

      The Greek Air Force no longer existed, having taken the final blow at this battle, but taking even more German craft with them. Now Germany had air superiority over Greece.

      At sea the battle had gone better, but ships couldn't prevent an army capturing Athens.

      Spartaucs kicked a stone away in despair and anguish. Not even the thought of seeing his family again could cheer him up.


      Wilhelm marched boldly into the chamber.

      "Father, we have won a crushing victory over the Greeks! It is now nothing more than a victory parade from here to Athens! We have air superiority to bomb Greece senseless!" Wilhelm crowed.

      "Never underestimate the enemy!" Bismarck growled, his arthritis playing up again.

      "He underestimated us." Wilhelm stated. "And now he is to pay the price."


      The German bombers targeted the Spartan Military Works, knowing that the amount of ammunition there would turn Sparta into a fireball.

      But Wilhelm had ordered it destroyed, saying he didn't care how many died, but Greece's premier weapons manufacturer must be destroyed to stop those "damned Spartans" holding out to the last.

      The bombs were dropped, and they hit the ammunition storage areas as well as the factory. The explosion engulfed Sparta.


      Spartacus looked around the city of his birth, anguish on his face.

      "The b*stards will pay for this!" he vowed. Most of the million people who lived in Sparta were dead, and the city had almost been wiped from the map.

      "Sir, I know I shouldn't encourage you, but we have finished a weapon which could end the war and pay Germany back for this." Justin told Spartacus the news he had just heard from the Hoplite scientists, but was worried about the cost of German lives it would cause. But he saw the devastated city before him, and knew that the Germans could never be allowed to rule Greece.

      "Oh? The Manhattan Project is complete then?" Spartacus spoke with interest. The Manhattan Project had been so named for the American city where a British scientist had first split the atom.[I know that it wasn't really split in Manhattan, but needed a link to the name!].

      "Yes sir. You now have a weapon you may call the atomic bomb."

      "Then let us bring Germany to her knees." Spartacus ordered, glancing once more at his home city before turning away and heading back towards the limo.


      For over three million Germans living in Berlin, the morning never came, as the bomb was dropped while they were asleep.

      The world immediately condemned Greece for using atomic weapons, but no one tried to stop them, knowing that Greece was fighting for its life.

      Blair and Bush especially knew that Germany had it coming to them, although they despised the fact innocents had to die because of power games between rulers.


      Wilhelm surveyed the scene, not knowing how closely it resembled the destruction at Sparta.

      "Sir, we must make peace with Greece. We cannot fight a country that has this kind of weapon!" the Defence Minister whined, taking Wilhelm's mind off of his father's death.

      "I know." he said wearily, all pretense of being superior to Greece gone. "Send a message to Spartacus offering an immediate cease-fire, and asking for peace talks to be held in Athens."

      "Very good sir." a relieved Defence Minister acknowledged the orders.

      "And finally, send the entire KaiserSturm regiment to assassinate Spartacus. He will pay for killing my father." the KaiserSturm was a regiment based on the British SAS, or the Greek Hoplites, raised by Wilhelm himself.

      "Yes sir." the Defence Minister knew better than to argue.


      Spartacus was out for a walk in the forest, a habit he liked to do often to clear his mind and think things through carefully. It was a day before the peace talks, which should be favourable due to Greece's atomic bomb.

      Spartacus hated himself for having to drop the bomb, and for having to have war inflicted so much on the Spartans. Why hadn't he just ended it when Nicholas was rescued?

      He realised the answer was because he was too proud, and a warrior at heart. He didn't know how to be diplomatic.

      He sighed, knowing that the war had cost Greece dearly.

      Then there was a rustle up ahead, and one man from the Hoplite company guarding Spartacus fell.

      Justin grabbed Spartacus, and whispered orders to two of his men. They began to quickly lead Spartacus away, back towards the Palace.

      Justin unslung the machine gun, and began to hose the bushes infront of him. The rest of the company began to do the same, slowly advancing.

      "KaiserSturm!" one whispered loudly to Justin as he saw the insignia on a man infront of them. Justin killed him quickly with a short burst of fire.

      They were so intent on the battalion infront of them, they never saw the two that were encircling them.


      More to come tomorrow! Possibly tonight if I'm feeling good !

      Comments appreciated!

      Quote:"He who has not learned to obey cannot be a great leader."


      • #18
        hmmm...not a complete historical analogy, but spartacus reminds me of napoleon...


        • #19
          This is extremely good, probably your best in my opinion cbraund
          First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
          Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


          • #20

            This has gotten much better than the already good previous DG stories. The first had too many assassinations.
            "You're the biggest user of hindsight that I've ever known. Your favorite team, in any sport, is the one that just won. If you were a woman, you'd likely be a slut." - Slowwhand, to Imran

            Eschewing silly games since December 4, 2005


            • #21
              Jag, post your story so that I can put u on the storywriter's role
              First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
              Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


              • #22
                Justin ducked again, after letting of yet another burst of machine gun fire. His company was almost destroyed, but they had taken one battalion of the KaiserSturm with them.

                He flinched as a bullet hit the tree that he was behind. He didn't see the Colonel behind him until the last second.

                The Colonel of the KaiserSturm was an old-fashioned man who preferred a sword and pistol combination to a M16. He swung the sword down, and Justin only just reacted in time to stop his head being separated from his body by the blow. It hit his weapon, and sent it flying across the dirt.

                The Colonel raised his sword once more after kicking Justin in the head. Justin felt a bullet rip into his chest from another KaiserSturm trooper.

                He closed his eyes and waited for his death to come, knowing that the King at least was safe.

                Then the Colonel sliced his sword towards Justin.


                Justin heard the clang of metal on metal, and opened his eyes.

                "You! You're supposed to be safe you dumb b*stard!" Justin yelled in frustration and in some amusement.

                It was Spartacus, his sword drawn and holding a pistol. He preferred to fight that way too.

                The Colonel thrust at Spartacus, sensing that he might finally be able to complete his mission and get revenge for the killing of his King.

                He dodged Spartacus's return thrust, and knocked the pistol from Spartacus's hand. He then used his sword to push Spartacus's sword away from him, and pointed the pistol at the head of the King of Greece.

                Then he was sent sprawling by a kick from Justin, who was now back on his feet. Justin grabbed Spartacus's fallen PPK and aimed it at the head of the Colonel.

                The Colonel just had time to reflect on the fact that he was now going to see his King before the bullet entered his brain.


                Nicholas had rounded up all the Hoplites he could find in the Palace, which amounted to a company and a half's worth. He used his authority as heir to steal a transport aircraft from the nearby airport, knowing a plane was faster than a helicopter.

                The plane started, and they began to take off, each Hoplite and Nicholas making sure that they had the special low-level insertion parachute on. It was one of the latest Hoplite designs.

                Nicholas checked the strap, and realised he had only ever performed one low-level parachute jump, whereas all of these had done it at least three times.

                Oh well, so long as no one tells me to break a leg, he thought.

                "Break a leg, sir." one Hoplite smiled, as Nicholas didn't realise he'd said it out loud.

                "Thanks." Nicholas sighed.


                Spartacus and Justin were fighting for their lives, surrounded by enemies. Every other Hoplite, including the two who had escorted the King were now dead.

                Justin saw a machine gun pointed at Spartacus, and ever mindful of his duty to protect the King, jumped in it's way.

                The bullets ripped into Justin, tearing flesh and damaging bones.

                He fell to the floor infront of Spartacus, and delivered one last burst of fire from his gun, killing the would-be assassin.

                Spartacus realised he was now alone, and that the enemy would give no mercy.

                He charged, determined to take as many as he could with him.


                Nicholas jumped from the plane along with the others. He was terrified, not being used to these like the others, and knowing it was a combat drop against an elite unit.

                The technique for using these chutes was to go as near to the ground as possible, then pull the chord so the chute would slow you down considerably, and then unfasten the backpack and drop to the ground, leaving the backpack and parachute in the air to land softly.

                The danger was if you dropped from too high you could break your legs, and if you pulled the chord too late you would plummet into the ground at great speed. Only the Greek Hoplites had ever tried it, having the new chute which helped that type of landing.

                Nicholas pulled on his chute when he thought the time was write, and then unfastened it.

                He fell to the ground, and landed like a cat. He sighed with relief, unslung his gun from his shoulder and went hunting KaiserSturm with the rest of the Hoplites.


                Spartacus looked up to see the muzzles of the KaiserSturm's guns pointing at him.

                He had been out cold for a few seconds, having tripped and fell during his charge.

                Some heroics, he reflected, finding his abysmal charge amusing.

                He saw the KaiserSturm troops tighten their grips on the triggers, each determined to get revenge for their King and their Colonel.

                Just as they were about to fire, bullets ripped through some of them. The others opened fire, determined to kill Spartacus, but he kicked at the ankles some of them, making them fall, and rolled out of the way of the hail of bullets.

                But he felt searing heat near his ear, and fell back into his sleep.


                Nicholas charged over to where his father had been. The KaiserSturm were on the run, with over three quarters of them dead and the others now fleeing for their lives. The Hoplites were chasing them, determined to kill the last of the people who had shot the King.

                Nicholas saw his father, led on the floor, his eyes closed and blood in his hair.

                "Dad!" Nicholas cried, slipping back into the name he had used for his father as a child.

                "Huh?" Spartacus groaned, feeling where he the bullet had creased his head and had knocked him out again.

                "Dad!" Nicholas smiled.

                "Where's Justin?" Spartacus asked, getting up slowly.

                They both looked over to Justin's body, hoping he would get up as Spartacus had.

                He stayed still.


                Spartacus and Nicholas walked behind the coffin, each deep in their own thoughts. They were on their way to the Royal Palace, the procession having started from Sparta, the place of Justin's birth. The procession had been driven, but when they entered Athens, the two Royals began to walk behind the coffin, which was then mounted onto a gun carriage.

                Spartacus wore the dark green uniform of the Prince's Guard, and wore the simple but effective crown of Greece upon his head. Nicholas wore the black uniform of the Hoplites, and the rank of Director on his sleeve, having been voted Director by the Hoplites, which was a kind of democracy when it came to electing a leader. He also wore the crown of the heir on his head.

                They came to a stop outside the Palace, where Justin was to be buried alongside the rulers of Greece since ancient times, including Phillip and Alexander. It was a mark of respect for a man who had given his life to defend the King.

                Spartacus was in tears as the coffin was lowered into the ground, realising he had lost yet another friend. He ignored the pain in his chest, thinking it was just aching for the loss of another person close to him.


                Spartacus glared with hate at the back of Wilhelm as he boarded his private jet back to Germany.

                The peace talks had given Greece back all of their land, and the Germans had admitted being in the wrong. But the peace treaty couldn't bring Justin back, Spartacus thought angrily. And it couldn't bring back Sparta or Berlin.

                He saw the smile on Nicholas's face, and clicked instantly.

                "You ordered him assassinated, didn't you?" Spartacus asked, grinning.

                "Me? I wouldn't dream of killing the b*stard!" Nicholas laughed. "But I wouldn't be surprised if his jet is taken over by a crazy Austrian angry at Germany's occupation, and crashes the plane into the floor."

                "There isn't a man on earth who deserves it more." Spartacus smiled, knowing his son was a chip off the old block.


                "He's dead!" Nicholas yelled happily, charging into his father's study.

                There was no reply from the chair.

                He rushed over, and found Spartacus finding it hard to breathe, and holding his chest.

                "Dad?" he screamed, unable to comprehend that he couldn't save his father this time.

                "Nicholas?" Spartacus asked, panting. "My son! You will make a fine ruler."

                "Dad? No, don't die, I love you! Don't leave me, I'm too young to rule! Mother!" Nicholas yelled for the Queen.

                Jennifer burst in, and saw the scene that she had been terrified of seeing for her entire married life.

                "You're going to a better place, dear," she said calmly, "and I want you to know you made me the happiest woman on earth."

                "And you will always be remembered." Nicholas spoke quietly.

                "Goodbye." Spartacus gasped, and upon hearing the replied farewells, went limp in his son's arms.

                The King of Greece was dead.


                That's all folks! Comments appreciated!

                Chris AKA Nemesis
                Quote:"He who has not learned to obey cannot be a great leader."


                • #23
                  This is the last Dangerous Games story, so anyone who hated Spartacus can breathe a sigh of relief, he's really dead this time!

                  Quote:"He who has not learned to obey cannot be a great leader."


                  • #24
                    thrilling ending! And he gets to die a peaceful death! Hmmm, how inappropriate, he should finally be punished for all of his (imho) stupidity


                    • #25
                      He was an honourable warrior in a modern world where there are very few

                      He died peacefully because he was too powerful to be killed by combat(at least in my opinion!), and someone killing Spartacus would have put Nicholas in a killer mood.

                      Anyway, if this wins the story contest after the one which DGII is in, I will post a small ending paragraph, where Nicholas is King, just saying what eventually happened in the world, post-Spartacus.

                      By the way, that isn't a bribe like some people offer *cough*metaliturtle*cough*

                      Quote:"He who has not learned to obey cannot be a great leader."


                      • #26
                        BTW it wasn't a bribe, it was an "added incentive"
                        First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
                        Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


                        • #27


                          • #28

                            Quote:"He who has not learned to obey cannot be a great leader."


                            • #29
                              BUMP! Remember if this wins, I'll write the epilogue

                              Quote:"He who has not learned to obey cannot be a great leader."


                              • #30
                                that was wickedawesome! It had a little too much assasinating stuff in it though. Though I don't think anybody else would agree with me, but I don't like anything in stories that can't be explained in a Civ 3 game. It's cool to go away from the game a lot but when you have something in a story that's unexplainable in the game, it's harder to like. With that said, that was so cool!!!It was the best story I've read since maybe UN Poker.
                                "The first man who, having fenced off a plot of land, thought of saying, 'This is mine' and found people simple enough to believe him was the real founder of civil society. How many crimes, wars, murders, how many miseries and horrors might the human race had been spared by the one who, upon pulling up the stakes or filling in the ditch, had shouted to his fellow men: 'Beware of listening to this imposter; you are lost if you forget the fruits of the earth belong to all and that the earth belongs to no one." - Jean-Jacques Rousseau

