The Dangerous Games Pentology
Dangerous Games
To Die For (Dangerous Games II)
Patriots and Tyrants (Dangerous Games III)
Organised Chaos (Dangerous Games IV)
Illusions of Victory (Dangerous Games V)
Hope you enjoy(ed) reading these stories!
Chris AKA Nemesis
King Charles Smith was coronated a week after Spartacus's death. Spartacus had left a will to make sure that the crown passed smoothly to the person he had been a mentor to all these years. He had also left his best friend and Charlie's uncle, Walter Dixon to advise the new King.
With the army fully loyal to the King, the throne was safely occupied without any trouble.
Charlie was angered by the news. Russia had declared its independence, and he couldn't do a thing to stop them. The Greek Army, whilst loyal, was too weak now to invade Russia again, and even if it could, he didn't doubt for an instant that once he entered Russia with his army, those who opposed him at home would use the chance to usurp him, and make sure he didn't have a home to return to.
And he didn't want to be a King without a country.
Walter shrugged when Charlie looked hopefully at him.
"You know as well as I do that there is nothing that can be done." he said sorrowfully. It was a shame to lose such a resource rich area.
"I know, but I feel so helpless, so powerless! I thought Kings were supposed to have power!"
"They do, but not as much as you think. They are only able to best use the resources available to them, not perform miracles, although most citizens will expect them to."
"You sound more and more like Spartacus everyday." Charlie smiled, remembering his mentor.
"Well, he was my oldest friend." Walter said mournfully. "I miss him too, but he isn't coming back. He gave you his country, now for God's sake use the opportunity to rebuild Greece, not worry about some country that the tyrant Alexander invaded because he was bored on a Sunday!"
Charlie turned the armoured, specially-made Aston Martin Vanquish onto the motorway between Athens and Sparta. It was midnight, and dark, so he could finally enjoy his passion for fast dirving, alone in the dark without the bodyguards who he felt suffocated him with their presence.
The road was clear, so he put his foot down. 70mph, 80mph, 90mph, 100mph.
As he zoomed past another junction, he saw three cars begin to pull onto the motorway, and speed up fast.
"Uh oh." he muttered. Fine, if they wanted to play games, he'd play games.
He put his foot down further.
110mph, 120mph, 130mph he read on the dash.
He kept on accelerating.
180mph, 190mph, 200mph. Finally the car had reached its top speed, and still the other cars were gaining on him.
What the hell kind of cars were they, he wondered? Must be some kind of sports car, possibly a Jaguar XKR. They were popular in Athens with the rich.
The machine gun rounds hitting the bullet-proof rear window shook him, and he glanced behind, fearfully.
The three cars were stil gaining, and now two had opened fire upon him with machine guns.
What was the third doing? Wait, what was that pointing out of the window of it?!
Charlie jinked the car just in time to avoid the anti-tank rocket that struck the road where his car had been.
Oh sh*t, he cursed. That kind of weapon can destroy this car! He couldn't be certain they didn't have more, and so decided to take action.
He drew his Walther PPK from the glove compartment, and pressed a button to open a small gunport in the rear window. It was a little hole that he could shoot through.
He turned around, keeping one hand on the steering wheel, and pointed the PPK out of the gunport.
He fired as he passed under a footbridge.
One car veered off of the road, its driver shot dead, and smashed into the support of the bridge, exploding in a fireball.
He was still one heck of a shot, he grinned to himself.
Now he concentrated on the car which had fired the rocket. He had to silence it before it could fire another.
But this car's driver was good. He jinked when Charlie fired, so the shot went wide.
Charlie fired two more rounds, both missing.
In his obsession to hit that car though, he had forgotten about the other one. He remembered it when it nudged the left rear end of his Vanquish, causing him to jolt and miss yet again.
He turned back around, trying to gain control of the car once more as it crashed through a fence.
But it was too late. He desperately jumped against the door as the Aston Martin plummeted over a cliff.
"He's still in a coma." the doctor spoke quietly to the man in charge.
"Well, he currently has plenty of time to rest. But report to me on his progress every day."
Tune in tomorrow to find out what happens next! Who takes control of the country? Has Charlie survived the crash, or was that someone else? All will be revealed by the end of the story!
Comments are appreciated!
Chris AKA Nemesis
Dangerous Games
To Die For (Dangerous Games II)
Patriots and Tyrants (Dangerous Games III)
Organised Chaos (Dangerous Games IV)
Illusions of Victory (Dangerous Games V)
Hope you enjoy(ed) reading these stories!
Chris AKA Nemesis
King Charles Smith was coronated a week after Spartacus's death. Spartacus had left a will to make sure that the crown passed smoothly to the person he had been a mentor to all these years. He had also left his best friend and Charlie's uncle, Walter Dixon to advise the new King.
With the army fully loyal to the King, the throne was safely occupied without any trouble.
Charlie was angered by the news. Russia had declared its independence, and he couldn't do a thing to stop them. The Greek Army, whilst loyal, was too weak now to invade Russia again, and even if it could, he didn't doubt for an instant that once he entered Russia with his army, those who opposed him at home would use the chance to usurp him, and make sure he didn't have a home to return to.
And he didn't want to be a King without a country.
Walter shrugged when Charlie looked hopefully at him.
"You know as well as I do that there is nothing that can be done." he said sorrowfully. It was a shame to lose such a resource rich area.
"I know, but I feel so helpless, so powerless! I thought Kings were supposed to have power!"
"They do, but not as much as you think. They are only able to best use the resources available to them, not perform miracles, although most citizens will expect them to."
"You sound more and more like Spartacus everyday." Charlie smiled, remembering his mentor.
"Well, he was my oldest friend." Walter said mournfully. "I miss him too, but he isn't coming back. He gave you his country, now for God's sake use the opportunity to rebuild Greece, not worry about some country that the tyrant Alexander invaded because he was bored on a Sunday!"
Charlie turned the armoured, specially-made Aston Martin Vanquish onto the motorway between Athens and Sparta. It was midnight, and dark, so he could finally enjoy his passion for fast dirving, alone in the dark without the bodyguards who he felt suffocated him with their presence.
The road was clear, so he put his foot down. 70mph, 80mph, 90mph, 100mph.
As he zoomed past another junction, he saw three cars begin to pull onto the motorway, and speed up fast.
"Uh oh." he muttered. Fine, if they wanted to play games, he'd play games.
He put his foot down further.
110mph, 120mph, 130mph he read on the dash.
He kept on accelerating.
180mph, 190mph, 200mph. Finally the car had reached its top speed, and still the other cars were gaining on him.
What the hell kind of cars were they, he wondered? Must be some kind of sports car, possibly a Jaguar XKR. They were popular in Athens with the rich.
The machine gun rounds hitting the bullet-proof rear window shook him, and he glanced behind, fearfully.
The three cars were stil gaining, and now two had opened fire upon him with machine guns.
What was the third doing? Wait, what was that pointing out of the window of it?!
Charlie jinked the car just in time to avoid the anti-tank rocket that struck the road where his car had been.
Oh sh*t, he cursed. That kind of weapon can destroy this car! He couldn't be certain they didn't have more, and so decided to take action.
He drew his Walther PPK from the glove compartment, and pressed a button to open a small gunport in the rear window. It was a little hole that he could shoot through.
He turned around, keeping one hand on the steering wheel, and pointed the PPK out of the gunport.
He fired as he passed under a footbridge.
One car veered off of the road, its driver shot dead, and smashed into the support of the bridge, exploding in a fireball.
He was still one heck of a shot, he grinned to himself.
Now he concentrated on the car which had fired the rocket. He had to silence it before it could fire another.
But this car's driver was good. He jinked when Charlie fired, so the shot went wide.
Charlie fired two more rounds, both missing.
In his obsession to hit that car though, he had forgotten about the other one. He remembered it when it nudged the left rear end of his Vanquish, causing him to jolt and miss yet again.
He turned back around, trying to gain control of the car once more as it crashed through a fence.
But it was too late. He desperately jumped against the door as the Aston Martin plummeted over a cliff.
"He's still in a coma." the doctor spoke quietly to the man in charge.
"Well, he currently has plenty of time to rest. But report to me on his progress every day."
Tune in tomorrow to find out what happens next! Who takes control of the country? Has Charlie survived the crash, or was that someone else? All will be revealed by the end of the story!

Comments are appreciated!
Chris AKA Nemesis