(this whole story is based on my actual history class, and stuff we say/discuss/etc. I will only use first names, and the name of the teacher, see if you can guess which one is me.)
2:00 PM room 128 AP United States History.
Kodey: Mr. Riggins, what we learnin' today
Riggins: Well Kodey, that depends, are you going to interrupt every 3 minutes?
Kodey: No, I just wanted to know if I could catch a nap today
Riggins: I don't think so, the AP Exam is the tenth, you need to know about colonial america.
Collet: Was that when the Japanese bombed pearl harbor?
Riggins: The American Colonies were Englands suppliers basically, through mercantilism, England was willing to protect the colonies regardless of most anything.
Mark: so basically we were just Englands really hot prom date?
Thats funny cuz it's true
2:00 PM room 128 AP United States History.
Kodey: Mr. Riggins, what we learnin' today
Riggins: Well Kodey, that depends, are you going to interrupt every 3 minutes?
Kodey: No, I just wanted to know if I could catch a nap today
Riggins: I don't think so, the AP Exam is the tenth, you need to know about colonial america.
Collet: Was that when the Japanese bombed pearl harbor?
Riggins: The American Colonies were Englands suppliers basically, through mercantilism, England was willing to protect the colonies regardless of most anything.
Mark: so basically we were just Englands really hot prom date?
