Some stuff just been ticking me off, and so I'm writing this rant. First of all, feedback on this forum bugs me, my feedback is always like LOL or this is great, it RARELY says what parts exactly the person liked, it's always, DO THIS, or THIS PART SUCKED, or
and I'm friggin' sick of it!! Don't get me wrong, I'm guilty of this myself, but I think it needs to stop, in my opinion, feedback should always help the author, and posts like the ones I named should only be for if the author is all, "praise me my loyal storyreaders." My second rant is with people criticising criticism on these boards. I give a simple tip to boost the humor on a story MEANT to be humorous, and I get this "OH he's the friggin greatest author this forum has, YOU can't criticize him." I'M AN AMERICAN, I CAN SAY WHAT I WANT, also if said author is worth his salt, he also realizes that criticism doesn't come from the masses, it comes from one little angry guy, like me, and just because that guy is a post-a-holic, like me, and has the time to say stuff. I'm also all mad because of people who give advice, but don't write stories themselves, ANY famous writer will tell you to always be writing, which is why I have so many projects, I am also a teenager, in the USA, which means I have the attention span of a monkey, so don't get all mad when I don't feel like writing, I have Sh*t to do!! Now you guys can respond to this, and rant back PLEASE, but don't go spouting off individual cases of where I did something that i complained about, because I already admitted to it, and please don't resort to name calling, because the first one to call names, is the one who always loses the argument.
