My random spanish phrase:
Las ardillas listadas van a comer los pantalones de unas frescas sin pelo. El pelo de las ardillas listadas es larguisimo, y un idiota azul con dedos rojos quiere que el pelo se muera y coma las frescas.
Translation: The chipmunks (literally striped squirrels) are going to eat the pants of some hairless strawberries. The hair of the chipmunks es very long, and a blue idiot with red fingers wants the hair to die and eat the strawberries.
Las ardillas listadas van a comer los pantalones de unas frescas sin pelo. El pelo de las ardillas listadas es larguisimo, y un idiota azul con dedos rojos quiere que el pelo se muera y coma las frescas.
Translation: The chipmunks (literally striped squirrels) are going to eat the pants of some hairless strawberries. The hair of the chipmunks es very long, and a blue idiot with red fingers wants the hair to die and eat the strawberries.