Chris rushed through the final copies of his last order for the day. He couldn't bare to be the last one today. Last week it seemed as if it took him almost an hour to get into the discussion and by then everyone was feeling the effects of the 40 hour show. The 40 hour show was the not-so-loving term Chris had pegged for the average man's job. In Chris's mind every job was like a show. You showed up, you showed what you could do, and your boss showed how they liked it. The latter was done in two ways. They either showed you the money, or they showed you the door. That was Chris's life in a nutshell. He broke everything about it down into little theories of relativity. As the last of the copies sorted he stapled each packet placing them hurriedly into the delivery bin for the Saturday morning crew. After grabbing his coat and clocking out he headed for the elevators determined to not meet a single soul that could delay his escape. As he raced through the hallway to the lobby doors he didn't look up and intentionally ignored any noise he may have heard. Just as he opened the lobby door he heard his name being paged over the intercom. Instinct told him to leave, but a since of duty prevailed so he turned and walked to the nearest courtesy phone in the break room.
"Chris, glad I caught you" sounded the cheerful voice on the phone. "I need a favor. I need someone to drop off a package for me. Normally I'd use a courier, but they seem to have all left for the day." Mentally Chris was kicking himself for not being as smart as the couriers. The voice continued "Its a rush and it must be there by 8 tonight. Its on my desk on the 24th floor. Instructions are attached. My secretary Denise should be able to assist you. Thanks." Click.... The nerve of this guy Chris steamed in his mind. What was he some sort of.......well whatever he was Chris didn't like it. Pushing the elevator for up now, Chris relegated his mind to the conclusion that he would have to miss this weeks session. Bing! As the elevator doors flew open Chris hopped aboard and pushed 24. Nothing happened. Chris pushed it again. This time the floor number lit up and the elevator doors shut, but the car began going down. Pondering how strange this was Chris was interrupted by the crackle of the elevator speaker. "Ummm, we're gonna need to have you sign in down here at the security desk before we can give you access to that floor Mr. Davis." Chris looked around soon finding the security camera in the left top corner at the rear of the car. He flashed the camera an OK symbol and waited to exit at the lobby floor. As the car settled at the lobby floor Chris slipped off and made his way to the security desk. "You needed me to sign some paper?" he questioned the Guard manning the desk. "Yeah...uh...sign right here by the long are you gonna be up there?" the guard replied. While signing the log sheet Chris answered "about ten minutes or so". Looking over the signature as Chris handed back the log-in sheet the guard simply nodded and returned to watching his monitor. Chris jumped back on the elevator and noticed that 24 was already lit on the elevator's panel. The doors closed and he was on his way. It was the first time Chris had been to the Penthouse level of the JMK Properties building. Working in the copy room he didn't have much need to leave the 12th floor. All the copies were delivered via interoffice mail and he didn't know anyone who worked above the 15th floor. As the elevator made its way up Chris could feel a small tingle in his stomach from the rapid ascent. the lcd floor display counted off until it finally flashed the 24. The doors slowly opened revealing a dimly lit lobby. Chris exited and took a moment to take it all in. It was a huge room with a high aching ceiling. The whole place looked to be carved out of chestnut wood framings. The floor had a superb shine that helped to illuminate the room with an unearthly glare from the dim lighting. Brass fixtures completed the decor and really added a level of sophistication to the room. As he made his way to the adjoining hall he could hear the sound of music. Entering the hall he noticed all the offices were dark except for the last one at the end. Chris thought to himself that must be the one. He quickly rushed down the hall towards the office. About two doors before he reached his destination he heard a women's voice coming from the office to his left. It was dark but he could make out the silhouette of a what appeared to be a very attractive woman. As he entered the door it was obvious she was on the phone. "Yeah, I know.....yeah...well as soon as this idiot from the copy room gets here I'll be on my way....yes. I will make it worth your heh hmmm..." Chris held back a snicker. "Ms. are you Denise?" "Huh? Oh yes!....just a minute. (into the phone) ok the guy is here so I'll see you soon ok...bye. Chris? God it took you long enough. I swear I can't understand how you loafers keep a job around here. Well, come on lets get this over with so I can go home." "Sure" Chris couldn't help, but laugh inside thinking of all the comebacks he'd love to lob this lady's way. As she slid by him in the doorway Chris quickly forgave her rude behavior. The smell of her perfume turned his legs to rubber. And as she brushed against him in the dark he could tell that this was one stacked woman he was dealing with. He turned an followed her into the lit office and had is assumptions confirmed. She was stunning. About 5' 7, with honey colored skin, with long auburn hair. She had on a silk see through blouse that revealed a lace undergarment. Her eyes were the lightest touch of gold with a deep brown. Chris losing focus for a moment was snapped back by her angry tones "Hello...idiot! are you even listening to me? Look I know you probably aren't used to complicated thoughts beyond what button to push on your little copy machine, but you've got to do this correctly? Understand?" "Yeah....I'm sorry. Now what were you saying?" "I said this has to be delivered to the Office of Domestic Affairs by 8 tonight. Do you have a car?" "Yeah" "Good. Take it to the DA and hand deliver it to Vice Director Ibart Solben. Make sure he and he alone receives it." "Sure thing. Hey if you'd like since its late I'll walk you to your car." Denise squinted her eyes as if she was looking for something. "Ok, but don't try anything funny. And don't even think of asking for my number!" Chris grabbed the package from her hands and made a step aside so she could pass. As she did Chris could swear she blinked. He paid it no mind and followed her out the door. As they reached the elevator he reached for the down button. As he turned to make small talk with Denise he swore she blinked again. This time he was sure she blinked so he asked "Are you ok?" As Denise went to respond her whole image frizzed up and she disappeared. Chris scared as hell now looked around and was shocked to see the whole room now gone. It was just him in the midst of blackness. A voice sounded out "Sorry for the inconvenience. This game has ended. A spaceship launch to Alpha Centauri has been completed. Please stand by for a new game......loading complete. Have a nice day."
Chris felt a surge and now as he looked around he was outdoors. Underneath him was grass that spanned as far as he could see. To the right a huge mountain jetted into the sky. As he stood their peering into the sky a voice spoke to him "Lord Xerxes does this spot meet your approval for the construction of our great village Persepolise." Chris was confused. "Xerxes? My name is Chris buddy." The voice spoke again "You are Xerxes. Emperor of the Persian people. You have been chosen to lead your people. You have recently discovered the warrior code and masonry. Is this where you choose to settle?" Chris looked around and now he was surrounded by a many people wearing cloth. He could see they were tired from what appeared to be a long journey. He had compassion for the people. It seemed as if they were awaiting his decision. He cleared his throat and issued a weak "Yes". Just as he spoke the words Chris saw a man step forward with a knapsack. He kneeled dropping and then opening his knapsack. As if by magic everything was transformed before Chris. He now sat in the middle of a bustling village. Small stone houses and roads. Men, women, and children busy at work. The voice spoke to Chris again. "Xerxes what would you have your loyal subjects produce. A wall for their protection. A worker group to condition the land. A group of warrior or a spearman. What shall it be?" Chris looked around and pondered his decision. There was no one around for miles he was sure so why would they need a wall? But if someone did come they would need some sort of protection. "I think we need a group of spearmen." he spoke out to the voice. Immediately a group of men stepped forward. One spoke up "Lord, we will begin training to protect our people." "How long will that take?" pondered Chris. The men huddled together to come up with an answer. After a few minutes the men disbanded the huddle. The one who previously spoke now spoke again. "Sir we anticipate it taking us about 200 years." Chris couldn't believe his ears. "200 years?". The voice now spoke up and said "Xerxes that is the equivalent of ten turns. " At this Chris couldn't help, but smile. He turned to the men "by all means then. commence your training." "Thank you sir!" quipped the men as they ran off to train. Chris couldn't help, but wonder exactly what was going on he had to be dreaming.
To be continued...............
"Chris, glad I caught you" sounded the cheerful voice on the phone. "I need a favor. I need someone to drop off a package for me. Normally I'd use a courier, but they seem to have all left for the day." Mentally Chris was kicking himself for not being as smart as the couriers. The voice continued "Its a rush and it must be there by 8 tonight. Its on my desk on the 24th floor. Instructions are attached. My secretary Denise should be able to assist you. Thanks." Click.... The nerve of this guy Chris steamed in his mind. What was he some sort of.......well whatever he was Chris didn't like it. Pushing the elevator for up now, Chris relegated his mind to the conclusion that he would have to miss this weeks session. Bing! As the elevator doors flew open Chris hopped aboard and pushed 24. Nothing happened. Chris pushed it again. This time the floor number lit up and the elevator doors shut, but the car began going down. Pondering how strange this was Chris was interrupted by the crackle of the elevator speaker. "Ummm, we're gonna need to have you sign in down here at the security desk before we can give you access to that floor Mr. Davis." Chris looked around soon finding the security camera in the left top corner at the rear of the car. He flashed the camera an OK symbol and waited to exit at the lobby floor. As the car settled at the lobby floor Chris slipped off and made his way to the security desk. "You needed me to sign some paper?" he questioned the Guard manning the desk. "Yeah...uh...sign right here by the long are you gonna be up there?" the guard replied. While signing the log sheet Chris answered "about ten minutes or so". Looking over the signature as Chris handed back the log-in sheet the guard simply nodded and returned to watching his monitor. Chris jumped back on the elevator and noticed that 24 was already lit on the elevator's panel. The doors closed and he was on his way. It was the first time Chris had been to the Penthouse level of the JMK Properties building. Working in the copy room he didn't have much need to leave the 12th floor. All the copies were delivered via interoffice mail and he didn't know anyone who worked above the 15th floor. As the elevator made its way up Chris could feel a small tingle in his stomach from the rapid ascent. the lcd floor display counted off until it finally flashed the 24. The doors slowly opened revealing a dimly lit lobby. Chris exited and took a moment to take it all in. It was a huge room with a high aching ceiling. The whole place looked to be carved out of chestnut wood framings. The floor had a superb shine that helped to illuminate the room with an unearthly glare from the dim lighting. Brass fixtures completed the decor and really added a level of sophistication to the room. As he made his way to the adjoining hall he could hear the sound of music. Entering the hall he noticed all the offices were dark except for the last one at the end. Chris thought to himself that must be the one. He quickly rushed down the hall towards the office. About two doors before he reached his destination he heard a women's voice coming from the office to his left. It was dark but he could make out the silhouette of a what appeared to be a very attractive woman. As he entered the door it was obvious she was on the phone. "Yeah, I know.....yeah...well as soon as this idiot from the copy room gets here I'll be on my way....yes. I will make it worth your heh hmmm..." Chris held back a snicker. "Ms. are you Denise?" "Huh? Oh yes!....just a minute. (into the phone) ok the guy is here so I'll see you soon ok...bye. Chris? God it took you long enough. I swear I can't understand how you loafers keep a job around here. Well, come on lets get this over with so I can go home." "Sure" Chris couldn't help, but laugh inside thinking of all the comebacks he'd love to lob this lady's way. As she slid by him in the doorway Chris quickly forgave her rude behavior. The smell of her perfume turned his legs to rubber. And as she brushed against him in the dark he could tell that this was one stacked woman he was dealing with. He turned an followed her into the lit office and had is assumptions confirmed. She was stunning. About 5' 7, with honey colored skin, with long auburn hair. She had on a silk see through blouse that revealed a lace undergarment. Her eyes were the lightest touch of gold with a deep brown. Chris losing focus for a moment was snapped back by her angry tones "Hello...idiot! are you even listening to me? Look I know you probably aren't used to complicated thoughts beyond what button to push on your little copy machine, but you've got to do this correctly? Understand?" "Yeah....I'm sorry. Now what were you saying?" "I said this has to be delivered to the Office of Domestic Affairs by 8 tonight. Do you have a car?" "Yeah" "Good. Take it to the DA and hand deliver it to Vice Director Ibart Solben. Make sure he and he alone receives it." "Sure thing. Hey if you'd like since its late I'll walk you to your car." Denise squinted her eyes as if she was looking for something. "Ok, but don't try anything funny. And don't even think of asking for my number!" Chris grabbed the package from her hands and made a step aside so she could pass. As she did Chris could swear she blinked. He paid it no mind and followed her out the door. As they reached the elevator he reached for the down button. As he turned to make small talk with Denise he swore she blinked again. This time he was sure she blinked so he asked "Are you ok?" As Denise went to respond her whole image frizzed up and she disappeared. Chris scared as hell now looked around and was shocked to see the whole room now gone. It was just him in the midst of blackness. A voice sounded out "Sorry for the inconvenience. This game has ended. A spaceship launch to Alpha Centauri has been completed. Please stand by for a new game......loading complete. Have a nice day."
Chris felt a surge and now as he looked around he was outdoors. Underneath him was grass that spanned as far as he could see. To the right a huge mountain jetted into the sky. As he stood their peering into the sky a voice spoke to him "Lord Xerxes does this spot meet your approval for the construction of our great village Persepolise." Chris was confused. "Xerxes? My name is Chris buddy." The voice spoke again "You are Xerxes. Emperor of the Persian people. You have been chosen to lead your people. You have recently discovered the warrior code and masonry. Is this where you choose to settle?" Chris looked around and now he was surrounded by a many people wearing cloth. He could see they were tired from what appeared to be a long journey. He had compassion for the people. It seemed as if they were awaiting his decision. He cleared his throat and issued a weak "Yes". Just as he spoke the words Chris saw a man step forward with a knapsack. He kneeled dropping and then opening his knapsack. As if by magic everything was transformed before Chris. He now sat in the middle of a bustling village. Small stone houses and roads. Men, women, and children busy at work. The voice spoke to Chris again. "Xerxes what would you have your loyal subjects produce. A wall for their protection. A worker group to condition the land. A group of warrior or a spearman. What shall it be?" Chris looked around and pondered his decision. There was no one around for miles he was sure so why would they need a wall? But if someone did come they would need some sort of protection. "I think we need a group of spearmen." he spoke out to the voice. Immediately a group of men stepped forward. One spoke up "Lord, we will begin training to protect our people." "How long will that take?" pondered Chris. The men huddled together to come up with an answer. After a few minutes the men disbanded the huddle. The one who previously spoke now spoke again. "Sir we anticipate it taking us about 200 years." Chris couldn't believe his ears. "200 years?". The voice now spoke up and said "Xerxes that is the equivalent of ten turns. " At this Chris couldn't help, but smile. He turned to the men "by all means then. commence your training." "Thank you sir!" quipped the men as they ran off to train. Chris couldn't help, but wonder exactly what was going on he had to be dreaming.
To be continued...............