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World At War!!!!!

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  • #46
    Thanks for the feedback! Much appreciated. I will keep your advice in mind while I write the next part.


    • #47
      Exciting story. Keep going dude I wanna see how this naval engagement turns out.

      Is it only me that's getting a lot of weird symbols and what not mixed in with the text, particularly where there should be quotation marks. It makes it a bit hard to read. I wonder if it has something to do with language settings? Mine's outfitted to handle both english and japanese so there maybe some conversion screw-ups happening.

      Originally posted by Easthaven I
      I'm usually just interested in gory, blood-filled, epic battle, violent stories
      Alright dude! If you like blood and carnage, come and read my new story The Devil of Nkwalini. It's a little more graphic than I intended it to be but it should satisfy your cravings for gore. There's a fresh battle coming up shortly too with loads of blood, violence and flying body parts in the works.
      Here is an interesting scenario to check out. The Vietnam war is cool.


      • #48
        lol. If its got blood and guts then I'm already there!


        • #49
          Great story! I've been reading it for about 2 hours and couldn't stop! Keep it up!


          • #50
            Very interesting story, indeed. Keep the goods coming

            Originally posted by unscratchedfoot
            Is it only me that's getting a lot of weird symbols and what not mixed in with the text, particularly where there should be quotation marks. It makes it a bit hard to read. I wonder if it has something to do with language settings?
            Yes, unscratchedfoot, the language settings of the browser do mess the stuff up. I see all the weird little squares, and other symbols when I set the language to Russian as well. Here is how to solve it though:

            (I assume you are using MS Internet Explorer.)[list=1][*]Right-click somewhere on the page. (Not on an image though.)[*]In the pop-up menu, select Encoding.[*]Note, which encoding is currently set - you will need it later. It should be "Japanese (Auto-select)" or some such thing.[*]Another little menu pops up. There, select "Western European (Windows)"[*]That will take care of the quotes and such stuff for you.[*]Now, once you are done with these here stories, you will need to set encoding the same way back to japanese, because otherwise you will see ugly weird symbols instead of japanese characters on pages written in japanese.[/list=1]

            Hope that helps.
            XBox Live: VovanSim
   (login required)
            Halo 3 Service Record (I fail at FPS...)
            Spore page


            • #51
              Thanks, that's good to know. However, even on Western european I still see weird symbols all over anything written by Easthaven. Looks like aCce or something. By the way, is there a way to doctor these "smilies". I want to have an angry Zulu with brown skin, not red and braids/dreadlocks sticking straight off his head.
              Here is an interesting scenario to check out. The Vietnam war is cool.


              • #52
                Originally posted by unscratchedfoot
                However, even on Western european I still see weird symbols all over anything written by Easthaven. Looks like aCce or something.
                Grrr. You are right. On western european, I see euro signs instead of quotes

                I found an encoding that works Follow the same procedure: right-click -> Encoding -> More -> Unicode (UTF-8)

                That encoding works for me. Hope it helps you, too
                XBox Live: VovanSim
       (login required)
                Halo 3 Service Record (I fail at FPS...)
                Spore page


                • #53
                  Cool! Thanks for all the feed back, much appreciated. I will post the next part Saturday to Sunday. I'm kinda stuck on how I'm gonna do the sea battles. But thanks for staying in tuned!


                  • #54
                    Blast Ive gone and fell off my chair now and smacked my head on the desk.

                    Come on Easthaven give us some more please
                    A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.


                    • #55
                      I hope you write some more soon! Also, on some other forums, they ask other members if they would like to contribute to the story if the author is stuck. I'm not sure if you do this here on Apolyton but it seems like a good idea.


                      • #56
                        I've got a few ideas I'm trying to implement, I feel this story is neverending. This part is a little hard for me whether it's because I have writer's block or its just a hard part to do, I will get it up by saturday, I promise. I'm sorry to keep you fellers waiting and getting the story lost in those brains of yours.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Easthaven I
                          I'm sorry to keep you fellers waiting and getting the story lost in those brains of yours.
                          I don't have brains. I'm a human synthesized robotic entity designed to simulate a somewhat off the wall personality. It's part of an online experiment being conducted by a company called Cyber Dynamics Corporation.
                          Here is an interesting scenario to check out. The Vietnam war is cool.


                          • #58


                            • #59
                              OOC: I can't let this die, it must go on! Chrisius, get your bum back on your seat...please...

                              SEA FIRE

                              After a few hours of maneuvering and firing the battle at sea finally ended. The Battleship Missushi was disabled and sinking. The USS Chicago was still afloat and weapons systems were still operational but they were seriously wounded. They needed to go back to America and get repaired, if only they were capable of making it back...

                              Sirens were howling, medics were running around aiding as many wounded sailors as they could. The firefighters did their best in putting out the fires. The bottom sector had to be sealed off because of a breach in the hull...a tough decision Captain Jones had to make, sealing off the sector drowned 121 sailors.

                              Captain Jones had a cut on his forehead from a piece of broken glass when a shell exploded near the control center causing the windows to shatter and explode inward.

                              "Commander, try to set up a temporary comm tower, we need to contact the USS Illinois."

                              "I'll try sir."


                              Battleship Hiro

                              When it was obvious that the end to the Missushi was imminent, Admiral Yamamato escaped on a small water craft, and headed towards the arriving Battleship Hiro. He arrived and took command, by this time the Missushi had sunk.

                              "The Americans are hurt, now is our time to strike!"

                              The body of metal raced forward...


                              USS Chicago

                              "When can we begin to set sail, Commander?" asked Captain Jones.

                              "In a few hours, sir."

                              "Make it quick, we don't know if they have any friends near by."

                              Then, off the horizon...he saw it. His worst fear...His heart nearly lept out of his throat...he knew...the end was near...

                              He grabbed the mic and set it to broadcast over the intercoms.

                              "Everybody back to their battle stations! Repeat everybody back to their battlestations! There is another battleship out there, heading straight for us!" He hung up the mic and went back to his bridge chair, ready to do battle once more.


                              Battleship Hiro

                              The newly created Battleship Hiro, more capable then even the late-Missushi was cutting the distance between it and the Chicago fairly quickly.

                              American shells began falling from the sky, nearly hitting the ship several times.

                              "They are firing sir! Shall we fire back?"

                              "Get closer, then we shall fire." Yamamato said calmly.


                              USS Chicago

                              The USS Chicago began firing even when the Hiro was still out of range. They were desperate sitting ducks awaiting their ultimate destruction by their hunter.

                              "Hit them with all we got! If we fail, we die..." Captain Jones told the men of the Control Center.

                              It was very busy, the sirens had to be turned off. The firefighters remained and fought desperately with the flames. Some sailors had to be left on the dock wounded and dieing while the rest resumed their positions for the oncoming attack.

                              "They're coming closer and closer. Ok, here is what I want...begin firing in a spot they will pass through, about 100 yards or so ahead of them, they will run into it and hopefully we will gain some advantages if we're lucky."

                              The order was taken and performed, they began shedding a rain of steel upon a designated area, soon the Hiro will pass through it, they must.


                              Battleship Hiro

                              "Sir, they're firing into a spot directly 90 or so yards ahead of us."

                              "Damn! Sharp turn, right full rudder! Avoid it!"

                              "Sir, we are going to fast, our momentum will prevent us from totally avoiding it...."

                              "Right Full Rudder! Do as I say! I know about momentum you fool! Do you want us to instead waltz directly into it? Now DO IT!"

                              The order was carried out, the whole ship leaned left as it made a sharp turn to the right, trying to avoid the rain of terror.

                              They saw the splashes get nearer and nearer, hope was in the air that they would avoid the came...

                              One hit 10 yards to the ship's left, the next splashed 15 yards in front before the ship passed through...

                              Then suddenly a helicopter parked on the left dock exploded, sailors were launched overboard while others simply were blown out of existence.

                              Another shell hit on the front dock, but it did not explode...the unexploded shell bounced off the ground and slid down the ship ripping sailors apart. Finally, it was halted by one of the 18' cannons...then exploded into a ball of flame! The sound of metal ripping apart could be heard, the screams of mutilated men filled the air.

                              Admiral Yamamato did not flinch...

                              "Keep going!"


                              USS Chicago

                              "Sir! I think we've hit them!"

                              "It don't mean nothin if it didn't stop them, keep firing, everything we've got!"

                              The Hiro kept coming full speed...closer and closer...

                              Then suddenly it slowed down immensely and nearly came to an abrupt halt.

                              "Maybe we've disabled their engines." said a hopeful.

                              No, he thought to himself as his eyes widened, It's too late...

                              The Hiro fired...


                              Last edited by Easthaven I; November 27, 2002, 19:24.


                              • #60
                                "Gunner Chrisius ! get back to your station," cried Captain Easthaven.

                                "Aye Aye Cap'n," replied Chrisius.

                                and about time to.
                                A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.

