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Crazy Lincoln

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  • Crazy Lincoln


    President Lincoln was a little woozy that morning. The night before held the biggest party Ameica had ever seen. Lincoln got so drunk that his advisors suggested he go home, but to the peoples delight, he refused, the people liked a leader that was one of them he would say later on. The mighty Greeks had been destroyed by the great American Army, and all of their land belonged to us now. The economy was booming and stocks skyrocketed, everybody was happy...
    Lincoln got out of bed and took a cold shower, they say that won't help but what did he care, he was the President of the greatest country in the world! He dryed off and went to his office. He smiled when he saw the pictures of the new citys we captured, for not only did we get citys, we got the much needed supply of Uranium that the Greeks demanded so much for. The shock of war so close to home was just wearing off, the Russians and the Aztecs were in a whole other continent and they're nation was small and weak, but the Greeks had a massive army and were right next to us. Lincolns master plan was just starting to unfold, he had his eyes on the French, and nobody had a clue.
    The General was still sleeping when his secretary woke him up, he had fallen asleep in his office, he had not been able to party, he was to busy regrouping his army.
    At about 4 in the morning he had finished and fallen asleep, it was now almost 1. The secretary said,"General sir, the President is here to see you, he says its urgent." The General was instantly awaken, well bring him in! Lincoln walked in, crouching to get through the door, he stood before the General...
    GENERAL: Lincoln, how nice to see you!
    LINCOLN: You too General, you are a great leader General, your troops trust you and win for you, you might take my place as President when i die!
    GENERAL: That is funny Lincoln, you don't look a day over 40.
    LINCOLN: Well General, the Greeks have been destroyed and we have gained massive benifits, i thank you.
    GENERAL: Yes Lincoln, it was a sweet victory, but it seems that this is not the reason you came here.
    LINCOLN: No General, you are right, that is not why i came here. You see General, my plan is working perfectly, but the next part needs to begin.
    GENERAL: But sir! We just go out of war! The people will not allow it!
    LINCOLN: Oh they will General, or they will die.
    GENERAL: You would be willing to kill your own people for the cause!?
    LINCOLN: Just get it started General, do not argue with me.
    GENERAL: Yes sir.

    The General made his preperations, he would not tell his troops where they were going until the last minute, the same tactics used against the Russians and the Aztecs would be used here. He gathered up four tansports filling them with Modern Armors, 32 tanks in all, three headed towards the Asian coast and one stayed behind until it was needed. Lincoln called upon the Egyptians for aid, he formed a military alliance with them against the French, the world was shocked at this declaration. The Frnech were indeed angry by this declaration.
    ''''''''''''WAR ON FRANCE""""" (since the war went quickly i have made a timeline of events)
    2271- America and Egypt sign a Military Alliance against France
    2273- Egypt and China sign a Military Alliance against France
    2274- Japan and France sign a trade embargo against us
    2276- Japan agrees to fight France with us for a World Map and 130 gold
    - Babylon and China sign a Military Alliance against France
    2278- Germany and Japan sign a Military Alliance against France
    - Persia and Japan sign a Military Alliance against France
    - England and Japan sign a Military Alliance against France
    2280- England and China sign a Mutual Protection Pact
    - Japan and Egypt sign a Mutual Protection Pact
    2282- Persia Destroys the French, we gain three of their citys.

    Lincoln embraced the General, he was delighted, we have won the war with only one loss, and with the help of the other nations of the world, the war ended swiftly. We now have a base in that area for the next phase of Lincolns plan, his next plan might call for the use of nukes by all nations of the world, will the world survive a nuclear holocaust!?? Lincoln hopes not!
    to be continued...
    Last edited by curlyboy24; February 23, 2002, 17:06.
    "I'm desperately trying to figure out why kamikaze pilots wore helmets."

  • #2
    You like????

    If you liked this story, tell me, and i will put in the rest!
    Last edited by curlyboy24; February 25, 2002, 00:25.
    "I'm desperately trying to figure out why kamikaze pilots wore helmets."


    • #3
      Last edited by curlyboy24; February 25, 2002, 00:26.
      "I'm desperately trying to figure out why kamikaze pilots wore helmets."


      • #4
        Kill 'em all

        We want more! We want more! We want more! (and maps too!)
        googol... this is a number!
        "Silence Ming. I will let you know when I feel you are needed." - HappySunShine
        "Classic Eyes...But in reality, it works the other way around." - Ming


        • #5
          more more more!!! Never end it please!


          • #6
   gonna post more or what....???


            • #7

              we ... uuuhhh ... want... uuuhhh more....
              googol... this is a number!
              "Silence Ming. I will let you know when I feel you are needed." - HappySunShine
              "Classic Eyes...But in reality, it works the other way around." - Ming


              • #8
                Great Fun!

                Hurrah! I got off my lazy bum and wrote more, it is in a new thread titled, "World War III, Chapter I, hurray!!! Great fun!
                "I'm desperately trying to figure out why kamikaze pilots wore helmets."


                • #9
                  at least
                  Traigo sueños, tristezas, alegrías, mansedumbres, democracias quebradas como cántaros,
                  religiones mohosas hasta el alma...

