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Pamplet to the Aztec People: Welcome to America

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  • Pamplet to the Aztec People: Welcome to America

    NOTE: This game was played on a Standard Earth map with corrected starting positions:

    Thanks to anyone who had any part of making that map, it give me a
    very memorable game the first time I tried it

    Manifest Destiny - A history of the Americas
    Before you dear reader is all that is accepted as true about the history
    of the American Continent in this great day and age of 2003. While, some
    of this may, in fact, be more folk lore than fact it is at least what the
    average American would be taught during his youthful studies. It is our
    hope that with this guide's help, all of you in these "annexed territories"
    may indeed eventually earn your american citizenships and put your troubled
    pasts behind you as you join the greatest nation on the face of the earth.

    The beginnings, the stuff of legends:
    The beginnings of the American Nation are from a time long forgotten in the
    distant past before the old and new worlds were even known to each other. It
    is generally accepted, however, that Washington was the first settlement
    in all of North America, of course, the citizens of Salmanca still dispute
    this claim. The early years of American history were a time of peaceful
    expansion, and true to the self proclaimed prophesy of manifest destiny-the
    belief that our nation would one day span from east to west coast, our country
    eventually spanned the bulk of the central north american continent. To
    the north, then much as today, was a group known as the Canadian Iroquis with
    their capital at Salmanca. The american people have always been friends with
    the Iroquis nation, though less involved in foreign affairs. To the south,
    in the regions now around the american "mexico city" was a group of warlike
    savages known as the aztecs...many of you readers may in fact consider yourself
    aztecs still. Such is to be expected, but not accepted. Likely, once history
    is taught to each of you, those opinions will subside and your natural place
    as american citizens can begin.

    The middle ages:
    The middle ages in America were marked by a few key events, notably the americans
    discovered the Republic and have been governed as such ever since. (Despite the
    claims of the Iroquis to have actually taught it to us!) Perhaps as important an
    american galley (no not iroquis, banish the thought) made its way to asia by way
    of the iroquis alaskan province and contacted the old world. It is at this point,
    that real recorded history begins. The world world, as you likely know is made up
    of many cultures: The barbaric germans which control much of asia and scandanavia.
    The english who rule their home island and parts of greenland. The babylonians who
    were exiled to australia after defeat by the Persians. The Persians who rule much
    of southern asia. The french who control paris in europe, parts of asia, and the pacific
    islands near australia. The romans who rule southern europe and northern africa. The
    japanese who rule their tiny island and parts of asia. And finally the zulu's who rule
    southern africa proudly but ignorantly. From the very first contact, our wise leaders
    noted that the "old" world was in constant conflict, attributed primarily to the japanese,
    the zulu, and the germans. We wisely chose to abstain from these conflicts, however,
    your ancestors the aztecs did not. Nor did the iroquis, however, they were generally
    pulled in on the side of the cizilized countries, not as pawns of the zulu's and germans.

    It was also during this period of time that america's colonial holdings, south america and
    eastern australia was founded to gather important strategic resources. Perhaps, as
    important as anything else, these resource colonies (actually 2 cities in australia,
    though they say Sydney actually was founded by the babylonians and revolted to join us,
    and 4 cities in the southern part of south america) The iron, and later uranium and
    oil gathered from these colonies has been imensely important to america's wealth. Though
    not america's only source of iron or oil...its known the american economy and military
    thirst for vast supplies of both and exhausted 4!! of its own iron supplies (actually 2
    were taken from aztec lands in the first war) and its own oil supply near houston.

    The iroquis/aztec war:
    Circa 1500 ad, war broke out between the aztecs and iroquis. The american nation
    perfectly divided these two powers, and both sought to move their troops through the
    soil of america. Although america didn't take sides directly, it is known that she
    influeced the outcome of the war heavily by giving a right of passage to the more
    civilized iroquis. Which directly resulted in the aztec capital of old being burned
    to the ground by their army, and the city the american's call "Panima" (though it still
    bears an incromprehensible aztec name to the iroquis living there) falling to the iroquis.

    Mexico City, the naval center of america, was founded just miles from the ashes of
    the former aztec capital to help "police" the region. The city is one of only two
    cities which function as a canal from the atlantic to pacific oceans, the other is
    of course "panama". Both cities also block access from the north and south american
    continents by land, a fact which stopped the iroquis war cold in its tracks and spaired
    your ancestors from their full wrath. Which was later repaid with treachory.

    The first aztec war:
    War broke out in the 1700s when aztecs signed a trade embargo against us with the
    germans. Despite what your leaders taught you before, it was not over the iron
    mine around the city of Rio de Janero (american name). The war was short lived,
    10 infantry divisions and 4 artillery secured Rio, and your weak leaders sued for

    The babylonian/aztec alliance (the second war):
    In the year 1988, the beginning of the end came for the aztec people. Understanding
    the causes of the war would take a degree in political science, but in layman terms
    your people can understand, the aztecs signed a mutual protection pact with the australian
    babylonians who then attacked the french. The french, desperate for our help, agreed
    to key concessions (the terms are not that important) which resulted in our tank divisions
    based in Sydney to attack and conquer all of babylonian australia (supported heavily by
    our pacific fleet). The war was over in just 3 years, but the aztecs foolishly declared
    war on us for attacking their "allies". Once the babylonians were dealt with, the
    american tank divisions supported by our atlantic fleet quickly ended all resistance
    in the former aztec lands of south america. As you know, your government has taken
    cowardly exile on a pacific island to avoid our continued wrath. Though not beyond
    our reach, we have decided to show mercy on them. You however, american subject, are
    not so lucky.

    Having now been informed of the current state of affairs, you are to renounce your
    aztec citizenship and join the american republic as a citizen, or report to the
    iron mining camps for duty until you change your mind.

    Jim Smith, governor of the aztec provinces, advisor to Lincoln

    A meeting of the American Adivors, 2020
    President Lincoln looked about the room in agitation, he was obviously not pleased. He
    didn't like being told no.

    "Gentlemen, what do you mean we can't reach alpha centauri by 2050.", Lincoln said.

    The science advisor spoke first, "Sir, we need more funding. There is no way we will
    discover the needed "lasers" and "synthetic fibers" by 2050 with our current level
    of funding."

    "There is no more money, sir. We are already in the red, and likely will have to actually
    cut our science budget in the next five years." The trade advisor spoke, obviously
    a bit fearful.

    "No money! We control the largest nation on earth! How can there be no money." Lincon
    was obviously quiet adgitated.

    The science advisor was obviously ready for this and spoke with a sly grin, "Sir, ive
    taken the liberty to analyze our commerce reports. I know how we can get the funding
    we need." He pulled out a piece of notebook paper and handed it to Lincoln. "We simply
    cut funding for the navy and tank divisions of the military, sir."

    General Scott, up until this point barely listening choked on his coffee. "Sir, we can't
    do that. We'll be defenseless!"

    "Not true, Im only proposing we cut offensive military funding. Our infantry, and a few
    tanks for a mobile defense force will remain.", quipped the trade advisor Wesley.

    "Sir, the only true defense is offense....look at the aztecs. They was heavily defended
    by infantry and our tanks and bombers cut through them like butter. True, we suffered
    some losses of tank divisions, but overall it was easy. If we do this, I can't be held
    responsible." Scott, was obviously agitated.

    Lincoln finally spoke, after glancing at the plan drawn on notebook paper. "I don't think
    this drastic of a cut is a good plan. We'd need to cut 75 divisions to raise science
    even 10%. What you have here, will probally put us on alpha centauri by 2060, if we still
    exist to launch the damn thing." He stopped to pause and let that sink in, the others
    obviously afraid to interrupt, "However, I dont think these cuts would put us in danger
    by any means, remember we are the only nation on earth with access to more than 2 strategic
    resources, much less all of them. Well I guess we lack horses (the room laughs). And it
    is true, that a well organized army of tanks backed with air cover could beat our infantry
    homeland defense forces...but lets keep in mind that no one else on earth even knows
    how to build tanks or bombers just yet, though Ive heard rumors that the germans are on
    the verge of aquiring flight." He paused again, "still, I dont see how cutting our
    military is the answer, we still wont land on alpha centauri in time."

    The culture advisor interrupted, "Sir why is it so important we land by 2050 anyways? I
    may of missed a meeting while I was surveying the aztec and australian provinces."

    It was quickly responded to by the science advisor in an annoyed voice, "because if we
    don't do it by 2050, we'll look foolish in front of the whole world." The culture advisor
    was obviously confused (knowing the rest of the world was backwards and couldnt fly
    20 foot off the ground much less go to the stars), but let it go.

    Lincoln again spoke, "I think what we need, if we are done with the interruptions", stops
    to glare at the culture advisor, "Is not a cut in military spending but an increase. It
    seems to me that our space program was a wasted effort. We are much more likely to be
    able to destroy germany in 30 years, thereby taking out the worst threat to world
    peace, than to get to another star. Besides, I believe if we ally with france, england,
    and rome to do this, it will pay off when that UN thing you kept talking about (points to
    the culture advisor) is finished in a few years. I want plans made for this for
    tommorrow's meeting." He turned and walked towards the door, "Oh and I only need to see
    you General Scott at tommorrow's meeting, I won't be needing the advise of the rest of
    you until we are ready to figure out how to govern asia." He promptly walked out leaving
    the group, except for the general who had long since returned to sipping his coffee stunned.

  • #2

    Meeting with General Scott
    It was mid-afternoon, yet Scott was still drinking his coffee when Lincoln entered. The
    meeting had been scheduled for morning, but Scott had requested an eight hour extension,
    which Lincoln granted. Lincoln didn't look ready to give much more though.

    "Mr. President, welcome to the office of defense." Scott nodded at his two aids, which
    was quickly and acknowledged by their prompt and silent departure. "I believe the
    report i've prepared for your pleasure during the extension you granted me speaks
    for itself." He then handed Lincoln a binder marked top secret. Lincoln opened it
    without so much as a word and began to read:

    The army divisions of American Republic:
    40 infantry stationed throughout the nations holdings as defensive forces.
    2 swordsman, stationed as a defense force in south america.
    1 warrior stationed as shore defense outside of Havana.
    25 tanks, 19 of which are stationed in north and south america, 6 in australia
    4 artillery units, stationed in south america
    6 cruise missiles, stationed in Houston
    4 tactical nukes stationed in north america
    3 transports, 2 in mexico city, 1 in australia
    4 carriers (4 bombers each), 2 in australia, 2 in mexico city
    5 battleships, 3 in mexico city, 2 in australia
    3 destroyers, 2 in mexico city, 1 in australia
    4 nuclear submarines, 2 in the atlantic, 2 in the pacific (not armed with nukes)
    7 workers, stationed on various continents
    3 airports can airlift from North America to Australia at a rate of 1 tank per year.
    We are not currently producing any divisions.

    Army of the German Monarchy:
    5 workers
    5 pikeman
    24 longbowman
    16 rifelan
    22 infantry
    4 artillery
    No station information is available, but as the german empire is connected via a rail
    network, such isn't pertinent anyways.
    Production at the moment is unknown.

    Abe looked up from the report and started pacing. "General, how is it you know so much
    about the German Army?"

    "I took the liberty of having an operative of the CIA sent to Berlin and infiltrate their
    military headquarters last night, sir. The delay today was getting the report back. The
    operation was a complete success, but we lack the funding to...", the general was cut

    "You realize, if you'd been caught Bismark would of declared war.", Lincoln said with a
    stern but unreadable expression.

    "I thought that was the idea, sir.", the general said obviously not concerned.

    "Yes, well I do have an election coming up in 2 years...", Lincon started.

    "Thats why I didnt ask permission, sir.", the general replied. Lincoln just responded
    with a nod.

    "Well, make sure you don't give that operative any more tasks. He's wrong about the
    rail network. They have an extensive one, but the only resource they have available
    since the last french war is oil, some of their more remote cities are only connected
    by road.", the president stopped to collect his thoughts.

    "Well sir, Im not so sure this is going to be an easy win. From the looks of the report
    they have at least one infantry in every city, and rifleman in most others. Of course
    all 22 infantry could be in Berlin, we have no way of knowing. Perhaps just as important
    is that we have no way to relocate our armies in a timely manner. I suggest we don't
    attack with our australia divisions, however, as that would leave australia without a
    sizable defense force and our resource supplies vulnerable."

    Lincoln only nods.

    "I actually believe, its best to build 2 more transports, fully load them with tanks from
    north america, and send them backed up with the mexico city navy. At the same time,
    every north american city should begin building more tanks, except for Houston and
    Los Angelos, I believe they should build ICBMs." The general was cut off.

    "ICBMs? Do you plan to use nuclear weapons?", the president looked concerned.

    "Well sir, if things go badly....I also think we should load our tactical nukes and have
    them ready. We should keep them close to home though in case the Iroquis turn on us."
    Again, General Scott was cut off.

    Lincoln only said, "We arent really planning on a total victory, general. Ive been told
    the UN will be complete in Washington in 2037. If a vote was held today it'd be us against
    the germans. In 2037, I want it to still be us against the germans. You should inflict
    some pain, but not cut them out totally until after the vote. Im planning on having our
    allies vote for us. They wouldnt normally do this, but I believe with a choice of us
    or the germans....well its an easy choice."

    "What if they just don't participate, sir?", the general asked.

    "If they abstain.....then Ill be upset, and we'll be having more of these little talks.",
    Lincon paused, "Of course, I doubt you could conquer the world by 2050...." Lincoln
    stopped. "Not that 2050 is all that significant of a date.....its just important to me,
    being the end of my allowable term in office and all. Im sure my successor could do just
    as well."

    "I still think the nukes would be a good option to have on the table, sir. We wouldnt
    use them unless desperate of course.", the general said.

    Lincon nodded, "You have my permission to order any units you wish. Do not fire a nuclear,
    or even conventional shot, until I give the clear. Also, Washington is devoted to the UN,
    you must not interfere in its production. As for the transports, I do not believe you
    need as many as you think. Im going to make arrangements with the english or french or
    maybe even the romans for right of passage, we can build up our forces before declaring
    war and attacking. When we do attack, it will most likely be the mid 2030's and in as big
    of an alliance as I can arrange. Your task for the next 10 years will be to build up
    our forces in the region and plan this attack. You are not, however, I repeat not to
    harm germany to the point that its not up for a vote in the UN against us. Keep that in
    mind with what troops you send, they will be primarily for keeping our allies in one
    piece, and maybe taking 1 or 2 key german cities at most....after the vote we'll exterminate
    them totally of course." Lincoln concluded and walked out the door without waiting for
    a response. The general just sipped his coffee.


    • #3
      End of the Road, the memoires of Lincoln

      The war with germany occurred in 2036 (1 year before the UN),
      as planned the english allowed us use of their land (right of
      passage) to stage the attack. We attacked with support of 3
      battleships, 2 destroyers, and 3 fully loaded carriers in the
      english channel. Our forces numbered 15 tanks and 1 infantry.
      Berlin fell the same year the UN was built, and soon became an
      airbase to move in supporting units.

      The UN vote did not go well, it was inconclusive as no one would
      ally with me against germany (despite some of them already
      being at war with them *boggle*) Seeing my last hope of a
      successful end to my career bashed, I ordered the complete
      destruction of the german empire. General Scott went to oversee
      the european armies personally.

      Bismark was executed in 2063. The celebration that year in
      Washington was the last time I saw General Scott. We discussed
      how he'd been right over a cup of bourbon for me and a glass of
      coffee for him. He returned to Berlin to see to solidifying our
      position that same night. He was killed in what followed.
      The hard won peace was short lived, in 2070 the treachours
      romans declared war with no warning and for no reason, they
      had iscovered mechanized infantry and tanks while we warred
      with the germans for 50 years. Their attack was devastating and
      all the land we took from the germans was quickly layed to waste
      or occupied by filthy roman troops. My response, the only
      possible response, a full scale nuclear strike, 12 ICBMs and 4
      tactical nukes. At least, Ill know the romans will be glowing for
      centuries to come. The iroquis too, as they declared war after
      the first ICBM hit, and the 4 tactical nukes went their way in

      The result of that day, the entire world declared war with me,
      and I was steadily losing ground, cuba, seattle, boulder...all fell
      by 2076. No one would even hear my envoys.

      The silver lining, my nearly complete spaceship...with the advent
      of lasers in 2076, the last component could be begun...4 more
      years....only 4 more years.....

      The journal entry stops here. History records the end of the
      american empire as 2077.


      Afterward by Chief Iron Dove, Leader of the Iroquis republic. The
      president's memoires end here, but the story of the dastardly
      american tyrants does not end there. Our war pressed on, and
      indeed he nearly got to launch that spaceship. The french and
      romans took Australia, while we took north america. South
      america was under attack by the zulu and our combined forces.
      Indeed, the alliance was a full success. We took washington, in
      the year 2080. Just as we approached the city, we saw their
      spaceship launch. A few of our cruise missiles quickly dispatched
      it, however, we believe Lincoln was aboard running from the
      horrors he's caused on earth. More of our people die every year
      from his cowardly attack, and its worse in Rome. Soon, the last
      of the American resistance in South America will be gone, and
      this horrid chapter in human history will close. The american's
      did leave us one noble achievement, however, in Washington we
      found the UN. And in a vote held in 2080, the Iroquis became the
      leaders of the world for our leadership in the anti-american
      alliance of 2070. Shortly after, Elizabeth of England and
      Tokinawa of Japan were executed for not partipating in the
      alliance, the only countries not to declare war on Lincoln for his

      NOTE: The game crashed in 2076 (oddly my zone alarm come up
      with a warning about allowing civ3 to access the local network,
      and I got a critical exception, oh well) I choose not to continue
      as the outcome was pretty obvious anyways. Space in 4 years or
      complete anhilation within 15 years.....
      Last edited by wervdon; February 20, 2002, 14:36.


      • #4
        Nice story. Did you not have any MPP's when Rome attacked? Did the German territory have good resources? Rome must have seen a ripe opportunity to attack without provocation.

        Good strategy. Too bad your allies didn't go along with you on the vote...

        Do you think you would've had a chance minus the nuclear response?


        • #5
          No MPs. I may could of beat Rome still. Their initial assault actually did leave me with 1 city in scandavia (probally cause I had 8 tanks in it :P I just ignored it for the story purposes though) Nuking was more fun though :P

          As for the vote, what actually happened was by 2037 when the UN was done, the french/german war had eroded germany enough that the iroquis were actually my competition and they had good relations with everyone. It was something like 3 votes for me (counting me), 3 for them (counting them), and 3 abstains. The next vote during the german war was basically the same.

          As for the attack, I actually had something of a warning, they demanded wines and I told them to get lost I guess I underestimated them, I didnt realize they had about 20 modern armor units :P Soon as I went to war with germany, every other civ made peace with them, and obviously went in hyper research and trading mode. By the time I noticed, every last civ had the exact same set of techs (I tried trading with each of them). Even Japan was caught up who had been in the middle ages, they went from wanting me to trade them banking to fission in 30 turns :P Serves me right though, in my last game I did the same thing to babylon I met mid-evil isolated japan north of them, and gifted them with every tech I knew, knowing they'd attack babylon first cause it was so close :P Id already realized trying to keep tech secret from the AI (especially post 1.17) is a waste in effort Only way to do it is keep a world war going :P Which was what happened in this game, until I took out one of the two catalysts (germany) for the world war


          • #6
            Great story and a great game. I can't even imagine my games going for that long. I'm finished at the lastest in the 1900's. Sounds like there is a lot of fun in the late stages.

