2144 A.D. President Lincoln of the American Democracy
History: In a world where there are 15 other countrys, America dominates all. America possesses the best army, culture, and has researched all technologies available. In the beginning America took out the capital of Babylon only after a few years of existence thinking they had wiped them out.
Lincoln stepped up to the podium a little dazed by the flashing of reporters bulbs, ready to address the nation. The German nation had made another threat and the public was questioning the Presidents abilitys. Lincoln addressed the nation by confirming that the Germans had made their second threat to America. Reporters asked questions if war was iminent and if it wasn't why was the president building up his forces. Information had leaked that the American forces out numbered all other countrys five to one. The president answered all questions saying he couldn't comment on them at this time.
Almost 15 years later the President walked into the secret conference room in Washington. His top advisors eyed him curiously. The President had called this meeting at short notice. Lincoln stood before his advisors and said, today my friends, how about we talk about the Russians. A low murmur of talk then silence. You see, the Russians occupy the area just below the Panama Canal and our spys have reported that this pathetic civilizations army consists of 7 Rifleman. The room erupted in laughter, tears filled the Presidents eyes, the laughter died down and the president spoke again. But there is a problem, you see, in order to get to the Russians, we must go down through the Panama Canal which is currently blocked by the Egyptians. The Foreign advisor stood up,"we could sign a right of passage agreement with them sir!" Yes we have thought of that, but we don't want the Russians to get suspicious, the General spoke up," are you suggesting a covert mission sir?" Exactly General, do you think you could whip something up? I'll get on it right away sir! The General left excitedly, later on they'd say they swore they saw him skip a little too. The President cleared his throat and the room was quiet once again, another issue i'd like to address, he said, is the growing German problem. But sir, the Foreign advisor said, Germany is the second largest nation in the world! Yes i know the president responded, but they keep on making threats and i think its time we start taking these threats seriously. Thats why i wanted you here Foreign advisor, we need to make friends with China, England, France, and the Zulu. I want a meeting with them next week ok, get on it now. The meeting adjurned, his advisors all stirred up wondering what the President had in store, little did they know, Lincoln was just getting started.
The summit meeting went so smoothly even Lincoln was shocked. China, England, France, and the Zulu all were more then willing to ally with the mighty America. For years they had tryed to ally, and now they could free of charge, Lincolns master plan was starting to unfold, and so far, nobody was growing suspicious.
Lincoln sat in his easy chair reading the spy reports for this year, the year was 2168 and so far the world lived in peace, that would all change he thought to himself. He looked over the Russian spy reports, chuckled, and tossed it aside, the Russians are getting stronger he thought to himself, then he laughed out loud. The Russians had increased there army over the past years by two, adding one Rifleman and a measly knight, his Modern Armor would eat them alive, the chance will come he thought, patience, all we need is a little more time.
Lincoln was woken up at three in the morning by his Foreign advisor who was acting histerical! He kept on shouting and shouting something, Lincoln finally told him to calm down, and the advisor told him that something terrible had happened over night in secret. Mr. President he said, our spys have just learned that Germany and England have signed a Mutual Protection Pact behind our backs! Lincolns face didn't change one bit, he chuckled, said good job and got back in bed, he thought how stupid the English had been, no matter, he would have to change his master plan a little, he went to sleep that night, dreaming of a glorious empire.
""""""Summary of Past couple years:""""""
The foolish Russians have reduced their army to six, with five riflemen and one knight. They will be easily defeated when the time comes.
A striking blow to the English! The English city of Manchester defected to our side, they are obviously impressed with our culture.
The foolish Russians try to ally with us, their attemp was met with a hostile no.
Our spies have reported that the Russian Army has been majorly reduced to four Riflemen, but they have one settler, maybe they will try to expand their pathetic empire.
Lincoln again called a secret meeting with his advisors, it seems that the Russians have not increased their army and their settler sits on his butt with no where to go. Since they have no ships they cannot get of the stinking continent they pollute. The foreign advisor stood, nervousness in his voice. Mr. President he said, it seems that everyone in the world has allied with somebody else, if we attack one person it will start a World War that could cost the lives of thousands of soldiers. The General stood, sir if i may speak, as of right now, for a hefty price, that you, Mr. Foreign Advisor, approved, we now have a reliable source of Uranium for twenty years and we now have over 7 ICBM's and 2 fully loaded Nuclear Submarines, and five Aegis Cruises with many more being produced. Anyone who wages war against us sir will definitely not defeat us. The trade advisor spoke up, but sir! As of right now, we are trading over ten different resources with 7 different countrys, a world war would be devastating to our economy sir! The president stood, i have heard all i need to here, i will decide tonight, goodnight gentlemen.
The next morning the red phone lit up in the generals offices, he knew this would be important, he took a deep breathe and picked it up...
PRESIDENT: General, i think you know why i called
GENERAL: Yes sir i do, when shall i start?
PRESIDENT: Right now general, i assume you have planned this attack already
GENERAL: Absolutely sir, i shall not fail you.
PRESIDENT: Let's hope not General, a defeat by that small of a country would ruin our reputation forever, goodbye General!
The General got on the phone immediately, he phoned the base in Delphi, the base commander understood, a covert operation of 4 Modern Armors would be transported and dropped off at the eastern coast of Russia.
It seems the Generals plans were working perfectly, he massed two tanks in the North western part of Russia and fat Catherine responded quickly, demanding us to remove our troops imediately, we responded by declaring war, the world was shocked by this declaration, we had lived in a world of piece for over 2,000 years, that would all change now, everything would change...
The Russian army consisted of seven men, seven brave men, seven dead men...
Our first assault was on the Northern most city of Tblisi, our group of 3 Modern Armor massed on the outskirts, she knew we were coming, but they're primitive roads could not bring her troops to the city in time, the city of Tblisi belonged to us now, the citizens were more than happy to join our modern society, which made the Fat Queen more angry.
""""""""""WAR REPORT FROM THE FRONT LINES'"""""""""""
We took the city of Tblisi within minutes sustaining no damges to our units, the citizens rejoiced at our presence.
Next we are heading for Sevastopol, we left one tank behind in Tblisi in case the citizens have a change of heart, Sevastopol will fall in the morning.
Our troops have left Delphi, they will arrive on the eastern shores in two days, Catherine doesn't suspect a thing.
""""""""""HAPPENINGS AT HOME""""""""""
The President addressed the nation again, he stood up to the podium and began. My people, American people, as you can see, we will not be intimidated, yesterday, at 9:00, Bismark made outragious demands to us. He demanded we give up our techonologies our brilliant scientists worked so hard to discover, to give them up to ensure our nations survival! We will not give in, we will not surrender! America stood up to the bully today, and the bully walked away, but next time, America will not let the bully go unpunished, are we a nation of weaklings! The crowd all said no in unison, they cheered the president, waved their flags. I will end this by saying, we Americans worked hard for what we have, and we're not going to let anyone take that away from us! Lincoln stepped down to the cheers of the crowd chanting his name, America would celebrate tonight, and the next night, for they would not be defeated.
The Oval Office doors swung open, the President smiled at the Foreign Advisor. An impressive speech you made sir, he said. Yes it was, you know what, i think they like me, Lincoln chuckled a little, please sit down. The Foreign Advisor stood, sir, i have something i think you should know about. Lincolns smile faded, what is it? Well sir, the Greeks have ended the Right of Passage agreement with us, and refuse to renew it. It seems the nations are angry at us for distrupting world peace sir. Mr. Advisor, just keep on doing your job, let me worry about the Greeks, get some sleep, i have a feeling we'll all need it.
""""""""""WAR REPORT FROM THE FRONT LINES'"""""""""""
It seems the town of Sevastopol is deserted, Catherine obviously cares nothing of her people, we have taken it with ease, although there is one resister, a sniper team has been organized, he will be taken care of. The rest of our troops have marched into the heart of Russia, with Moscow only a day away, we will take that last i think.
""""""""""HAPPENINGS AT HOME""""""""""
Lincoln burst into the Foreign Advisors office, fire in his eyes. Sit down Mr. Advisor, he said. The Advisor looked truly puzzled, and frightened. Two armed gaurds stood on either side of him, he knew he had been caught. Lincoln stood before him, a huge man. Lincoln kicked him in the face and said," So you thought you could trick us huh, we have figured you out you know. So this is the question, why did the Greeks end our Right of Passage agreement, and why will nobody else sign one with us, tell me, can you answer this for me?" The Advisor was shaking, well sir, I, I, don't know sir, maybe because we declared war on the Russians? Lincoln pushed everything off the desk in anger. No! That is not why! Because of you, because of you! You failed to inform us that we had a Right of Passage agreement with Russia! I never approved of such an agreement, did I! The Advisor shook his head, no sir you didn't. Lincoln stood, take him away and lock him up. Lincoln walked away leaving the pleas and shouts of his ex advisor.
""""""""""WAR REPORT FROM THE FRONT LINES'"""""""""""
Our Troops have landed near the shores of Kiev and Smolensk, the towns will fall within three days.
The Iroqouis demand that we leave their territory, this makes it harder for our troops to enter Russia.
We've taken the town of Kiev suffering a loss of our Modern Armor, no matter, our other tank is badly damaged.
The town of Kiev is resisting to much for us to keep it, the Greeks were pleased with our present to them, Kiev is theirs now(only after we sold all the improvements)
Our troops have massed at the gates of Smolensk, one Rifleman stands between us and the city, we will have it by tomorrow.
We have taken Smolensk! Minor damages were sustained, and one still loyal citizen is resisting, he will be dealt with though.
We have also gathered at the gates of St. Petersburg, what a nice name, i think i'll change it.
Minsk and St. Petersburg fell to us quickly, i'm still debating on what i should change the name to.
The resister in Smolensk tragically died in a car accident, it seems that an out of control tank crushed him, we will mourn his loss.
""""""""""HAPPENINGS AT HOME""""""""""
The new foreign advisor, Griffin came bursting into the room, with the Trade advisor right behind him. Sir, they said together. Lincoln looked up from his work. Sir they said, the Aztecs and the Russians have signed a trade embargo against us! Lincoln chuckled a little, the Aztec nation consisted of three citys. So Lincoln said, the weak nations are coming together as one, i will contact the General, the Aztecs made a bad choice of friends.
""""""""""WAR REPORT FROM THE FRONT LINES'"""""""""""
Our troops near Odessa, it will fall within days. We are also stationed outside Moscow, the final strike is ready, poor Catherine.
We have captured Odessa with heavy damage to one of our tanks, the city is resisting heavily, Moscow is the only city left, the Russian empire will be no more.
It seems Moscow is well fortified, we almost lost a tank but we narrowly escaped. Reinforcements have arrived, we will take Moscow tomorrow!
We have captured Moscow and Fat Catherine, the Russian Empire is no more, the war is over.
Griffin came into the Oval Office excitedly, Mr. Lincoln sir! The Aztects are resuming trade with us, the Russians are no more, and Catherine will stand trial in Washington, congradulations sir.
A parade was held in the streets that day and for the next couple weeks, the General was showered with gifts and the air smelled of fireworks. All was good in the land of America, tourists visited the ruins of once Russia and cheered at the sight of the American flag over Moscow.
The Aztecs now pay us twenty gold per turn as we demanded, saying that it was to preserve world peace not because they feared us, whatever the reason, they pay us tribute now. We will soon wipe them out, when the time comes, they will all be wiped out...
History: In a world where there are 15 other countrys, America dominates all. America possesses the best army, culture, and has researched all technologies available. In the beginning America took out the capital of Babylon only after a few years of existence thinking they had wiped them out.
Lincoln stepped up to the podium a little dazed by the flashing of reporters bulbs, ready to address the nation. The German nation had made another threat and the public was questioning the Presidents abilitys. Lincoln addressed the nation by confirming that the Germans had made their second threat to America. Reporters asked questions if war was iminent and if it wasn't why was the president building up his forces. Information had leaked that the American forces out numbered all other countrys five to one. The president answered all questions saying he couldn't comment on them at this time.
Almost 15 years later the President walked into the secret conference room in Washington. His top advisors eyed him curiously. The President had called this meeting at short notice. Lincoln stood before his advisors and said, today my friends, how about we talk about the Russians. A low murmur of talk then silence. You see, the Russians occupy the area just below the Panama Canal and our spys have reported that this pathetic civilizations army consists of 7 Rifleman. The room erupted in laughter, tears filled the Presidents eyes, the laughter died down and the president spoke again. But there is a problem, you see, in order to get to the Russians, we must go down through the Panama Canal which is currently blocked by the Egyptians. The Foreign advisor stood up,"we could sign a right of passage agreement with them sir!" Yes we have thought of that, but we don't want the Russians to get suspicious, the General spoke up," are you suggesting a covert mission sir?" Exactly General, do you think you could whip something up? I'll get on it right away sir! The General left excitedly, later on they'd say they swore they saw him skip a little too. The President cleared his throat and the room was quiet once again, another issue i'd like to address, he said, is the growing German problem. But sir, the Foreign advisor said, Germany is the second largest nation in the world! Yes i know the president responded, but they keep on making threats and i think its time we start taking these threats seriously. Thats why i wanted you here Foreign advisor, we need to make friends with China, England, France, and the Zulu. I want a meeting with them next week ok, get on it now. The meeting adjurned, his advisors all stirred up wondering what the President had in store, little did they know, Lincoln was just getting started.
The summit meeting went so smoothly even Lincoln was shocked. China, England, France, and the Zulu all were more then willing to ally with the mighty America. For years they had tryed to ally, and now they could free of charge, Lincolns master plan was starting to unfold, and so far, nobody was growing suspicious.
Lincoln sat in his easy chair reading the spy reports for this year, the year was 2168 and so far the world lived in peace, that would all change he thought to himself. He looked over the Russian spy reports, chuckled, and tossed it aside, the Russians are getting stronger he thought to himself, then he laughed out loud. The Russians had increased there army over the past years by two, adding one Rifleman and a measly knight, his Modern Armor would eat them alive, the chance will come he thought, patience, all we need is a little more time.
Lincoln was woken up at three in the morning by his Foreign advisor who was acting histerical! He kept on shouting and shouting something, Lincoln finally told him to calm down, and the advisor told him that something terrible had happened over night in secret. Mr. President he said, our spys have just learned that Germany and England have signed a Mutual Protection Pact behind our backs! Lincolns face didn't change one bit, he chuckled, said good job and got back in bed, he thought how stupid the English had been, no matter, he would have to change his master plan a little, he went to sleep that night, dreaming of a glorious empire.
""""""Summary of Past couple years:""""""
The foolish Russians have reduced their army to six, with five riflemen and one knight. They will be easily defeated when the time comes.
A striking blow to the English! The English city of Manchester defected to our side, they are obviously impressed with our culture.
The foolish Russians try to ally with us, their attemp was met with a hostile no.
Our spies have reported that the Russian Army has been majorly reduced to four Riflemen, but they have one settler, maybe they will try to expand their pathetic empire.
Lincoln again called a secret meeting with his advisors, it seems that the Russians have not increased their army and their settler sits on his butt with no where to go. Since they have no ships they cannot get of the stinking continent they pollute. The foreign advisor stood, nervousness in his voice. Mr. President he said, it seems that everyone in the world has allied with somebody else, if we attack one person it will start a World War that could cost the lives of thousands of soldiers. The General stood, sir if i may speak, as of right now, for a hefty price, that you, Mr. Foreign Advisor, approved, we now have a reliable source of Uranium for twenty years and we now have over 7 ICBM's and 2 fully loaded Nuclear Submarines, and five Aegis Cruises with many more being produced. Anyone who wages war against us sir will definitely not defeat us. The trade advisor spoke up, but sir! As of right now, we are trading over ten different resources with 7 different countrys, a world war would be devastating to our economy sir! The president stood, i have heard all i need to here, i will decide tonight, goodnight gentlemen.
The next morning the red phone lit up in the generals offices, he knew this would be important, he took a deep breathe and picked it up...
PRESIDENT: General, i think you know why i called
GENERAL: Yes sir i do, when shall i start?
PRESIDENT: Right now general, i assume you have planned this attack already
GENERAL: Absolutely sir, i shall not fail you.
PRESIDENT: Let's hope not General, a defeat by that small of a country would ruin our reputation forever, goodbye General!
The General got on the phone immediately, he phoned the base in Delphi, the base commander understood, a covert operation of 4 Modern Armors would be transported and dropped off at the eastern coast of Russia.
It seems the Generals plans were working perfectly, he massed two tanks in the North western part of Russia and fat Catherine responded quickly, demanding us to remove our troops imediately, we responded by declaring war, the world was shocked by this declaration, we had lived in a world of piece for over 2,000 years, that would all change now, everything would change...
The Russian army consisted of seven men, seven brave men, seven dead men...
Our first assault was on the Northern most city of Tblisi, our group of 3 Modern Armor massed on the outskirts, she knew we were coming, but they're primitive roads could not bring her troops to the city in time, the city of Tblisi belonged to us now, the citizens were more than happy to join our modern society, which made the Fat Queen more angry.
""""""""""WAR REPORT FROM THE FRONT LINES'"""""""""""
We took the city of Tblisi within minutes sustaining no damges to our units, the citizens rejoiced at our presence.
Next we are heading for Sevastopol, we left one tank behind in Tblisi in case the citizens have a change of heart, Sevastopol will fall in the morning.
Our troops have left Delphi, they will arrive on the eastern shores in two days, Catherine doesn't suspect a thing.
""""""""""HAPPENINGS AT HOME""""""""""
The President addressed the nation again, he stood up to the podium and began. My people, American people, as you can see, we will not be intimidated, yesterday, at 9:00, Bismark made outragious demands to us. He demanded we give up our techonologies our brilliant scientists worked so hard to discover, to give them up to ensure our nations survival! We will not give in, we will not surrender! America stood up to the bully today, and the bully walked away, but next time, America will not let the bully go unpunished, are we a nation of weaklings! The crowd all said no in unison, they cheered the president, waved their flags. I will end this by saying, we Americans worked hard for what we have, and we're not going to let anyone take that away from us! Lincoln stepped down to the cheers of the crowd chanting his name, America would celebrate tonight, and the next night, for they would not be defeated.
The Oval Office doors swung open, the President smiled at the Foreign Advisor. An impressive speech you made sir, he said. Yes it was, you know what, i think they like me, Lincoln chuckled a little, please sit down. The Foreign Advisor stood, sir, i have something i think you should know about. Lincolns smile faded, what is it? Well sir, the Greeks have ended the Right of Passage agreement with us, and refuse to renew it. It seems the nations are angry at us for distrupting world peace sir. Mr. Advisor, just keep on doing your job, let me worry about the Greeks, get some sleep, i have a feeling we'll all need it.
""""""""""WAR REPORT FROM THE FRONT LINES'"""""""""""
It seems the town of Sevastopol is deserted, Catherine obviously cares nothing of her people, we have taken it with ease, although there is one resister, a sniper team has been organized, he will be taken care of. The rest of our troops have marched into the heart of Russia, with Moscow only a day away, we will take that last i think.
""""""""""HAPPENINGS AT HOME""""""""""
Lincoln burst into the Foreign Advisors office, fire in his eyes. Sit down Mr. Advisor, he said. The Advisor looked truly puzzled, and frightened. Two armed gaurds stood on either side of him, he knew he had been caught. Lincoln stood before him, a huge man. Lincoln kicked him in the face and said," So you thought you could trick us huh, we have figured you out you know. So this is the question, why did the Greeks end our Right of Passage agreement, and why will nobody else sign one with us, tell me, can you answer this for me?" The Advisor was shaking, well sir, I, I, don't know sir, maybe because we declared war on the Russians? Lincoln pushed everything off the desk in anger. No! That is not why! Because of you, because of you! You failed to inform us that we had a Right of Passage agreement with Russia! I never approved of such an agreement, did I! The Advisor shook his head, no sir you didn't. Lincoln stood, take him away and lock him up. Lincoln walked away leaving the pleas and shouts of his ex advisor.
""""""""""WAR REPORT FROM THE FRONT LINES'"""""""""""
Our Troops have landed near the shores of Kiev and Smolensk, the towns will fall within three days.
The Iroqouis demand that we leave their territory, this makes it harder for our troops to enter Russia.
We've taken the town of Kiev suffering a loss of our Modern Armor, no matter, our other tank is badly damaged.
The town of Kiev is resisting to much for us to keep it, the Greeks were pleased with our present to them, Kiev is theirs now(only after we sold all the improvements)
Our troops have massed at the gates of Smolensk, one Rifleman stands between us and the city, we will have it by tomorrow.
We have taken Smolensk! Minor damages were sustained, and one still loyal citizen is resisting, he will be dealt with though.
We have also gathered at the gates of St. Petersburg, what a nice name, i think i'll change it.
Minsk and St. Petersburg fell to us quickly, i'm still debating on what i should change the name to.
The resister in Smolensk tragically died in a car accident, it seems that an out of control tank crushed him, we will mourn his loss.
""""""""""HAPPENINGS AT HOME""""""""""
The new foreign advisor, Griffin came bursting into the room, with the Trade advisor right behind him. Sir, they said together. Lincoln looked up from his work. Sir they said, the Aztecs and the Russians have signed a trade embargo against us! Lincoln chuckled a little, the Aztec nation consisted of three citys. So Lincoln said, the weak nations are coming together as one, i will contact the General, the Aztecs made a bad choice of friends.
""""""""""WAR REPORT FROM THE FRONT LINES'"""""""""""
Our troops near Odessa, it will fall within days. We are also stationed outside Moscow, the final strike is ready, poor Catherine.
We have captured Odessa with heavy damage to one of our tanks, the city is resisting heavily, Moscow is the only city left, the Russian empire will be no more.
It seems Moscow is well fortified, we almost lost a tank but we narrowly escaped. Reinforcements have arrived, we will take Moscow tomorrow!
We have captured Moscow and Fat Catherine, the Russian Empire is no more, the war is over.
Griffin came into the Oval Office excitedly, Mr. Lincoln sir! The Aztects are resuming trade with us, the Russians are no more, and Catherine will stand trial in Washington, congradulations sir.
A parade was held in the streets that day and for the next couple weeks, the General was showered with gifts and the air smelled of fireworks. All was good in the land of America, tourists visited the ruins of once Russia and cheered at the sight of the American flag over Moscow.
The Aztecs now pay us twenty gold per turn as we demanded, saying that it was to preserve world peace not because they feared us, whatever the reason, they pay us tribute now. We will soon wipe them out, when the time comes, they will all be wiped out...