Week 1:
My name is Dekkai. I am the commander of the fifth sword band of the great and victorious Zulu Army. The pay stinks, but the perks are good: when victorious, we get our pick of the stuff in the city we just took over, not to mention the women.
Recently, our leader, Shaka, decided that the Babylonians were getting too rich and powerful, so we decided to go bust some heads. I have orders to lead the assault on Ashur, a suburb not far from the city of Babylon itself.
Shaka is a military genius, let me tell you. He organized a lot of the younger, less skilled guys into units he calls "Impi." They're not much for all out attacks on province, but they're light and mobile. They're also loyal; let them feel the heat of battle, and they'll hold their position well.
Shaka has sent out Impi units to the city of Babylon itself. They're not supposed to actually enter the city, just tear up the region around it, and make it impossible for Hammurabi to actually get orders out, or for merchants to trade, or anything like that.
The Babylonians are a bunch of rich guys with entirely too much money. I hear they go on and on and on about their rich culture and history. What they have is nothing next to our military might, though. I look forward to getting my hands on *their* women. I've heard their some of the fairest around.
Tomorrow, we'll be ready to move.
My name is Dekkai. I am the commander of the fifth sword band of the great and victorious Zulu Army. The pay stinks, but the perks are good: when victorious, we get our pick of the stuff in the city we just took over, not to mention the women.

Recently, our leader, Shaka, decided that the Babylonians were getting too rich and powerful, so we decided to go bust some heads. I have orders to lead the assault on Ashur, a suburb not far from the city of Babylon itself.
Shaka is a military genius, let me tell you. He organized a lot of the younger, less skilled guys into units he calls "Impi." They're not much for all out attacks on province, but they're light and mobile. They're also loyal; let them feel the heat of battle, and they'll hold their position well.
Shaka has sent out Impi units to the city of Babylon itself. They're not supposed to actually enter the city, just tear up the region around it, and make it impossible for Hammurabi to actually get orders out, or for merchants to trade, or anything like that.
The Babylonians are a bunch of rich guys with entirely too much money. I hear they go on and on and on about their rich culture and history. What they have is nothing next to our military might, though. I look forward to getting my hands on *their* women. I've heard their some of the fairest around.

Tomorrow, we'll be ready to move.