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    I am sitting my GCSEs this year(yes, I'm only 16), and for our coursework we had to do the opening chapter to a book, and make sure it gripped the reader. Well here's my opening chapter for a book, which using the name of a story I posted on here, is called Till Death Do Us Part.
    I hope you enjoy it, and I would love some feedback, as I have half term to perfect it and hope I get a good grade for it! Also feedback on the other two stories is welcome here, which one you preferred and why, as I'm thinking of maybe writing a third story.
    There will be no continuation of this story I'm afraid, so I'll have to leave the ending up to your imagination. You never know though, if I got one of my dream jobs, you may see this as the opening chapter to a book on the shelves!
    And sorry to post it here as it isn't strictly a Civ 3 story, but it does connect a lot with parts of my USA story.

    Thanks for reading!


    Till Death Do Us Part.

    Chapter One: Opening Vows.

    The White House
    Washington D.C.
    United States of America
    19th June 2003

    "Mr. President, our friend has still not been found. The public are beginning to get restless. If he isn't found by the election next year, you could easily lose it just for that fact alone. There is still a lot of anger about what happened on September 11th, and if he isn't found, well, they'll turn on you." Secretary of Defence Peter Michael Jones smiled grimly. "And that isn't good."

    "I don't need you to tell me that," POTUS(President Of The United States) shook his head. "Where has that little son of a ***** got to?!"

    "Our sources indicated that he has indeed left Afghanistan, maybe heading towards Iraq, but after that, the trail has gone cold. I'm worried if he's gone to Iraq, him and our dictator friend there could cause us some real problems. Maybe even one to make September 11th look like a small attack. And if there was one more big successful attack, well, it could turn into open season on the US for terrorists the world over." Jones was pacing the Oval Office as he usually did.

    "Surely after nearly getting killed last time he wouldn't dare?!" President Paul Walter-Smythe gasped. He was an ex-Marine, and already knew the answer to that one himself.

    "He's dedicated to the so called Jihad against us sir. He'd think of it as Allah saving him for one more attack on us, rather than a lucky escape." Peter knew how deadly this man could be.

    "But his group's funding has been cut! Surely he can't get that much more!"

    "He has huge funds available to him, and in Iraq, their President can give him even more." Jones rubbed his chest slightly. He had been getting pains in his chest for these last few days. He hated to think that he might be getting old, he was still one of the most active 73 year olds in the country, or so everyone joked. An ex-fighter pilot who'd served in Korea, Vietnam and eventually the Gulf as an Admiral, he still enjoyed tennis, golf, running and cycling, not to mention the odd bit of flying when he could. The fact that he'd flown himself in to Washington in an F-15 had been a surprise to most of the press.

    "What's wrong Peter? If you need some rest, just say so!"

    "I'm fine, Mr. President..." Jones sputtered as he collapsed to the floor.

    "Get help!" Paul shouted at the Detail member against the far wall. The agent called for it over his radio, and then rushed over to help in the President's attempts to revive the Defence Secretary.

    Other agents rushed in, and finally Paul got a pulse.

    The President accompanied his Secretary of Defence to hospital, and was alongside Jones's huge family when he died.

    * * * * *

    The Senate
    Capitol Hill
    Washington D.C.
    United States
    21st July 2003

    It had been a month since Peter Jones died, and Paul still missed him like crazy, but he couldn't leave the US without a SecDef.

    Peter had whispered the name of his best successor in the ambulance on the way to hospital, knowing he wasn't going to make it.

    Paul had known the man from his days in the Marines, and had got on well with him. Daniel Jonathan Taylor was an honest man, and a good commander, in his late forties like the President.

    This was his inauguration as Secretary of Defence. Daniel was nervous, and Paul tried to calm him, but he couldn't blame the man. He was about to go infront of all of the Congress, and all of the high ranking people from the military. The lowest rank in the military not here was a three star General, and most of those were only because of the sheer workload of their job.

    He walked in the Senate behind the President to begin his inauguration.

    * * * * *

    Area 51
    Nevada Desert
    United States
    21st July 2003

    "Welcome, Field Marshall Anthony Kingsfield." the US Army General extended his hand.

    I smiled and shook hands with the man infront of me, the three star General in command of this facility. I wouldn't be allowed to see the rest of Area 51 as it was known, as there were some things here even POTUS didn't know about, but I was here to see the Star Wars Defence System command centre, nothing else.

    I was the Field Marshall of the British Army, and here to learn about the new American defence system to brief my superiors in Britain on it. This was also due to the fact that one of the command centres to control the system was being built in Britain as part of the alliance between our two countries, and that command centre was being paid for by the British government, as was some of the research.

    In the years since the horrific attacks on America, Britain and the US had worked closer than ever to rid the world of terrorism, with the SAS being expanded to a brigade, and soon a division, with no loss of quality, and plans were being laid out for an anti-terrorist regiment to be formed from NATO countries.

    The attack on the Pentagon had hit the command centre being built there which would have been the first to control Star Wars, but now it was behind schedule, due to be finished the same time as the other three command centres other than the one I was in. Britain, Pearl Harbour, Israel and that one at the Pentagon were to be the other command centres to make sure that one couldn't be knocked out and destroy America's capability to down incoming nuclear missiles.

    The General led me into the main control area, with the platoon of the SAS sent to guard me following behind. They were less alert now, as this site was heavily defended by some of the best troops in the US.

    "How is security here?" I asked to make sure.

    "A fly-over every hour by four F-15s, heavily guarded by Delta Force, and with no sea for miles." the General smiled.

    "Sir! We are picking up radio contacts from a military cargo plane two miles west. He's having some major engine trouble, is looking for nearest airstrip. He says he can see one here, and would like to land, as he could land here without any real trouble, whereas if he waits to get to the nearest airport, he could lose too much fuel and crash, and he's carrying ammunition for the US Army!"

    "Well he's military, so give him permission. Send up a flight of F-15s to escort him in. Make sure he lands safely, and get some Delta Force to the landing strip to make sure he sees no more than he has to." the General turned to me. "We're going to need some extra men there to make sure of that, can you and your SAS help?"

    I nodded, more worried about what might have happened if the plane had had to land in a city, and had crashed. It would have been another huge disaster for America. At least here in a military base, the casualties would be less, and they had the right equipment. The command centre's security was a worry if the plane crashed, but it was quite a way from the runway, so it wasn't a major concern.

    I followed the General out to the airstrip which I myself had landed at only an hour before.

    * * * * *

    Area 51
    Nevada Desert
    United States of America
    21st July 2003

    The plane was smoking from two of its four engines, and the others didn't seem in very good shape. We heard a last whine as the last two engines gave up, and the plane was left to glide into land.

    "Will he make it?" I asked the leader of the SAS who'd accompanied me here. The SAS had to take quite advanced pilot lessons whilst training, and he had an especially good knowledge of planes.

    "He'll make it." he nodded.

    Then we saw men jumping from the back of the plane.

    "What the hell?!" I frowned.

    "Looks like their pilot's told them to jump with parachutes now whilst he lands it. Brave man, doing it alone, and a good leader, making sure his men survive." the General smiled at the bravery of a fellow American.

    There was sure a lot of men on board I thought to myself. About fifty men had jumped out. Maybe they just guarded their ammo well.

    "Sir, we have a report from the base this plane departed from. It's urgent!" an aide ran up to the General and shoved a piece of paper into his hand.

    "Oh my God!" the General handed me the piece of paper.

    "The crew of that plane were found murdered at their air base." the aide explained to the other officers around.

    "So who's flying that plane?" I and a few others asked.

    The General and his aide shrugged their shoulders. Then the General flew into action, sending the few men he had in the actual base itself into their positions, and ordering that the President be told.

    Then all we could do was wait as the plane landed.

    It touched down slightly, and then we were disturbed by the aide once more running out from the command centre.

    "Sir, we have an incoming ICBM launched from Iraq!"

    "Shoot it down then! And alert the President immediately!" the General looked at me in horror.

    Then the gunfire started, as the men who had jumped out of the plane advanced on our position.

    "Send your men to deal with them." I spoke quietly to the General. "My SAS will watch that plane in, arrest the pilot and then help your Delta Force fight off those sons of *****es."

    The General nodded, gave the orders, as did I, and then began to move into the command centre alongside me.

    * * * * *

    The Senate
    Capitol Hill
    Washington D.C.
    United States of America
    21st July 2003

    "What?!" the President roared. He hardly had time to react as he was rushed out of the building along with his Vice President, and the Cabinet, including his new Secretary of Defence.

    They were all being rushed to Andrews Air Base to be put on Air Force One, the safest place to be during a nuclear threat.

    "Sir, you heard right. Iraq, probably with the help of our terrorist friend, has made or bought an ICBM, or Inter Continental Ballistic Missile, and have fired it with a nuclear warhead aimed at Washington. Star Wars will take it out, but this is a precaution. We have only twenty minutes if Star Wars for some reason didn't work, as it hasn't yet had it's trials, but I'm confident it will." Daniel proved that he'd been brought up to date on the world situation. "So what we're doing is all we have time to do. Getting you and the government out. Congress will be flown out on the Vice President's plane, if we can get them all there quickly enough. The people of Washington we don't have time to evacuate. They have to hope that Star Wars works."

    "That's barbaric!" Paul shouted. "You can't pick and choose who lives!"

    "Sir, we must. And on board Air Force One will be the nuclear codes, so you can nuke that Iraqi bastard back to the hole he came from!"

    "No! We respond with conventional warfare only! I will not kill millions of Iraqis for one moron's decisions!"

    "Sir just shut the hell up and get in the helicopter!" the new SecDef shoved his President inside the Black Hawk 'copter waiting for them, and climbed in after him.

    * * * * *

    World Trade Centre
    New York City
    New York
    United States of America
    21st July 2003

    Public Enemy Number One, and the most hated man on earth, he looked up at the construction on the new World Trade Centre.

    When would the Americans learn? They had to go and rebuild it! Morons, he thought. He had changed his appearance dramatically, even abandoning his turban, but he knew Allah wouldn't mind. He was doing Allah's work.
    They had attacked Afghanistan to get him, and he had escaped into Iraq. Now he was hiding in a place they would never expect, their own country. He was in the country of the infidels themselves, and they didn't know, he smiled inwardly.

    As he surveyed the scene, he turned to his aide.

    "They did the job well. Better than I expected. But it didn't hurt America enough. Now they will pay the full price. So long as that fool in Iraq as played his part. I paid him enough!"

    "Sir?" the aide didn't know of his latest plan.

    "You'll see." the terrorist leader smiled. "And so will they."

    * * * * *

    En route to Andrews Air Force Base
    Washington D.C.
    United States of America
    21st July 2003

    The Black Hawk was at full speed towards Andrews Air Force Base. Behind it was a second Black Hawk, carrying the rest of the Cabinet. Buses on the ground had been taken over and used to try and get Congress to safety.

    The President had never felt so helpless. He just hoped and prayed that the Star Wars Defence System would work. But whether it did or not, the President of Iraq was going to pay.

    "What assets do we have in or near Iraq, intelligence-wise?" he asked Daniel.

    "Our best bet is a platoon of the British SAS, who you ordered into Iraq to rescue the CIA agent who was compromised. The British government would immediately authorise any other use of them of course, now that the agent is on his way home."

    "Then request that they assassinate our mutual friend. He is to be a threat no longer. Then sent a message to the Enterprise to begin the destruction of the Iraqi armed forces to pave the way for an invasion from Saudi Arabia. And tell the Saudis not to worry about Iran. If they use this situation to invade any of our Middle East allies, they will be dealt with. The US is no longer in the mood for niceties! And find the man who ordered this! We both know who it really was, the same man who ordered September 11th. Now get him!"

    Daniel began to prepare the orders. The President turned to stare out at Washington D.C. He was glad his family was aboard this 'copter as well, as Star Wars hadn't yet been tested.

    God help this city if it failed, the President thought.

    * * * * *

    Area 51
    Nevada Desert
    United States of America
    21st July 2003

    The plane bounced on the runway, and then all the engines came back on. The smoke grenades that gave the appearance of damaged engines were swept out by the exhausts of those engines, and fell onto the runway.

    The plane began to take off again, but only towards the command centre. It then headed back down towards the ground, and straight into the only Star Wars Command Centre that was currently active.

    The General and I were thrown backwards by the force of the explosion, and it took a few seconds for us to regain our thoughts. I scrambled to my feet. I had got to this post by working my way up through the SAS, not by having some uncle in a prominent position, and at mid forties, was still able to fight. And I was determined to do just that.

    The General got up as well, and looked in horror at the scene.

    "Are there any other areas to control Star Wars from?" I asked him.

    "No, that was the only place." he stared numbly at it.

    "Then just hope they get the President out quickly enough." I shook my head in despair. All of Washington D.C. was going to be destroyed by an ICBM, and we couldn't do a thing.

    I turned, and led the General back to the fighting. We both picked up guns from the armoury and charged into the fighting alongside our men.

    * * * * *

    Andrews Air Force Base
    Washington D.C.
    United States of America
    21st July 2003

    Air Force One was just taxiing to take off, as Congress was pulling up in commandeered buses alongside Air Force Two as it was being called by air traffic control for lack of a better name. It was the Vice President's plane anyway.

    The ICBM could be seen incoming, and it ploughed straight into the White House.

    Air Force Two was caught up in the blast, and destroyed by it, killing all of Congress.

    As the nuclear missile vaporised most of Washington D.C., Air Force One fought valiantly against the shock wave.

    People across America held their breath, hoping their President would survive.

    * * * * *

    People's Republic of China
    21st July 2003

    "Our friends have completed their mission. The President's plane left the ground, but was dragged back down by the shockwave." the Foreign Minister turned to his Premier.

    "Good. Then finally our military buildup can bear fruit. Invade Taiwan and bring the rebels back into our nation! We must strike whilst America is weak!" the Premier smiled. Taiwan was doomed.

    * * * * *

    21st July 2003

    The President of Iraq raised his glass to his Generals.

    "Their President is dead. That is good. Now we must take advantage of this, and secure the oil in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia before America can respond, as their forces will be disorganised with no clear leader. If we can secure that oil, then America will rely on us for it. That means that they will be unable to attack us."

    "But sir, what if they decide to anyway? Their people will want revenge for this!" one General was worried.

    The Iraqi dictator signalled his guard, and a bullet put an end to that General's worries.

    * * * * *
    Andrews Air Force Base
    Washington D.C.
    United States of America
    21st July 2003

    The nose of an aircraft appeared through the dust and debris. The people of America and her allies crossed their fingers, and then cheered as the famous aircraft climbed upwards.

    Air Force One had fought its way out of the blast. The President had survived.

    * * * * *
    Quote:"He who has not learned to obey cannot be a great leader."

  • #2
    Not bad, not bad @ all...
    Um, just one little fact that you didn't get straight...Muslim men don't wear turbans, those are Hindus who do.
    "Listen lad. I built this kingdom up from nothing. When I started here, all there was was swamp. All the kings said I was daft to build a castle in the swamp, buit I built it all the same just to show 'em. It sank into the swamp. So, I built a second one. That sank into the swamp. So I built a third one. That burnt down, fell over and then sank into the swamp, but the fourth one stayed up. And that's what you're gonna get, lad, the strongest castle in these isles."
    - Swamp King (Monty Python and the Holy Grail)


    • #3
      Very good story! I hope you get a very good mark for it!

      Let's just hope none of the potential terrorists read this! Might give some 'good' ideas.

      Concerning turbans, look at


      • #4
        Let's clarify...
        Being a Muslim myself, I know for a fact that Muslim men do not wear turbans.
        Sikhs wear turbans to go over their hair, which by religion, are not allowed to cut.
        "Listen lad. I built this kingdom up from nothing. When I started here, all there was was swamp. All the kings said I was daft to build a castle in the swamp, buit I built it all the same just to show 'em. It sank into the swamp. So, I built a second one. That sank into the swamp. So I built a third one. That burnt down, fell over and then sank into the swamp, but the fourth one stayed up. And that's what you're gonna get, lad, the strongest castle in these isles."
        - Swamp King (Monty Python and the Holy Grail)


        • #5
          Just out of interest, ElDiablo, what is the thing called Hekmatyar is shown wearing on that BBC page I provided a link to? I always thought that is also called a turban I guess I'm wrong...

