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SUccession Game

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  • Never too late to join a game


    • The King is Here... Again!

      Godinex I, The Fair… The Saint…

      He wins the war against Rome. His Loyalties troops march over the bloodiest empire and destroyed ever thread they throw.
      The hand of God guide his armies and one by one the cities fall:
      Fist Rome... Captured, Then Veiji.... Captured later Hippoplegius… Destroyed.
      And in the middle of the empire the Magellan’s Voyage was constructed, the Smith Trading Company Founded and the Isaac Newton’s University was Captured.
      Our mighty armies defeated 9 cavalry, 6 Legionary, 1 Long Bowman, 1 Archer, 3 Pike men, 3 spearmen… and the blood of our casualties make rise the furor of the Prophet.
      22 Musketmen, 14 Riflemen, 23 Cavalry are now our army.

      Tremble infidels, Temples builded in Rome, and in GodiFaraway. All the invasions stopped, Steam Power and Communism changed in favour of peace... But the leader, Godinex I once again was rapted and is in front of the Lord... His time is Up and the angels escort Him to the Bed. In this place a beatiful rose garden appear and now is site of devotion... but the saint will be back
      Attached Files
      Traigo sueños, tristezas, alegrías, mansedumbres, democracias quebradas como cántaros,
      religiones mohosas hasta el alma...


      • Do not fear Godinex, the Romans shall fall soon, they shall...

        We shall not faulter, upon thy path towards the battlements against evil. We shall not retreat, but march forth.

        We shall not fall, our ranks strong in numbers and cause. We will continue onwards til our enemy is destroyed.


        • sweet move guys

          u just hurt the romans hard :/

          And if u guys didnt know u cant draft military in less then size 7 cities... i thoought someone was asking about that...

          and also for every draft u do in the city 1 unhappy guy is created for 10 turns(20 turns) not sure but i think its 10.

          The corruption is going to be sooo bad
          Death will come one way or other, its only a matter of when i choose it.


          • Oh, yeah, Godinex, you did pretty good. Considering how overly prepared the Romans were, they put up one heck of a fight.

            But, if my plan works out right, then I can snag us most of the Coastal North African Cities.

            BTW, we gotta take the French out for ourselves. Otherwise, the Iroquis is going to get some free cities for themselves...

            And if my plan doesn't go as well, I'll start prepping up the assault against the French, and probably go with the peaceful route for a change...


            • Yeah, I am wondering if I can start a revolution soon... Time to make our pick, will it be Communism, or Democracy?


              • heh.. u guys i hope will build the forbidden city wonder somewhere on other side of empire :/ either in east asia (i think best choice) OR try to build it in america where corruption is going to slow it down to taking 200 turns atliest :/
                Death will come one way or other, its only a matter of when i choose it.


                • go with commi less corruption "i heard"

                  And the corrution in the game right now makes 90% of the cities u own worthless.

                  go to commie === easy war, better production.less corruption
                  plus u will free up an easy 120 gold (since thats how much it costs to have an army in republic 1 gold a unit :/
                  Death will come one way or other, its only a matter of when i choose it.


                  • Yeah, I might go with Communism. It screws up the Core cities, but at least I can do something with the fringe cities we have.

                    Anyways, we only have a handful of Core cities to really play around with...

                    If I get a hero, I'll build the Forbidden Palace in East Asia. It has been sorta discussed before. Just incase we don't plan on taking out the Iroquis, we at least have the offensive to take out China and India.


                    • I just gotta get a few more OK's from people before the Switch can take place.

                      Dangit, wouldn't mind being a religious civ now.


                      • Damm! I can´t upload the zip file!
                        Traigo sueños, tristezas, alegrías, mansedumbres, democracias quebradas como cántaros,
                        religiones mohosas hasta el alma...


                        • The great leader of many battles Eduard whou rise under the command of Godinex says: "Godinex is the Hand of God in the Earth, his heart in battle is like a fire sea and his love for good is like sky, infinite and deep".
                          Edward came to Rhodes and in memory of the Saint eriged the most beatiful city of the world in the place where Godinex was rapted the first time. He named it the Forbbiden Palace and the people change they lives in the name of the Saint.
                          Godinex I Lives, And one day will come to rule the empire forever
                          Traigo sueños, tristezas, alegrías, mansedumbres, democracias quebradas como cántaros,
                          religiones mohosas hasta el alma...


                          • I can never tell if Journier is being sarcastic or not.

                            He's like the friend who keeps tapping on the car window and shouting advice when you're in the back seat with a woman. Not like I don't need the advice, of course.

                            What I like about succession game is the different personalities, and the ensuing chaos. If we all got on the same page it would be too dull.

                            Anyway, I wouldn't mind adding him to our little family. The more the merrier.

                            Just accept the fact that the next guy might undo everything you did.

                            Some of our corruption pit cities have wonders, so they're not ALL worthless, maybe only 85%.

                            With our reputation as it is, Communism seems the better choice. I don't anticipate a peaceful climate lasting.


                            • No needed Comunism... We now have FP.
                              And Know Steam Power and Comunnism... but pay 76 GPT at the Romans... the goog Thing, speacly for Kuro is if we pay 120 GPT to the Romans they will gave to us the Industrialization and then will declare war until the nex revolution.

                              Here is the Ziop File.. Hope
                              Attached Files
                              Traigo sueños, tristezas, alegrías, mansedumbres, democracias quebradas como cántaros,
                              religiones mohosas hasta el alma...


                              • We got the forbidden palace up!

                                Godinex, you rule.

