In the year that would someday be called 4000BC, a band of nomads selected a leader who called himself Alex to lead them into greatness. Someone suggested to Alex that he should call the city Athens, but he was sampling the wines and ended up having the guy hanged for it becuase he didn't like the name. He ended up starting Pella on a coastline next to a primo source of fine wines.
The people of Greece had long since developed skills known as Bronze Working and Alphabelt. The band of workers once sent to harvest the wine, and the city built a guy with a spear oddly named "Hoplite" after what he called his shield. Once the Hoplites best friend was recruited to fight and the wines arrived, a group of restless teenagers left the city and when south on a road the laborers had been working on. Arriving at a good spot, they mailed Alex a request for a good city name. He felt sorry for the guy he earlier killed, and honored him by naming this next city Athens. The process repeatd, and Sparta was started even further south next to a mountain that would someday reveal a source of almighty Iron. Deciding to go north, the next set of "Settlers" was directed to set-up camp in a mountain pass near a hot spring. When someone told Alex to name the city Thermopylae, he had them killed as well (it was the wine, most definatly). The city was named Thebai, even though Alex wanted Thebes but the Egyptians got it first.
The rest of antiquity was the expansion over the continent of Greece, which seemed to look like a giant dog's head on a map. When it was all said and done, a total of 15 cities was started, including Alexandropolis (named after the divine leader), Bucephala (named after the divine one's horse), and Olympia (named after the divine one's mother). The city of Pella was allowed to build a big pile of rocks that made the rest of the empire grow faster (go figure) and Thebai was made to build a big garden that from a distance looked like it was "Hanging". With the advent of the first ship at the city of Corinth, another pack of teenagers was sent to found anew. The city that resulted was Marathon, built on a mountainous island to the south with a good source of spices to go along with the stores of Wine, Dye, and Gems at Alex's palace. People where ordered to produce more teenagers to settle new lands and in a few years a fair supply of the rascals was ready. The islands to the north of Rhodes, Ionia, and Troy soon teemed with Greek life and culture. Then another people was discovered. Walking around naked and carrying dangerous yet primarive pointy thingys the "Aztecs" meet the Greeks at the city of Artimesium while christ was trying to get the Americans in Judea to listen to him. The Aztecs scared the Greeks, and at a chokepoint a band of men armed with swords and a machine designed to hurl rocks set-up camp. Greek sailors soon journey north and found the "Islands of Great Alexander" which where as well settled. The near final stage of Greek expansion, a pennusula soon to be known as Apolyton-land near the land of the "Germans".
Then, disaster struck. A Greek trieme sailing west for the first time found an island of the coast of the land of Persia, and two grounds of teenagers where set aland to begin another Greek colony. New Athens started off well enough, but the evil and vile Xerxes started a city in his illigentimate fathers honor, Dariush Kabir. Alex was pissed, and sent a group of new Caravels loaded with two iron-clad mounted warriors with another rock-hurling machine. The trip was long, and soon the city was a pile of ashes and a set of new slaves and pleasure girls of very young age for Alex and his friend
. The city of New Sparta was started on a new hill, but then something unexpected happened. The evil Persians paid the mercanary Germans to destroy the great Greek city of Apolyton. This shall not come to pass. Fifty-thousand German Knights of the Bismark feudal family advanced upon the ten-thousand Hoplites organized into a Phalanx with a single set of rock thrower and a new set of guys armed with a advanced bow that was twice their varing heigths. As the German army was lost in a forest, the guys with the "Longbows" attack in sleath, killing almost 10,000 Germans in a single volley before running behind the formations. When the Germans attack over an open field, the Catapults manged to maim a good number of them before they crashed into the Phalanx. The battle of Apolyton was fierce, but in the end a single Hoplite with his bow touting buddies survived.
In the year that would someday be called 4000BC, a band of nomads selected a leader who called himself Alex to lead them into greatness. Someone suggested to Alex that he should call the city Athens, but he was sampling the wines and ended up having the guy hanged for it becuase he didn't like the name. He ended up starting Pella on a coastline next to a primo source of fine wines.

The rest of antiquity was the expansion over the continent of Greece, which seemed to look like a giant dog's head on a map. When it was all said and done, a total of 15 cities was started, including Alexandropolis (named after the divine leader), Bucephala (named after the divine one's horse), and Olympia (named after the divine one's mother). The city of Pella was allowed to build a big pile of rocks that made the rest of the empire grow faster (go figure) and Thebai was made to build a big garden that from a distance looked like it was "Hanging". With the advent of the first ship at the city of Corinth, another pack of teenagers was sent to found anew. The city that resulted was Marathon, built on a mountainous island to the south with a good source of spices to go along with the stores of Wine, Dye, and Gems at Alex's palace. People where ordered to produce more teenagers to settle new lands and in a few years a fair supply of the rascals was ready. The islands to the north of Rhodes, Ionia, and Troy soon teemed with Greek life and culture. Then another people was discovered. Walking around naked and carrying dangerous yet primarive pointy thingys the "Aztecs" meet the Greeks at the city of Artimesium while christ was trying to get the Americans in Judea to listen to him. The Aztecs scared the Greeks, and at a chokepoint a band of men armed with swords and a machine designed to hurl rocks set-up camp. Greek sailors soon journey north and found the "Islands of Great Alexander" which where as well settled. The near final stage of Greek expansion, a pennusula soon to be known as Apolyton-land near the land of the "Germans".
Then, disaster struck. A Greek trieme sailing west for the first time found an island of the coast of the land of Persia, and two grounds of teenagers where set aland to begin another Greek colony. New Athens started off well enough, but the evil and vile Xerxes started a city in his illigentimate fathers honor, Dariush Kabir. Alex was pissed, and sent a group of new Caravels loaded with two iron-clad mounted warriors with another rock-hurling machine. The trip was long, and soon the city was a pile of ashes and a set of new slaves and pleasure girls of very young age for Alex and his friend
