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  • Why?

    Why is no one writting new stories?

  • #2
    Prolly has something to do with ppl being busy visiting family and friends during their holidays.

    How dare they have a life!! They should be slaving away here day AND night to entertain us
    I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


    • #3
      lol but i want stories!


      • #4

        I would like to suggest the following stories:

        Obsession, Be Honest, The Mecury Device - Grundel

        For The Glory Of Rome - Velociryx

        Legion - SofaKing (Although it is still not finished )

        Those are some excellent reads and there are many many other great reads here in the story forums.
        "Those of you who think you know everything are annoying those of us who do."


        • #5

          sometime within the next week or so i'll try to get busy writing another story myself. it's just so busy here during the holidays.
          "Those of you who think you know everything are annoying those of us who do."


          • #6
            i bet ur storie will be great ike cant wait to read it! ive read al but the unfinished one lol i have no life!


            • #7
              Why don't you write some, Nuke?

              I was thinking the same thing, though...stories seem to be trailing off. I try to put something up every week, but i also don't force something if i think it is crap.

              I am working on a new one, though...a special forces thriller. I hope to have it posted by next week.

              if you want to read some good ones,

              1984, ufo, christams truce by ike0481

              Short story in pictures by danny evil cat,

              and anything written by president mike. you may have to look way back in the first couple of pages for his stuff, though.
              'Ice cream makes computers work better! Just spoon it in..."


              • #8
                i will wright when i get civ3. I love modern day stories, and is there a age after modern like future age?


                • #9
                  I'm trying to write some stuff too. I have no idea if its any good or going anywhere. I really like your stuff though Grundel, inspired me. by all means, keep writing, even if they are junk. Though, you should only post the good stuff. If you don't write, you'll never improve! (heaven forbid! I suggested that the master could improve! :gets hit by lightning bolt: )

                  Visit My Crappy Site!!!!
                  -The Artist Within-


                  • #10
                    Thanks Jmarks...You are too kind...

                    However I still have been having trouble getting online here from work (which is where I write most of my stuff Don't tell my boss )

                    I won't abandon this forum, thought. Even thoug it may only be a few of us here
                    'Ice cream makes computers work better! Just spoon it in..."


                    • #11
                      I'm here i haven't been able to get on this site for some reason it kept saying forrbiddin.Im going to start writing sense i got civ3.
                      I am the terror that bombs the taliban.

