It's been a few years since I played CivII, and I decided to pick up a copy of CivIII when it came out. I don't usually do computer games these days, but all the reviews I'd read raved about it, and I figured it'd be good for a few moments amusement.
My first game was a disaster. Playing as the Americans, I was constantly harassed by the Aztecs and Iroquois. It seemed they took whatever they wished from me, and declared war when I refused.
I found the online forums here invaluable, and used the rest of my first game to practice what I'd learned. Of course, I was about 5000 years late, so the effects were minimal, but I was encouraged by the possibilities of a fresh start.
So I began anew, as the Americans again. This time, the random geography was a little more generous, too (and this, I've discovered, can make a great difference). I was situated near the exact middle of what turned out to be a large continent. Directly to the South were the Romans, and I made fast friends with them, as I expected them to serve as a buffer for the ever ornery Germans to their South. The entire remainder of the continent to the North was mine to explore and colonize, and with that came ample resources and luxuries for ages.
I did manage to establish a colony at the very Southeastern tip of my continent later on, which proved to be a tactical stroke of genius later on. I had also contacted the Russians, who owned the continent to the East (connected by narrow land bridge to mine), the French (dominating a small continent East of Russia), and the English, who dominated the South of a large continent East of France.
My first game was a disaster. Playing as the Americans, I was constantly harassed by the Aztecs and Iroquois. It seemed they took whatever they wished from me, and declared war when I refused.
So I began anew, as the Americans again. This time, the random geography was a little more generous, too (and this, I've discovered, can make a great difference). I was situated near the exact middle of what turned out to be a large continent. Directly to the South were the Romans, and I made fast friends with them, as I expected them to serve as a buffer for the ever ornery Germans to their South. The entire remainder of the continent to the North was mine to explore and colonize, and with that came ample resources and luxuries for ages.
I did manage to establish a colony at the very Southeastern tip of my continent later on, which proved to be a tactical stroke of genius later on. I had also contacted the Russians, who owned the continent to the East (connected by narrow land bridge to mine), the French (dominating a small continent East of Russia), and the English, who dominated the South of a large continent East of France.