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Comments on Legion

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  • Comments on Legion

    Didn't wanna break the story but I found the reading to be fascinating and nicely done!


    The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.

  • #2
    Yes - very well written. Not the average "here is my story"


    • #3
      Great story since you make me want to know what will happen next. Just one more page when reading a good book and just one more turn when playing civ. That's what makes good stories.


      • #4
        I'm glad you like it. Thank you for the kind words.


        • #5
          Holy cow thats good stuff. Are you published?


          • #6
            No, but that's really flettering. Actually, it just been really slow at work so I thought I'd write something.


            • #7
              Great story! god, I want to see those french suffer! Est hora, victoria!
              Que l’Univers n’est qu’un défaut dans la pureté de Non-être.

              - Paul Valery


              • #8
                All I can say is:
                "Nuke em all, let god sort it out!"


                • #9
                  SofaKing I really like your story, it is one of the best I have read. I only have one question though, when will you finish the story?
                  Donate to the American Red Cross.
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                  • #10
                    I apologize for the delay, but I've had a bit of writer's block. Up until now, Gaius has been an observer. Now that he is about to enter combat himself, I'm trying to figure out how he would perceive it. My initial attempt came across, in my opinion, pretty poorly. I hope to rework it and have it up either later today or tomorrow. As for finishing it, I think Gaius has a few more hurdles to overcome before the day is out. I am cautious about not dragging out the story past the climax, but I think it might not be finished until the New Year.

                    Thanks for reading.


                    • #11
                      Please finish when you have had time to collect your thoughts. I have really enjoyed reading your story and have checked back many times to see if it has been updated.


                      BTW Can anyone believe that Lord of the Rings movie. Pissed me off I sat there for 3 hours watching the movie. Only to have it end right in the middle of the story. Now I have to goto the book store and buy the books to find out what happens.

