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The Legacy of the Babylonian Empire - A CivIII Succession Game

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  • The Legacy of the Babylonian Empire - A CivIII Succession Game

    Emperor Random Entity the First of the Admant Dynasty
    For thousands of years, the various tribes that dotted the Sumerian Coast region struggled for survival in a dangerous primeival environment. Years upon years passed, until many of the tribes were either decimated or wiped out due to starvation.
    However, one of these tribes managed not only to survive the era, but emerge into a new epoch of prosperity and expansion.
    Roughly 4100 years BC, Warlord Admant of the Babylonian tribe led his people south from the hills to the more fertile plains region. For years they traveled, along the way mastering the techniques of Bronze Working and Ceremonial Burial.
    Admant died in 3950 BC. His son, Random Entity, took on the position of tribal chieftan. Rather than continuing the nomadic lifestyle the Babylonians had led before, Random Entity decided to found the city of Admantus at his father's gravesite. Thus, the Babylonian Empire was born.

    3950 BC - Babylonian wise men begin contemplating a new code of conduct for warriors. They estimate that it can be integrated within the Babylonian society in about 1600 years. Admantus begins its warrior training programs.

    3850 BC - Babylonian workers begin building a system of roads to the southeast of Admantus, for better access to the grain there.

    3700 BC - A band of warriors, in the name of the Emperor, move north to explore the hills of the Sumerian Coast region.

    3650 BC - The warrior regiment locates a forest north of the hills region, where a new material is discovered - the Babylonian Council names it 'silk', prefect for formal garments. The Emperor demands that Admantus be brought a supply of this new commodity as soon as possible.

    3450 BC - The cultural influence of Admantus spreads throughout the region. A new band of warriors is enlisted to celebrate. They are sent south to secure and explore the borderlands.

    3300 BC - In the mountains to the north, Babylonian warriors discover the Hurrian village. The Hurrians have mastered an interesting concept - the use of hardened clay to store food and water. The Babylonian warriors are intrigued, and the Hurrians
    agree to teach them the craft of Pottery.

    3050 BC - Admantus continues to build its spearmen for defense, moreso now than ever, as another advanced civilization has been discovered! The Zulus, as they call themselves, live far to the north. No trading deals can be made, yet the Zulus and Babylonians leave their initial encounter on somewhat good terms.

    3000 BC - The population of Admantus, and of the Empire, is saddened to hear of Emperor Random Entity's death; mauled by wild boars in the forests to the north during a hunt. He is buried (ceremoniously) in the same gravesite as his father, Admant. The Babylonian Council is in turmoil - a new Emperor must be found, and fast, or the Babylonian Empire is fated to fail.

    Here's the saved game:

    I'll get some images for you when the site is up (probably today or tomorrow).
    Democratic Industrialists of Apolyton

  • #2
    jerkwaterbox is next in line for succession. He has 96 hours.
    The forums seem to show the images completely at random, so they'll be up on the site sometime today.
    Last edited by Random Entity; November 22, 2001, 14:42.
    Democratic Industrialists of Apolyton


    • #3
      The site is up!

      The site for the succession game is up at My first 20 turns are all there, along with numerous screenshots.
      Here's one, showing the state of the empire at the end of my reign:
      Last edited by Random Entity; November 22, 2001, 22:22.
      Democratic Industrialists of Apolyton


      • #4
        Excellent job RE! A pic says a thousand words.



        • #5
          *sigh* If the image doesn't show up on the thread, then just
          go to the site; everything's there and in working order (
          Also, the actual saved game file is below; I believe the other may be a broken link.
          Attached Files
          Democratic Industrialists of Apolyton


          • #6
            Originally posted by Random Entity
            *sigh* If the image doesn't show up on the thread, then just
            go to the site; everything's there and in working order (
            Also, the actual saved game file is below; I believe the other may be a broken link.
            I was actually serious. I did go to the site and I thought It was excellent, and it helps to have so many pictures. No, the link isn't broken it just has an '.' at the end.



            • #7
              I'm tired of the Babylonians already... Just finished the long Apolyton tourney game with them.

              Ah well.
              "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


              • #8
                I think that everyone should attach the savegame and the screenshots(everything zipped), and one man(RE?) will be the one who updates the site.
                "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


                • #9
                  I was actually serious. I did go to the site and I thought It was excellent, and it helps to have so many pictures. No, the link isn't broken it just has an '.' at the end.
                  Yeah, I know, it's just that the image wasn't showing up for me sometimes. And the automatic parse URL option down there is really annoying.
                  Anyway, Eli, if jerkwaterbox doesn't reply by Sunday, you're up, so just be ready for that.
                  Democratic Industrialists of Apolyton


                  • #10
                    Sunday is here.
                    I think that I'll finish it by tommorow.
                    "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


                    • #11
                      hey, can you guys find someone to replace me, my computer is messed, i am lucky i got to post here without it freezeing. so sorry everyone.
                      "The Bible is the greatest sales pitch in history" -Me

                      "I regret nothing and apologize for less." -My motto


                      • #12
                        Ok, i'm done.

                        Here's the file. It includes screenshots, the log, and of course the savegame.
                        Attached Files
                        "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


                        • #13
                          Looks good so far, I can't wait for my turn !

                          Jacob's Law "To err is human: to blame it on someone else is even more human."


                          • #14
                            I'll take care of the page update tomorrow, I've gotta get a research paper done tonight that's consuming a lot of my time.
                            Democratic Industrialists of Apolyton


                            • #15
                              Booo, research papers are evil, they take away important civ 3 playing time...

                              Jacob's Law "To err is human: to blame it on someone else is even more human."

