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Of Kings & Champions
Nathaniel spit bitterly into the wind as yet another wave crashed into the Blind Dames side. He hated the Ocean. He hated this ship. Hell he hated himself right now. How could things have gotten so bad so fast. He still clutched the flute his son tossed to him as he boarded the ship. He still felt the pain of the look in his wife's eyes as she wept violently at the prospects of him not returning. He still seethed with anger that he was being sent on this mission for something so trivial as Saltpeter. What the hell was this stuff that it was worth his and his men's lives. Whoosh another wave hit nearly knocking his large frame to the floor of the deck. Luckily he was caught by his second Jarvus Dooms. "Careful sir. I have good news. The Captain says that we are only 3 days out from the Japanese city Tokyo. Want it be good to feel dry land." "Certainly. I'll be in my quarters. Inform me when we make contact with Japanese navy. At three days out we should come across one of their ships soon." "Yes sir" replied Jarvus.
The rapid knocking stirred Nathaniel from his restless sleep. "Yes" he answered drowsily. "Sir, its Jarvus sir. We have been intercepted by a Japanese Oracle sir." Japanese Oracle the words quickly shook Nathaniel from his remnants of sleep. He quickly opened the door. "Jarvus are you not familiar with sea going vessels. I could've sworn you said an Oracle has met us." "Yes sir. I did." "But the Japanese are at war. Why would they have what equates to fishing vessel patrolling seas so close to their borders." With that he bounded up the stairs to the main deck. Once there he was met by three Japanese Swordsmen, conscript it appeared as they lacked any military medals. "Awe, honorable ATLien warrior. We greet you. The Shogun bows before your nations friendship. I am Sugashi. I am pleased to accompany you as you make your way through Japan." Nathaniel returned the friendly bows then quickly sought information. "I am Nathaniel Sugashi. I understand you are traveling in an Oracle? Why?" "Honorable Nathaniel Japan has come under heavy attack since our leaders last communicated. We lost most of our war ships to the battle. Our border cities with England are falling under heavy fire. It would appear your arrival is a gloriously timed blessing." Nathaniel realizing time was now of the essence responded "Sugashi you must guide us to one of your border cities with England. We have no time to waste." "This can be done Nathaniel, but I must warn you that it is a very dangerous thing you ask Sugashi to do. But it shall be done."
Back at the ATLien city of Westlake the fighting was fierce. The initial English force was admirable if not a little intimidating. Three regimen of Knights, two bands of archer, and one band of swordsmen. As they poured onto the virgin soil of the Westlake coast Atlanta responded with some of her finest. The swordsmen attacked first. Evenly matched they finally fell at the hands of Westlake's Pikemen. Next rushed in the Archers. They exacted some form of revenge quickly killing the remainder of the Pikemen in the first line of defense. Following the lead of their country men the Knights attacked next all three regimen having to retreat to avoid a complete loss. Having staved off the initial attack the Westlake mayor prepared for a counter attack. He ordered his catapults to unleash their full fury on the English armies. The first band of Archers fell under the crushing force of the attack. Next he directed one of his men to sound the call so that the Alpha legion would know it was time. As the horn sounded from atop the hills of Westlake road the Alpha Legion. Oh what a glorious sight. 5 full regiments of ATLien Knights. They made quick work of the remaining English forces and fortified the coast. Mean while two ATLien warships made there way from positions in the deep of the Atlantic Ocean two days off the coast of the English main land. On board was Beta Legion the fiercest most deadliest men of Atlanta's Army. No one with less than five medals were alowed to join. The elite. Their orders were clear. Kill.........Last edited by SultanofATL; March 14, 2002, 15:19.
It was early morning as the Blind Dame dropped anchor just off the coast of Japans western shore. Nathaniel stood at the ships bowe and barked orders. "Jarvus, get these girls off this ship! I want four dinghies. A long bowmen, and two swordsmen in each of the first three. Three days ration that will have to last them at least a week. And maps. Once we all reach shore we will regroup at the nearest point of cover." Jarvus nodded and ran off to get things moving. Nathaniel then turned to Sugashi "You will travel with me and my steed. I want you by me at all times. Your men should return to Tokyo they will be needed there I'm sure." Sugashi nodded. Once the last dingie had been launched containing Nathaniel and Sugashi the Blind Dame raised her anchor and headed toward Tokyo. An hour later Nathaniel and Sugashi had made landing on a Japanese beach. Slowly they rode into the distant forest. As they neared the forest rustling could be heard coming from the trees. Nathaniel pulled up on his horses reigns and put his hand on his sword. He motioned Sugashi to remain silent as they waited for what ever was making the noise to emerge from the forest. "Sir, sir, is that you?" It was Jarvus. He and the men quickly congratulated Nathaniel on their successful landings. Together they moved through the Japanese forest and past the silk fields that beaded the Northern regions. After a few days journey they reached they reached the English border. It was here they met their first resistance. A band of archers and pike men making their way into Japan caught eye of the group and attacked. Casualties were to a minimum. The archers were quickly over come and defeated. Crossing into England brought on a new set of problems. England was a very productive power. To supply such productivity they required a lot of wood. Such that the southern border was almost bereft of trees. Nathaniel and his crew were now out in the open and sure to come under attack very soon. To Nathaniel's horror they did at the Brighton river. Just as they were crossing the swordsmen fell under attack from Long bowmen. The swordsmen fell due to the defensive positioning of the English forces. Nathaniel quickly launched a counter attack. His men had a good eye. Jarvus barked positioning commands as the last of the English Long bowmen fell. Nathaniel and his knights rode on across the river and quickly took a hill top position to assure the safe passage of the rest of the group. All seemingly clear the rest of the men crossed and joined the knights on the hill to make camp. As they sat around the fire Sugashi stared a into the flames. Noticing his wayward look Nathaniel questioned him. "What troubles you my friend?" Sugashi not changing his gaze answered "My family...I can't help, but to wish that they should find safety. I thought we would be fighting in near my home. Here I am in the bosom of the enemy. Yet I know nothing of my families safety." Nathaniel answered "I too think of my family. But this is the life we have chosen. We are men of great standing in our countries. Many a men has died before us and many will die after our bodies have long since returned to dust. But like those before and those that follow our life is not with out merit. For we are the Champion. We are the defenders of right and wrong. Defenders of the human kind. Without us my friend, the champions, our cause would die to the weakness of men." And with that they both retreated to the silence of their thoughts.
As Sultan found himself once again amidst his glorious retreat in the hills of Decatur he couldn't help, but notice something amiss in the air. He felt it from the moment they'd left Swats. He couldn't finger exactly what it was, but he knew from the past that it was wise to be wary when he had such feelings. Perhaps he should not have brought Edgerrin with him so close to the action. He knew deep down that his brother was a warrior. That he no more fit the mold of royalty as Sultan would fit the role of soldier. They were brothers yes, but each had traveled a different path. Father had always conditioned Sultan to be King and Edgerrin to be a Champion. Sultan was to direct this dream that was the ATLien empire. Edgerrin was bred to defend it. Before he could ponder this any further Sultan was interrupted by the palace director. "Lord, one of our maidens has come to me hysterical. She claims that some men...enemies of the King are here in our land. More absurdly no more than a mile from Buckhead." Sultan laughed "Bring her to me. I shall quiet her fears then romance her soul. Yes, I do love the feel of frightened young maiden. Yes. Yes indeed" "Sir?" "Ahem...I said bring her to me!" Shortly a beautiful young women no more than 22 entered the Kings chambers. "Lord, I am Neosha." "Ah Neosha come sit upon thy Lord's lap and tell what troubles such a lovely soul" Neosha complied. "Lord as I made my way from visiting my family in Buckhead I saw Babylonian men in our lands." Standing and dropping Neosha Sultan peered at her with questioning eyes. "Are you sure?" voiced in an almost fearful whimper. "Yes, my lord I remember them from pictures my grandfather drew during the war." Sultan face turned ghostly white as he looked out of his balcony to Babylonian border. The serpent had laid upon his lap a rat. And now seeing him fattened upon its carcass now sought to make him a meal. "Guards! Guards! Get word to Lord Edgerrin at Westlake. The Babylonian whore has betrayed us.!"
As night fell once again a lone voice could be heard over the still of the ATLien night. It was the sound of sorrow. The sobering wail of a troubled soul. On this night the sound was deafening. It had been forty years since the fall of Atlanta as a republic. Now it was nothing more than a province. A Babylonian province. Its streets almost barren of young men dew to the incredible loss of life during the war. Its libraries and court houses nothing more than nostalgic ruins. The once great city of Swats now was home to a puppet government. And from the city jail came the lonely cry that filled this night. As the guardsmen made his rounds he stopped to listen to the words that the cell's inhabitant uttered through weak sobs. "We...we...fight for honor...stand damn it.....we won't.....we won't be defeated.......sniffle.....we are the Kings champions....we....we must not lose.." The guard found himself fighting back a small tear as he continued on his rounds. It was his first night and he eagerly sought the story behind this inmate. Returning to the main room of the jail he questioned one of the other officers. "What is the story with that old man in the cell?" "Ah, you speak of Nate. A very long tale my friend." "How about a short version?" "Well, in short our the old republic of atlanta was the second to discover gunpowder. He was sent to secure the only obtainable patch of saltpeter an integral ingredient for gunpowder. On the night before he was to take the English city that controlled this patch he decided that he was no longer going to sacrifice his and his mens life for what he thought was so trivial. So he didn't attack. Instead he returned home. Upon his arrival he found that Babylon had turned from a previous military alliance against England and attacked the republic. At the time of his arrival all that was left was this fair city in the Kings control. Upon seeing him the King was overjoyed. He thought he had secured the saltpeter patch and returned with some of it. Thus providing the only hope of Atlanta's survival. But, it was not so and upon hearing this news the King fell upon his sword so that he would not have to witness his eventual defeat." "Damn. Thats F'd up" "Indeed it is." The End.