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Of Kings & Champions

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  • Of Kings & Champions

    Amidst the vast unknown of the third planet of the Milky Way solar system arises a great nation under the direction of its sage leader Sultan. The great nation of Atlanta arose from humble beginnings. Just a few small tribesmen know as ATLiens. Led by Sultan a young boy King they founded the great capital of SWATS. Perched between rolling hills, fertile grasslands, and the beautiful coast the Eastern Sea Swats thrived as a rapidly growing village. Sultan knowing that times as good as they were could not be wasted if Atlanta was to reach true greatness turned to his most trusted Spearman and commanded him to go forth and tame the unexplored lands surrounding Swats. As he went forth he came upon a village. The vile inhabitants driven by jealously for his noble heritage attacked the trusted Spearman. He dealt them swift justice as well as other such Barbarians he met along his way as he drove such undersirables from the land around Swats. Many decades even centuries into his quest the now Elite Spearman was summoned from his quest by Sultan. "Come home o' great defender of Atlanta. You have serviced your country nobely. I hereby decree you my governer of the new town of Buckhead. This is my bidding." Upon the news of his return to Atlanta the natives of the small village he had for sometime been residing joined him vowing their allegiance to Sultan and Atlanta. So together they marched south eastardly toward their would be home Buckhead......(To Be Continued)

  • #2
    Upon his arrival in Buckhead the Elite Spearman found his beloved Nation had changed dramatically. His people were cultured in many aspects of science and roads connected the people to there Capital Swats. As he passed through the cities gates he was greated by horsemen who quickly updated him of Buckheads situation. Apparently to South of Buckhead lay a great nation known as Babylonia. Its king Hamurabi(sp?) was continuosly testing the sovereignty of Buckhead and Atlanta as a whole. Once briefed he took little time to decide what must be done. He sent his swiftest messenger to inform Sultan that Atlanta should demand the removal of all Babylonian troops even at the cost of war. A week later the Elite Spearman was given this simple message from his beloved capital and its King. "The time for talk has ended" As he read these words news came from the Buckhead low lands and it was not good. "Sir. Sir. The Babylonians have breached our border with 6 seperate groupings of military units." How dare they encroach upon his peoples land. His first thought was to race to the front lines and destroy the lot of them. Thankfully his good judgement prevailed and he quickly relized he would be needed more to secure Buckhead. He quickly sent 4 groupings of horsemen to confirm the news and engage the enemy in the thick forest of lower Buckhead. He then sent a call out to all available units that they were needed in the front lines. Days later a chill ran down his spine as he looked upon his horsemen in full retreat returning to the city badly injured and completely defeated. As they were tended to by the local women he listened to their story in horror......(to be continued)


    • #3
      Nathaniel(the lead Horsemen) spoke in slow measured tones between sobs of pain "Sir.....ahhh the pain is great.....sir we were, but a few days into our journey when upon the nearby Populous Mt. range we first viewed the God I need a drink....anyway I counted four Swordsman, two Archers, and three Spearmen......the agony....I immediately issued orders for two of my men to flank the approaching force while we fortified in the Mountains so as to take the brunt of their attack... Two days later we lost sight of the approaching force as they crossed into the Zulu lands.....after a day I felt it necessary to approach the Zulu boarder to see if we might be able to initiate contact....upon our arrival at the Zulu border...damn this cursed burning in my arm...we were met by a combined force of Zulu Impi and the aforementioned Babylonian force.....".
      Here the Elite Spearman interrupted "You mean to say the Zulu and Babylonians have conspired against us!!!". Nathaniel replied "Yes, sir that is exactly the case". "We must notify Lord Sultan of this.....dispatch two messengers to the city of Atlanta with this man's news" barked the Elite Spearman. He quickly turned and headed for his abode to await the Kings orders and say a prayer for his beloved nation. A prayer he knew was greatly in need of being answered.(To be continued)


      • #4

        Will Atlanta thrive or perish ? Will the brave Nathaniel survive ? Will the Elite Spearman ever get a name ?


        • #5
          As King Sultan lay in his evening bath one thought occupied his mind. Why were his serving maids beautiful as they are surrounding him with rose petals instead of showering him with the Zulu incense he had grown so fond of. He called to his favorite Leona. " Leona dear why is thy King not being filled with the joy of the Zulu incense being poured into his bath?". "Sire, we have used the last of the Zulu incense in the royal store and have yet to receive a new shipment from the Zulu." Leona replied. "Oh well" replied the King, never one to make much of such trivialities. As he lay back and nodded into sleep he was suddenly awakened by a troubling thought........
          "Sire, we have a messenger from Buckhead to see you" cried the Guardsmen. "Let him enter" replied Sultan now assured that his hunch was right. "You may speak" he decreed as he turned to face the young lad who now entered his quarters. "Sire, I have bad news from Buckhead. It seems the Zulu have sided with the Babylonians in their aggression against us." "I figured as much. Please return to Buckhead with this message. Return any Zulu aggressions with full force and place a bounty on the head of its leader Shaka." "As you wish, Sire" replied the young lad as he whisked away. "Leona, dear, have my personal guards prepare a group of our best men to assist Buckhead....and Leona please contact Catherine of Russia....I think we need to renegotiate her supply of horses and iron...."

          As he rose from his knees the Elite Spearman went to further question Nathaniel. He was quite interested to find if there were any weaknesses in the approaching forces he could discern from Nathaniel's tale. As he approached Nathaniel's bed he was greeted by Nathaniel's young son. "Sir" the boy said "are you going to get those men who injured my father?". "Yes, indeed and with all speed young man. Now run along and get some rest". as the boy dashed off, The Elite Spearman smiling e knelt next to Nathaniel and inquired "Nate, what exactly are we facing here?". "What do you mean, Sir?" replied Nathaniel. "Can we win this war" answered the Spearman. "I don't think we can, Sir. Sir, can I be honest with you." "Yes you may, and call me Edgerrin" "Edgerrin? the same as the Kings father?" "I am. Indeed the man of whom you speak....I am...I am his son" "But that would make you?" "Yes, I am the Kings brother"

          Nathaniel soon learned the story that until now had been just a rumor amongst the old women of Atlanta, but now was being played out in front of the world on a deadly stage. It seems Edgerrin in his younger days was known the world about as a bit of a woman's man. It was this reputation that brought some of the most powerful women in the world to the steps of the Atlanta nation. One such women was the Queen of Babylonia. Edgerrin had his way with her as he did with most women and then cast her off. Enraged the King of Babylonia pledged to destroy Atlanta. In an effort to save his beloved Nation, Edgerrin accepted a banishment from Atlanta at his brothers decree to hopefully stay the Babylonian rage. The move succeeded and Sultan after many years figuring all had been forgotten requested his brothers return and placed him as the mayor of Buckhead. "Somehow, the Babylonians must have gotten wind of this. No matter this battle was inevitable, but now I must pick your brain for away to defeat them." whispered Edgerrin weary from the length of his day as well as his tale. Just then one of the messengers returned "Sir, the King has proclaimed war on the Zulus and put a bounty on the head of its king!" Turning to Nathaniel Edgerrin nervously spoke to Nathaniel "My brother was always one to make strong decisions. Get well soon my friend we have a battle to win." And with that he turned and left to get some much needed rest. (next the war)


          • #6
            The warm sun of the ATlien Southern border was t in Edgerrin's opinion the best part of life. For a moment he'd almost forgotten the Drudgery that was being played out below him the valleys of the Populous Mountains. "Sir, I believe if we can hold here we just might see the end of this conflict." Nathaniel yelled over the sound of clashing mettle and beating hooves. Edgerrin hoped the words of his best friend would show to be true. The length and nastiness of this battle had sucked the life out of Atlanta and Edgerrin himself. With some wise negotiating by his brother Lord Sultan, Russia had been coerced into action against the Zulu and Babylonians hordes. Unfortunately even with their help the war against these two Titans was an Uphill battle. Oh, sure the feeble Japanese had sent a little help, but they were barely a nation by now due to their on again now off war with the English. The English....the words made Edgerrins blood boil. Had they not promised help some 8 years ago and he had yet to meet an English soldier face to face. Sure they sent settlers through ATLANTA lands with messages of supposed super armies marching to assist the ATLien front lines. But, not a sight of these forces for years. Then again it was amazing Her Majesty was even willing to enter an agreement with Atlanta after He'd question her sex straight faced when she attempted a little merging of the minds shall we say when they we're younger. Alas, it did not look well. Atlanta had taken several casualties and it seemed would soon finally lose Buckhead if something miraculous did not happen. And as if the words went from Edgerrin's mind to Heaven the miraculous happened. "Who is that?" yelled Nathaniel. Looking across the battlefield Edgerrin saw an amazing sight. Led by Huge beast mounted by armed men was a contingent of archers, swordsman, horsemen and few longbow men dressed in a royal purple. "By God it must be heaven's army" cried Edgerrin. Like a purple title wave they swarmed the Zulu and Babylonian armies. Realizing the huge shift in momentum Edgerrin redirected his troops to the nearest Zulu city and captured it. As the last of the Zulu and Babylonians fled Edgerrin and Nathaniel raced to thank and greet these armies of God. As they approached one of the towering beast they were greeted by its rider "Greetings! I am Futami, head of Ghandi's imperial strike force. The Great Ghandi request that your weak vulnerable nation accept our protection" and with out waiting for a reply he continued on into Babylonian lands leaving Edgerrin and Nathaniel with mouths open filled with joy.
            Last edited by SultanofATL; January 24, 2002, 19:29.


            • #7
              With the help of the Indians the Zulu soon fell and Atlanta gained 10 prize cities. Without their loyal foot soldiers Babylonia was quick to reach peace and all stood well in Atlanta once again. And as the sun set one lazy day on the Swats shore of the ATLien sea, two brothers shared their first meal as men and toasted to the hopes of sharing many more as Kings and Champions......The End


              • #8
                Part Two: The English Waste

                Several years after the annihilation of the Zulu, the ATLien nation thrived. It grew with the increased production of the Zulu nationalist that now swelled its bosom with cheap labor that made them a true world power. Sultan, its sage ruler, proved an even greater leader now that he had his brother Edgerrin to share in the decision making. Now the true test lay ahead in the eye of both brothers. History had proven so far that any nation was only as strong as its friends. Atlanta had unmatched alliances with the likes of India(the worlds foremost power) and Japan. Each had proven themselves with their admirable efforts in the war against the Babylonians that now had been waged a two full millennium. With varying degrees of diplomacy it was broken from time to time with an uneasy peace, but still simmered and erupted no matter what.

                Which brings us to the English. The relationship Atlanta shared with Elizabeth and her stuck up bunch was quite interesting. Every time Atlanta went to war with the Babylonians one of the first to offer its armies for the cause were the English. Yet they never sent a man to any battle. Never. Not one freaking warrior. In the words of the immortal Edgerrin "The first time I see an English soldier, I'll probably be marching to cut his, err, her majesties neck". As he laughed Sultan was struck with and odd curiosity that night. And now several years later he decided to share it with his brother. As they sat together listening to chamber music and discussing England's latest offer of military support, he turned and said, "Edge", as Sultan referred to his brother, "Edge, are you prepared to see that elusive English soldier?". Edgerrin amused at his brothers attempt at what he figured was humor replied "Brother, I've told you countless times the first time I see one will be....." and then he stopped and stared at his brother as they both flashed wicked smiles......................To be continued.
                Last edited by SultanofATL; February 21, 2002, 14:05.


                • #9
                  I'm intruiged. And waiting.

                  If this were a movie, there'd be a tunnel or something near here for us to escape through.....


                  • #10
                    Nathaniel squinted as the sun set on this fair summer day. Life had sure taken a fortunate turn for he and his family. Who'd have guessed that a simple recon mission would end up meaning so much. It was pure chance that his unit was the only one prepared to ride out that day to meet the approaching Zulu horde. It was also by chance that he survived and struck a bond with the brother of Atlanta's Sovereign Leader. But the most surprising of all was his introduction into the Fraternity. Nathaniel had known from his childhood that Sultan never seemed to age. He like everyone else was so conditioned to this fact that it never occurred to him why. After his participation in the vanquishing of the Zulu, he was summoned months later to Lord Sultan's abode. Their he learned that the elite of the world, that is to say its rulers, generals, and their families lived forever. How he didn't quite understand, but he knew this much. Since that day he hadn't aged one bit. His wife was afforded the same luxury, as would his son once he reached the appropriate age. As general of Atlanta's Mobile Forces he was living quite a life. Besides the occasional strike against Babylonian interest he spent most of his time traveling and boosting the moral of his troops. Not today. Today he was to escort an English dignitary to Sultan's Palace. He couldn't understand why such a menial task was being assigned to him and his Knights, but he was a good soldier following orders. Plus Edgerrin promised to lend him one of his best chamber maids for the night.

                    As the little party approached the gates of Sultan's estate, they were met by Edgerrin. After saluting and offering his proper respects Nathaniel shook hands with his long time friend this exchange followed.. "Edge..good to see ya!" "Like, wise Nate" "Edge I present you Lord Thomas Wiggles of England" Edgerrin to Wiggles "Lord Wiggles you are here by notified of your trespassing on ATLien property. Nate, have your men arrest this vermin and join me in the battle wing". And with that Edgerrin tipped his hat and returned up the hill. As the large iron gates swung open Nathaniel ordered his men to take Wiggles into custody and secure him in the wine cellar. He then headed for an explanation from his leaders as to the purpose of this little exercise. An explanation of he was sure would not disappoint.

                    "You've done what?" Edgerrin yelled with mock surprise imitating the likely response his brother's messenger would receive once he arrived in London. Meanwhile his brother and Nathaniel ate up his comedy with righteous laughter. Yes the plan had worked perfectly. Just as the first messenger arrived to let Elizabeth know that not only were they not accepting her offer of alliance, but that they we're ending England's right of passage, the Queens former head of domestic affairs was in the heart of Atlanta's territory. She would have no choice, but declare war on the ATLiens and attack first. Thus allowing a war of defense which played much better with the fickle ATLien people. Sultan between laughs could only imagine what his next surprise would do to the by now frantic Queen. He could barely wait to disclose his masterful stroke to his companions, but knew that for ultimate success he must keep any knowledge of his scheme a mystery. A deadly mystery..............Next: To Please the Devil


                    • #11
                      very good!


                      • #12
                        As night settled on the Babylonian foregrounds, Captain Keyes and his small band hastily descended upon the imperial guards. "Carefull!" Keyes whispered sharply as one of his men just missed slicing the neck of one of the guards. "Your orders are to incompacitate enemy forces...not kill!". With the guards under wraps Keyes motioned to his men to stay put as he entered the royal chambers. As he slipped into the room he danced a precarious dance between the slivers of moon light that illuminated the room. Taking great care with each step he made his way to the bed of Babylonia's King. In one fluid motion Keyes grabbed the mouth of Hammurabi with one hand and placed his sword to his neck with the other. "Quiet my friend lest you sleep with your fathers for I understood" he whispered into the startled Kings ear. Hammurabi slowly nodded his head in compliance. Keyes continued "I bring you tidings from Sultan soveriegn leader of Atlanta. Join us in our battle against England for we shall both grow fat from the ravaging of Liz's bossom." Hammurabi remained still. Keyes continued "Perhaps you don't understand my Lord's offer. Either you join us tonite, or lose your abiltiy to wake in the morning that quickly approacheth!" This time Hammurabi nodded quickly. "Good. Then so be it. Now you just lie back down and allow my men and I safe passage and all shall be well. By the way for your loyalty you will be rewarded with treasures and scientific discoveries once my King receives my assurance of safety." At this point Hammurabi shook his head no. "I don't think you understand my friend you have no choice. I could kill y....." As Keyes' life less body fell to the floor a smile crossed Hammurabi's face. He had gotten his revenge and now would serve his cold dish of betrayal to Atlanta and its King. "Remove his carcasse and have it fed to my hounds." he barked to the Bowmen that now emerged from the darkness of his room as he rose from his bed . "And not a word of this to the queen."..........

                        Geez this story is lasting longer than I planned. Thanks for the previous feedback. I'm not sure I will finish this because I'm not sure if anybody is still reading it. If anyone is interested in an ending let me know I will provide one. Thanks.


                        • #13
                          Traigo sueños, tristezas, alegrías, mansedumbres, democracias quebradas como cántaros,
                          religiones mohosas hasta el alma...


                          • #14
                            I am reading it and enjoying it. Keep going if you have some more to write.


                            • #15
                              As Nathaniel made his way through corridors of the ATLien palace war wing he could smell the tension. He slowly entered the main hall and cleared his throat so that he may be recognized. Edgerrin looking up from his maps nodded an sat back to listen. "Sir, the final arrangements have been made. The Alpha legion is in position and ready. Same for Beta. I've personally seen to the dispersement of a bombardment group to each border city. We have received word from an Indian fishing vessel that English ships approach our southern coast. I have directed all ships to stand down and return to port. If the English have any desire to fight we have given them an inviting target!". "Thank you Nathaniel" replied Edgerrin as he took mental notes of this latest news "you have once again proven yourself to Atlanta and her King." He continued " Now I must ask a difficult task of you my friend. We will need to react quickly if we are too keep the delicate international coalition my brother has created together. I am reassigning your division. You are being recommissioned Nathaniel. This means you will no longer be immortal. I'm sorry, but I can't trust this mission to anyone else. You are being deployed to Japan. Their you will assist the Japanese army in the capture of the English city of Lexington. You must make sure however that we take command of the city. Unbeknownst to our Japanese friends Lexington sits right in the middle of a large deposit of saltpeter. Don't ask me what saltpeter is. Just understand that it is very important that we gain access to it. It is a matter of our nations survival. Should Japan gain access to Lexington you are ordered to fall back. Our contacts tell us that the Queen herself has ordered that all English forces in the area be directed to defend Lexington at all cost. Once it has been captured be assured a sizeable English force will rush to reclaim it. Do not assist the Japanese should this happen. If as expected the English do reclaim the city you are again to engage the English and capture Lexington. Your ship leaves tonight. May God be with you my friend." As Edgerrin stood the two friends embraced as brothers and tear was shared between champions.

                              "Let him enter" bellowed Sultan as the guards opened the large doors to the reception hall. "Yes, Sir." answered the Knight as he motioned the archers to take their positions should this visit prove to not be a friendly one. "Sir, may I present this Babylonian messenger." "Why do you come before me Babylonian swine!" Sultan spit venomously. The messenger replied "I bring tidings from my King. He accepts your offer to make war with the English." "Wise decision your idiot of King has made." Sultan laughed haughtily. The messenger continued "He would also like to request a right of passage so that he may assist in your protection from the vile English". Sultan paused to ponder the laughable request. Did Hammurabi fancy him to be that dumb as to allow his sworn enemy free wanderings of his land? This was an insult. An insult that had to be answered appropriately. Before he could answer the messenger spoke again. "As for your Captain Keyes and his King has decided to retain them as means of assurance to your honorable intentions. He in exchange offers me as the same for your honors peace of mind." Now Sultan trembled with fury. How dare Hammurabi detain one of his best men and send this peasant in exchange. "Your Kings insolence has cost you your life Babylonian peasant. Have him beheaded and flogged and impaled. In what ever order you deem appropriate." "Yes, sir" responded the Knight non-chalantly "and what of his remains?" "Have them boxed with my horses dung and returned to the Babylonian palace". As the Babylonian messenger was drug out, Nathaniel ran in. "Brother, the English have attacked Westlake." Sultan smiled wryly at his brother then said "Well then Edge. Let's travel to the Forbidden Palace in Decatur. I think its time you see an English soldier....."
                              Last edited by SultanofATL; March 7, 2002, 11:37.

