Great. Sorry it took me so long to reply, I've been really busy the past couple of days. There's a four-day weekend coming up, though (at least for me), so that should be plenty of time to get it started.
If I understand correctly, the players are the following (in order):
1. Random Entity
2. jerkwaterbox
3. Eli
4. Mike4879
5. vovansim (MacTBone was offering webspace)
6. quinalla
That should be enough.
MacTBone: Thanks for offering a place to upload the info, I'll take you up on that. E-mail me ( and I'll get you the first update soon.
quinalla: I moved your turn down in the rotation so you'll be around when the time comes.
Also, I think it is a good idea to have a longer time limit on the 20 turns of each person (I was just going off of what previous games had done), so there'll be a 96 hour limit instead.
Sounds good! I'll get things started tonight, and post here with an update in the next day or so.
If I understand correctly, the players are the following (in order):
1. Random Entity
2. jerkwaterbox
3. Eli
4. Mike4879
5. vovansim (MacTBone was offering webspace)
6. quinalla
That should be enough.
MacTBone: Thanks for offering a place to upload the info, I'll take you up on that. E-mail me ( and I'll get you the first update soon.
quinalla: I moved your turn down in the rotation so you'll be around when the time comes.
Also, I think it is a good idea to have a longer time limit on the 20 turns of each person (I was just going off of what previous games had done), so there'll be a 96 hour limit instead.
Sounds good! I'll get things started tonight, and post here with an update in the next day or so.