I just wanna share this little story regarding my first CivIII game.
I was playing China on a standard random map, and I have two neighbours, the French and the German. Everything went smoothly until in the middle of the 14th century A.D. A group of Japanese approached one of my frontier town and sneak attacked me. Well, I must admit I was a bit careless of not fortifying my frontier town, but I was counting on my friendly neigbours to guard their own border. How the Japanese went pass the French was anyone's guess.
As the result of the sneak attack, my frontier town, Macau, was razed to rubble, and the barbaric Japanese force (no offence to the Japanese forumers) kept pressing. Although I was the most advance civ in the game (My government type is Democracy), my military was crap. But I managed to produced five Musketmen and a trio of cavalry. Trying to slow down the Japanese agression, I emptied most of my nearest towns to defend my second frontier town. Then the nightmare started to begin. I saw my musketmen and pikemen slaughtered by a group of Japanese swordmen and longbowmen. I thought that was impossible since my units were all stationed in the mountain range. But believe me, these Japs were really good. It wasn't until I sent my cavalry to deal with those treaherous sneakers that I finally be able to defeat the invaders.
Since I was really upset by this indecent invasion, I hurried produced three frigates and a couple of galleon to transport my three cavalry to take out one of the Jap's towns. Unfortunately, just when I finished razing a Jap's city, my citizens began to revolt (because my government type is democratic, although it didn't happen to U.S.). So I decided to talk to the Jap. Now here was the funny bit. When I proposed a peace treaty, Tokugawa said:
"We don't deal with TERRORISTS!"
Can you believe they actually said that? It was they who started the war. It was they who razed my city. And they called me terrorist.
As a result, I had no choice but to keep fighting the Japanese.
In addition, I had to switch to communism in order to keep my citizens happy.
So, the moral behind this story is:
When you are fighting terrorist (or aggressive nations) Democracy DOESN'T work!
Note: This is just a little story for fun. If you don't find it funny, too bad. If you find it boring, well, it was you who chose to read it at the first place, so don't blame me.
I just wanna share this little story regarding my first CivIII game.
I was playing China on a standard random map, and I have two neighbours, the French and the German. Everything went smoothly until in the middle of the 14th century A.D. A group of Japanese approached one of my frontier town and sneak attacked me. Well, I must admit I was a bit careless of not fortifying my frontier town, but I was counting on my friendly neigbours to guard their own border. How the Japanese went pass the French was anyone's guess.
As the result of the sneak attack, my frontier town, Macau, was razed to rubble, and the barbaric Japanese force (no offence to the Japanese forumers) kept pressing. Although I was the most advance civ in the game (My government type is Democracy), my military was crap. But I managed to produced five Musketmen and a trio of cavalry. Trying to slow down the Japanese agression, I emptied most of my nearest towns to defend my second frontier town. Then the nightmare started to begin. I saw my musketmen and pikemen slaughtered by a group of Japanese swordmen and longbowmen. I thought that was impossible since my units were all stationed in the mountain range. But believe me, these Japs were really good. It wasn't until I sent my cavalry to deal with those treaherous sneakers that I finally be able to defeat the invaders.
Since I was really upset by this indecent invasion, I hurried produced three frigates and a couple of galleon to transport my three cavalry to take out one of the Jap's towns. Unfortunately, just when I finished razing a Jap's city, my citizens began to revolt (because my government type is democratic, although it didn't happen to U.S.). So I decided to talk to the Jap. Now here was the funny bit. When I proposed a peace treaty, Tokugawa said:
"We don't deal with TERRORISTS!"
Can you believe they actually said that? It was they who started the war. It was they who razed my city. And they called me terrorist.

As a result, I had no choice but to keep fighting the Japanese.

In addition, I had to switch to communism in order to keep my citizens happy.
So, the moral behind this story is:
When you are fighting terrorist (or aggressive nations) Democracy DOESN'T work!

Note: This is just a little story for fun. If you don't find it funny, too bad. If you find it boring, well, it was you who chose to read it at the first place, so don't blame me.