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Apolyton Challenge: Pharoah Ixnay leads the egyptians

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  • Apolyton Challenge: Pharoah Ixnay leads the egyptians

    Well, I brought up the idea of an "Apolyton challenge" last night, and Kriton has submitted a savegame for the challenge in this thread which you can download. Its a large map, 16 civs, emperor difficulty, playing as the egyptians. All victories are enabled, so it would be interesting to see how other people do with the same conditions. I have decided to share the story of my game as I go along for anyone interested. I have beaten the game on regent, so I may end up getting stomped and looking like a fool. But, if I do, so be it. So, without delay, the reign of pharoah ixnay begins....

    *Warning* This thread may contain spoilers for those taking the challenge. Read at your own risk.

    4000 B.C. Pharoah ixnay orders his settlers to found the capital city of thebes between a river and a small lake. A nearby tribe decides to join the city and teach the egyptian civiliation the secret of the wheel. The egyptian worker is ordered to build a road to the south.

    3950 B.C. Egyptian wise men are directed to research bronze working, so that our cities may be better defended. It appears that there is an abundance of grapes to the west which could be used to make wine that will make the citizens of thebe happier.

    3900 The worker continues construction of his road southward.

    3850 The worker moves to the east and discovers even more fine grapes! Citizens of Thebes should be very happy with this discovery.

    3750 The training of a warrior to explore northward is complete.

    3500 Another warrior is trained to explore, and wines are brought into thebes. Everyone is happy now.

    3300 More wine is brought to thebes, and another warrior heads eastward. The 2nd warrior receives a gift of gold from a cimmerian tribe that he finds.

    2950 BC Despite the abundance of wine, citizens complain of overcrowding in thebes. To the south, either the coast or a large lake has been discovered.

    2750 A group of adventurous egyptian citizens has set out to the east to found a new city.

    2630 Contact with an English scout has been made to the north, while a french city has been discovered to the south. Knowledge of the alphabet and pottery is gained from the English.

    2590 Warrior Code and Bronze working knowledge is gained from the french.

    2550 The city of Memphis is founded to the northeast of thebes.

    2390 One of our scouts is slain in battle against a fierce barbarian tribe.

  • #2
    2100 Iron working is gained from the Germans, discovered to the east. A source of iron is located nearby to the south of thebes.

    1830 Heliopolis is founded to the southeast.

    1700 Elephantine is founded to the southwest to secure a source of iron and hold back the French.

    1675 With the discovery of the Romans and writing, pharoah ixnay decides to establish an embassy in the german capital of berlin.

    1575 The road to bring iron in is complete! No horses are located nearby, though.

    1500 Barbarians pillage Heliopolis, killing some of its citizens. Contact with the greeks has been established, though it is not known exactly where they are.

    1375 Alexandria is founded to the north

