In the beginning, life was good. The americans, with their knowledge of the alphabet, pottery, masonry, and the wheel, prospered. Their pioneers expanded northward, covering all of Africa by 1000 BC. But this was not all. They launched a 2nd great wave of expansion, in which heroic knights and pioneers fought against the heathen barbarians of Central Asia. When this age of legends was finished, The American Legate known as Lincoln ruled from England to Capetown, and from Arabia to the Urals. The puny Romans ruled most of Europe, but Italy and Spain were American colonies, and in time the romans would see the futility of challenging their brothers. When they created the world's first democracy, circa 420 AD, they entered a golden age in which great wonders were accomplished.
Then, in 800 AD, came the invention of magnetism. The President decreed that it was time for Americans to seek out the "new world" of which legends foretold. Sailing westward, ships of settlers and cavalry landed in the Americas, where they did battle with the heathen Germans who controlled the continent. But their spearmen were no match for the heroic american cavalry and ironclads, and the world entered Pax Americana.
However, treachery was afoot amongst the vile Egyptians and Aztecs. Seeing the Americans grow richa nd prosperous in peace, they levied great armies against the Americans. At first they gained territory, but outside the great metropolis of Florida the American reserves arrived from Africa via the new tranamerican railway system and pushed them back. In the battle of the Indian Ocean, American carriers broke the codes of the Egyptians and were able to decipher their military plans, leading to the heroic victory at the battle of Thailand, where carriers of bombers devestated the enemy fleets, leaving them easy pickings for the submarines which followed. And when the Americans developed their first atomic weapon, they dropped it on Persepolis, killing Cyrus, and leading to the uncoditional surrender of the Persians. Faced with a war against a sleeping giant who had at least awaken, the Egyptians had no choice but to give away many cities, losing all but their outpost on the mountaous wasteland known as Japan, where the city of Alexandria resided. And so, in 1200, with fine silks and spices flowing in from the newly conquered territories, the American Empire turned its eyes skyward. Who knew what awaited them amongst the stars?
Then, in 800 AD, came the invention of magnetism. The President decreed that it was time for Americans to seek out the "new world" of which legends foretold. Sailing westward, ships of settlers and cavalry landed in the Americas, where they did battle with the heathen Germans who controlled the continent. But their spearmen were no match for the heroic american cavalry and ironclads, and the world entered Pax Americana.
However, treachery was afoot amongst the vile Egyptians and Aztecs. Seeing the Americans grow richa nd prosperous in peace, they levied great armies against the Americans. At first they gained territory, but outside the great metropolis of Florida the American reserves arrived from Africa via the new tranamerican railway system and pushed them back. In the battle of the Indian Ocean, American carriers broke the codes of the Egyptians and were able to decipher their military plans, leading to the heroic victory at the battle of Thailand, where carriers of bombers devestated the enemy fleets, leaving them easy pickings for the submarines which followed. And when the Americans developed their first atomic weapon, they dropped it on Persepolis, killing Cyrus, and leading to the uncoditional surrender of the Persians. Faced with a war against a sleeping giant who had at least awaken, the Egyptians had no choice but to give away many cities, losing all but their outpost on the mountaous wasteland known as Japan, where the city of Alexandria resided. And so, in 1200, with fine silks and spices flowing in from the newly conquered territories, the American Empire turned its eyes skyward. Who knew what awaited them amongst the stars?