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Fighting the good fight

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  • Fighting the good fight

    Okay, I was playing a game as America. I was alone on my continent (I'd conquered the Iruqois and Aztecs earlier. The historic parallels in this story are ironic) and I was beginning to explore the wonders of the modern age, while everyone else was just in the industrial. I was trading with most of the European (they wre all on the same continent, oddly enough. Except for england) nations, selling my raw materials for luxiries, when Germany and Rome decided to blitz France and Russia. Since if Germany conquered them both it would win, I started giving techs to France and Russia. France got its ass kicked anyway, lost its supply of oil, coal, aluminum, and uranium, an Russia lost a ton of troops at first. I didn't want to declare war yet, but I decided to try to incite cities to revolt against me. Now, for wahtever reason (Does the AI get pissed ifthey catch you?) Germany declared war on me, and China, its ally, landed troops near New York. I beat htem off easily and crushed their fleet, gaining control of the oceans. Then I switched over to communism, since this would be a LONG war. I moved to wartime footing, and within three turns I had carriers and tanks on transports steaming for the continent, to open up a second front. meanwhile, vicious fighting occurred with China as I fought in the desert for their oil. Think Kursk. Then imagine it for two years.
    This was about the time that I discovered f-15's and produced an ICBM. I launched it at the Chinese capital, and they were hurt badly. Meanwhile, my carrier basedforces had gained control of the skies over Germany, and I was engaged in the systematic destruction of he rail network. After it was mostly eliminated, I deployed the tanks on the beach. I must've had at least 50 (my pop at this point was over a billion) but I lost over half in the assault on Occupied France (soon to be renamed New America) and Germany. Meanwhile, in China, I'd taken their vital oil and rubber, and had about 10 infantry sitting on the routes to it. Their troops washed ashore against mine, leaving a spray of blood. But they held, and I acquired several leaders in the process. The war finally ended with me in control of France and southern Germany, along with China, and the Russians in control of northern Germany and England (foolish brits. allied with germany). Then we continued to glare at each other across an ocean, and the game ended in 2024 with the laucnhing of my starship towards alpha centauri.

  • #2
    Wow, the historical parallels are really uncanny!


    • #3
      The more I read about the historic parralels, the more I believe that Firaxis specifically designed it that way. . .
      "mono has crazy flow and can rhyme words that shouldn't, like Eminem"
      Drake Tungsten
      "get contacts, get a haircut, get better clothes, and lose some weight"
      Albert Speer


      • #4
        Well, I wouldn't exactly call 'American Communism' an historic parallel, although I do find it quite ironic


        • #5
          Originally posted by monolith94
          The more I read about the historic parralels, the more I believe that Firaxis specifically designed it that way. . .
          I agree. I think civs with the same 'cultural identity' (I remember reading somewhere that civs which are close in real life have the same cultural identity, probably officially called something else) are always (Assuming its possible on that particular map) placed together, thus all these stories of asian countries, american countries and european countries all bunched on their own continents.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Rhysie
            I agree. I think civs with the same 'cultural identity' (I remember reading somewhere that civs which are close in real life have the same cultural identity, probably officially called something else) are always (Assuming its possible on that particular map) placed together, thus all these stories of asian countries, american countries and european countries all bunched on their own continents.
            They are supposed to be diplomatically "more agreeable" to each other, too.


            • #7
              i was china on a continent with japan and england...

              france was on an island a ways away...

              egypt and zululand were on another continent...

              i don't think they're ALWAYS grouped that way....


              • #8
                No, associated civs probably aren't always grouped together. Has to consider land mass availability and 'closest proximity to another civ' (setting in the editor, varies by map size).


                • #9
                  No, Jaybe, they're definitely hardcoded together. I've played 7 pink games now (France), and in EVERY one, I've been next to either Germany or England, whichever was in the game, or both if they both were. No randomness. Rome and Greece are always neighbours. America and Iroquois.

