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Your First Game

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  • Your First Game

    Id like to hear about everyones first game, how it is going or how it went. I know a few of you thought u could handle a higher level and got royally spanked

    I am America, and playing at (dont laugh) chieften level.

    Im in the middle ages of my first game on a large map and still havnt found anyone!!!!!!!!!!

    I have plenty of resources and am growing quite nicely, I occupy 2 islands and have about a dozen cities.

    As soon as i can navigate deep waters I am going to expand.
    Air Power

  • #2
    There's a forum for this. Go check it out, a few have posted
    "Chegitz, still angry about the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991?
    You provide no source. You PROVIDE NOTHING! And yet you want to destroy capitalism.. you criminal..." - Fez

    "I was hoping for a Communist utopia that would last forever." - Imran Siddiqui


    • #3
      I'm the aztecs playing on chieftan level . I'm #1 in most areas except happiness.

      I started out in Australia (huge world map). Kind of sucks, because it is taking forever to get map making (I'm still trying to get monarchy). I only played a little less than 2 hours though. more later.


      • #4
        Well..I am on a Huge world, 6 civs....bIggest Continent type..( Pangaea I believe)..I am The Russians..I am 2nd playing on Chieftain..have maybe 2 dozen cities..the Zulus are in the lead by 286-272..I have built several wonders...have accepted all ultimatums..not looking for war right now..I have Republic..

        I have gotten two cities that revolted..from America..but they have good relations so far..I love all this game has...

        I have a few Galleons..but the World is pretty much inhabitated now....

        A piece of advice to all...BUILD CITIES..BUILD CITIES...BUILD CITIES..or you will find Real Estate hard to come by....

        Yours in Civin

        Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


        • #5
          I got stomped my first game (see my thread about the germans wiping the floor), but my 2nd game is going much better. Babylonians, 16 civs, huge map, warlord difficulty. The world is entirely colonized now, and I didn't grab that much land. However, I got enough to build up my culture so that 2 american and 2 roman cities have joined me. This is the most peaceful game of civ that I have ever played, as there was a grand total of 1 war before the discovery of nationalism. Yes, 1 war. I ticked off the Russians, they came down and took a city, and it promptly revolted back to me. After that, more peace. At least until mutual protection pacts and such. France has managed to drag at least 7 civs into a war against the aztecs, who have no allies. I managed to get 100 gold per turn from other civs by getting an exclusive tech and selling it to everyone else. Ha ha ha. Well, I must get back to playing.


          • #6
            Joan of Arc of the French. Chieftan.

            Started on a Random map with 8 other Civs. On my contient to the north the Russians and English settled. In the land grab I came out well ahead, and once all the land on the island was taken I began some builder style. My culture shot up high enough that I managed to take two of the English cities, but none of the Russian. That freaking ***** Elizabeth kept on pushing her troops through my territory over and over and over again. I kept telling her to leave and she kept on freaking going. She makes a city in the freaking arctic tundra on the south end of the island. Luckily, it converted to French, but man did it piss me off.

            However, around this point I discovered Gunpowder, but I had no saltpepper. Only the Russian's to the north had a hill of it, so out came my military. After taking a couple of Russian cities, I suddenly realized that there was some saltpepper in one of my deserts . I promptly signed a peace treaty with Catherine and sent my campaign army to get rid of the Expansionist English.

            Few turns later, realized I'm much more powerful than Catherine too, so I said myself, "Self, what would you do with this gigantic army?". I think the poor Russian's lasted maybe 20 more turns. Their towns were rapidly subdued by my superior forces.

            And that's where I am now, in the Industrial Revolution attempting to figure out what happens next. Do I become a peaceful democracy? If I'm a Democracy I have to pay for my army, then again, the 0 curroption will make up for it. Do I attempt Domination victory by launching a campaign on foreign soil? Maybe I have enough cities that a cultural victory is possible? My first iron resource ran out, that scared me. Now there's only one left and nobody in the world is trading iron!

            Anyway, I'm enjoying my experince. Very interesting how all the different political/social/economic forces come together to shape your society. The big feeling I get playing this game is that it really is the same basic game as CivII, but it's deeper.


            • #7
              Originally posted by CygnusZ
              Joan of Arc of the French. Chieftan.
              And that's where I am now, in the Industrial Revolution attempting to figure out what happens next. Do I become a peaceful democracy? If I'm a Democracy I have to pay for my army, then again, the 0 curroption will make up for it. ...
              Are you SURE that Democracy has 0 corruption??

              Don't try playing Civ3 with Civ2 concepts


              • #8
                D'oh, Civ2 habit I meant to say greatly reduced. Old habits die hard.

                Which BTW, I'm going to get that cultural victory. I've got 50,000 total culture points.


                • #9
                  I just played my first game as Caesar, all world settings average, at Chieftain level. So far, I've played until 1060. Here's some random stuff I can remember (it's late, and my mind's all over the place...sorry).

                  I started off on my own continent, big enough for about 5 cities. The English, French and Germans share a continent right near me (to the east), which I started to colonize early. I haven't had any contact with the others (I think there's three or four more...can't remember what I was the default, though).

                  I think I've gotten the hang of this culture thing, because I have the highest rating in it (at Chieftain level though ). Anyway, all three of the civs I know are pretty impressed, or so my advisors keep saying . Especially the Maid of Orleans; she's got a thing for me, I think . Me and the French are close though.

                  As for the strategic resources (horses, iron etc), I was worried at first, cause I saw none at all. But, they appeared when I gained the tech levels neccesary to exploit them. My tech is going well...I've *just* reached gunpowder. You can't go wrong with Sid as your Science Advisor though .

                  I've built a few wonders, and set off my golden age somehow (not sure how, because it didn't happen right after building a wonder). The city governors sure love building the wonders though. Every time something's done, they want to start on the Pyramids or War Academy or something (we're in a war, damnit!! Let's build some troops!! )

                  My advisors keep telling me that the people want me to build a forbidden castle, which is a small wonder and acts as a second castle (for corruption purposes, I think). I'm putting it off, because I want to build it at a strategic point in the middle of the large continent, and the city I have near there is still too small. I am pumping it with workers though (they can join the city and add 1 to the pop), and it's growing nicely. I wonder what will happen if the people don't get their forbidden castle soon??

                  The AI is amazing, even at this level Bismark declared war on me, and I took a level one city of his (Frankfurt), but my legions were crushed at Berlin's gates. I asked for peace (there's two ways you can do this, in a submissive tone, after which the AI gives you their demands, or an agressive tone, to which the AI agrees only if they're in a bad possition). I was still threatening Berlin with a couple units, so I went for the latter. "Yeah, let's end it. It was all a big misunderstanding anyway," is what the Iron Chancellor said, and he gave me some gold and a tech

                  A while later, Elizabeth declared war. It was quiet at first, because the French and Germans sepparate us on her continent (and the sea from mine). After getting crushed at sea, the sneaky witch snagged a Right of Passage through German territory and got me by surprise while I was busy putting gtogether an expeditionary force. I managed to beat her back. But, she kept coming, each time in a different spot (where my troops weren't) and with at least three units!

                  I landed on her shore, and took one of her cities (Hastings), thanks to my new Longbow units (4/1/1). But there was much blood shed. Then, she convinced Germany to declare war too!! They formed a Millitary Alliance against me. I quickly took out another of her cities (York) and she still only agreed to a straight peace, giving me nothing. Bismark won't even talk to me...I guess he wants Frankfurt back. He's already thrown a huge wave of about 4 cavalry and a bunch of warriors at me. That's where I quit for the night.

                  From what I've seen so far, I'd say that Civ3 won't flop. I barely dragged myself away from way CTP was this good, either incarnation. It was very stable too, btw...nary a glitch for about 6 continuous hours (and my CPU is a tad below the 'recomended' speed).

                  Well, that's all for now...sorry if this was longish, but, hey, you didn't *have* to read it
                  Last edited by treedom; November 2, 2001, 03:19.


                  • #10
                    My first (and second!) game

                    My word, what a great game. Side Meier and Jeff Briggs are beautiful. A few complaints, but not even worth mentioning compaired to the good. If you don't have it yet, trust me, you'll love it.

                    Ok, my first game went pretty quick. I'm a civver from the beginning, played the game for many sleepless nights. I played CivII fasion when first starting, so I started as Americans on Huge Earth with 16 civs. I started by Seattle, and I was with the Zulus, Iroquios, French, Indians, Germans, and one other in North and South America. So, I expand, and meet the zulus near DC, and the Iroquis in Southern US. So, I expand as much as possible, and the zulus begin to piss me off by entering my boundaries. I say to them nicely, I say "remove your troops or face the consequences". They face the consequences, and declare war on me. We're pretty equal, but, unfortunately, they contact every other civ on the continent, and by the end of the turn, everyone I know is at war with me. Wow. How quickly I was destroyed. So, I learned.

                    My second game, I started on a huge map (how could a true civver turn down the biggest map possible?) random world, and now I'm on a very large island with the germans south of me, english to the east, Aztecs to the north, and the Iroquois north of them. My culture is grand, because I found that when you first build a city, you should immediately build a temple - within about 5 turns of that, your culture expands. (so, after temple I usually build barracks, then city walls, then on from there).

                    The Germans start pissing me off early by pushing my borders and adding new cities near me. I'm >< this close to warring with them, even though I only have about 5 cities and they have about 15, I'm tempted. I get the Great Library (a must for anyone I think), and start getting ahead in the technology race. Fortunately for me, a few German cities defect to me, so I'm no longer worried about warring with them, especially after I find out I can sell them (and the other civs) early technologies like gunpowder (after making sure I own all the saltpeter) to them for almost all their gold, plus 50 gold a turn for 20 turns. Whee, making money! (check what they want for some technologies by asking what they offer, then ask for a bit more - it almost always works) So, now the Aztecs go to war with the Germans, and my civ is in between. So, I sell goods and techs to both of them, and give them right of passages. America is so great.

                    So, the English piss me off by doing what the Germans did earlier, so I tell them to leave or declare war. They declare war. I talk to everyone on the continent and give them all metallurgy for lots of gold, plus military action against the English. I take a few of their cities (the Germans LOVE war!) with help of the others, and I call a truce with the English. The great thing? The other civs don't - especially Germany, but that's because if they capture the English east coast, they'll have me trapped between. So, it's an interesting world. And, I don't even know about the other 3 civs in the world! I'm tempted to war with the English again just to make sure that I'll take their cities, not someone else who will later attack me.

                    Needless to say though, the other civs look up to me because of my high culture and my agreements with them and constantly trading them technologies. I still hold all of the English and German controlled saltpeter, and I sold some to Germany for 20 turns for 50 gold/turn. I'm coming up on the Industrial age, and I just can't wait. Work and the rest of my life drags now, but Civ 3 keeps calling and saying "one more turn, one more turn" until my life force is drained into the computer completely. It reminds me of Civ I days when I would talk with my friends for hours and hours about what we were doing to the horrible zulus or whoever we were at war with - and trading games with each other. I feel at home again, thank you, Sid. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

                    There should be a saved game/story section here, I'd love to trade saved games and play other peoples' games. Otherwise, I come to this site everyday to read the newest about civIII. Great job everyone, and I'll post more later! Only 7 more hours until I can play again, yay!

                    -Matthew O'Leary.


                    • #11
                      My third game was on the biggest map, 16 civs , and I was the Americans (regent)

                      I settled in a river valley with about equal forest/grassland, and 2 mountains and a hill. I sent my scout out to explore and found the French to my south. I made peace with them, and then an Alliance. I expanded my borders, and founded a second city on the coast and a third inland. All had good culture, and a good road connection. Then the Germans came from the North and they took all of my cities.
                      "Everything for the State, nothing against the State, nothing outside the State" - Benito Mussolini


                      • #12
                        I'm a brand new player of the Civilization series. Thought about getting Civ2 last year but heard that civ3 would be out this year so I thought I would wait until it came out to join the series. Let me tell you I'm not getting any sleep anymore.

                        I started off as the Persians because I thought, "Hey! I want to build up science quickly and I will need to make cities quicker." I decided to play chieftain with archipelago and 70% water on a large map to spread us out and I decided to only have 6 opponents so I wouldn't get smoked right off the bat. Started off pretty cool. Interface was nice and I was learning slowly how it all worked. The next thing I knew it 200 AD and I still only had 3 cities. Apparently what I though of as quick expansion was very pathetic. I hadn't really gotten anywhere in the scientific discovery either. So I restarted, new map, but similar everything else. This time the English found me relatively quickly and decided to make cities in the holes i had left on my island. I found no iron on my island (for the second straight game) but the appearence of the English allowed me to trade maps and meet everyone else. I then realized just how far behind I really was. In the 1800s with no hope of any victory I gave up.

                        I have chalked these games up to learning. I'm getting better, but I do not believe I can bump it up to warlord until after Christmas. Getting my butt handed to me has never been so much fun.


                        • #13
                          Re: My first (and second!) game

                          Originally posted by rflagg
                          There should be a saved game/story section here,
                          -Matthew O'Leary.
                          What did you assume it was when you went to the 'Civ3 - Stories' section of the forums
                          A witty quote proves nothing. - Voltaire


                          • #14
                            I think its quite easy to expand like the IA...
                            Just warrior, settler, till you have like 8 cities... Then you can start really improving...


                            • #15
                              Is it just me or does that idea sound a tad familiar

                              Civ3 is designed to prevent that kind of expansion - Thats just an attempt at ICS.
                              A witty quote proves nothing. - Voltaire

