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Sieg oder Tod

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  • #31
    November 1914

    The Western Front

    Falkenhayn returns to Berlin to better coordinate both fronts. From Belgium the Crown Prince Rupprecht of Bavaria speaks to the Chief General about the western situation, “I’ve made preparations to advance to Arras and Calais. But because of what happened in Metz, I may move some men there.”

    “NO, Metz does not need any more Garrison, we have around 14 units stationed there. I also don’t want any attack into France just yet.”

    Puzzled, the Crown Prince asks “Why? We have them on the run, the Road to Paris is now open through Belgium.”

    Falkenhayn answers, “Winter is fast approaching, I can feel it already here. Soon the roads will turn very muddy. We need to regroup and get settled in, besides there are still a number of French units in Belgium.”

    “True, but they are getting hit hard by our Arty, nobody is worried about them. By the way, the garrison in Metz doesn’t really sound all that big.”

    Angry over the suggestion, that he hasn’t prepared enough for Metz, Falkenhayn says, “First of all, stop questioning my moves! I am the Chief General! I know, that the attack on Metx was just a faint to drive our reserves from Belgium. The next attack will be on Belgium, I know it.”

    “Whatever”, responds the Prince, thinking about how much he’d like the punch the Chief General in the face.

    “Whatever nothing, goodbye sir!”

    But Falkenhayn is wrong, the next attack is not on Belgium but on Metz once again.

    Battle of Metz:
    The troops inside Metz never expected a charge, especially while Belgium was being conquered. But the attack last month proved everyone was at risk. The population of Metz like Strassburg, is half French, it’s only been a little over 40 years since we took them. Even though many of the people have evacuated, there are still concerns that the French inside are giving info to the enemy.

    It is right before sunset, when the first signs of the French are known. From within the city our troops can clearly see the gathering storm of French Infantry. This isn’t going to be a small assault, it appears that the whole of the French Army is ready for an apocalyptic fight. The few bridges left on the Mosel and Seille rivers will be the critical point. Once the French attack they will not be allowed to retreat so easily, for them it is do, or die.

    Now the sun completely sets, and thus it comes about, that an uncommon murderous nocturnal street fight begins to take place. Metz now burns at every corner. The French fight with immense energy; an awful slaughter can only await. Man against man! You clutch your enemy, who is sometimes weaker, sometimes stronger. In the light of the blazing buildings you observe the white of his eyes turning into a fierce red; his mouth covered with thick froth. His head is uncovered, showing his rumpled hair, the uniform unbuttoned and mostly tattered, you stab, you hack, you scratch, you bite and strike about you like a wild animal. It means life or death! You fight for your life! No quarter is given. Among the fires and the bullets you can only hear the gasping, groaning, wheezy breathing. You only think of your own life, of your death. Why are you here? Who is the Archduke?, you never knew him. In delirious haste, old memories are rushing through your mind, your wife, your child, your home. Yet you get more excited from minute to minute, for fatigue and depletion threaten to destroy you, but that must not be – NOT NOW! You are fighting for your life! But it’s endless, again and again the fight is renewed; again there is hacking, stabbing, biting, it’s endless. Again and again the mad murdering is repeated, all night long. Man against man!

    Finally, the realization comes over you, like a bath of cold water. It is over! You cannot take anymore, you are wasted, you are tired, you must surrender, you must dishonor yourself, but you must live. Metz has fallen!!!

    Battle of Metz - Casualties:

    11 G. Infantry
    1 A. Machine Gunner
    1 Flame-thrower
    1 A. Vehicle

    15 F. Infantry

    There some 30+ units just north of Strassburg alone.
    Attached Files
    "The Pershing Gulf War began when Satan Husane invaided Kiwi and Sandy Arabia. This was an act of premedication."
    Read the Story ofLa Grande Nation , Sieg oder Tod and others, in the Stories Forum


    • #32
      The Eastern Front

      From the decks of our ships in the Baltic the sea captains call out the order, "Fire! Fire! More lively!" The men unleash the terror, but it’s different now, we are hitting our own homes in Memel. But our homes are occupied by Russians, it is no longer our homes, it is no longer our city. One can only imagine the destruction and horror of the citizens, knowing their people have turned their guns on them.

      Near Posen, the Russians dare not attempt to attack the city. They continue to move west, how idiotic. Do they think they will march all the way to Berlin with out us noticing them, in the middle of winter. From the air, our Zeppelin’s blast a large concentration of Russian troops. Among the casualties is the Brusilev Corps. For them the war is over, our men envy them. The Cossacks are cut down one by one, we eat their horses. The German countryside is no friend to the Russians, they will die, why don’t they realize this? The further they advance, the less chance they have to return home.

      Eastern Front - Casualties:

      2 G. Infantry

      11 Cossacks
      2 R. Infantry
      1 Sub
      1 pre-dread
      "The Pershing Gulf War began when Satan Husane invaided Kiwi and Sandy Arabia. This was an act of premedication."
      Read the Story ofLa Grande Nation , Sieg oder Tod and others, in the Stories Forum


      • #33
        Monstrous caualties there in Metz, you certainly do have a two front war on your hands.

        Any word on the British, have they sent any fresh forces into the field ?

        Nice work Kaos
        A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.


        • #34
          Nice fight. The french are really going toe-to-toe and holding their own. Do the french machinegunners never fortify? At least you gave the Russians a bloody nose this time.

          Please keep the material coming
          Here is an interesting scenario to check out. The Vietnam war is cool.


          • #35
            Originally posted by ChrisiusMaximus
            .........Any word on the British, have they sent any fresh forces into the field ?..........
            Actually it is in December, that I have been able to spot some British troops.

            But, I have suspicions that "AI Britain" can't handle a quick trip to France.
            "The Pershing Gulf War began when Satan Husane invaided Kiwi and Sandy Arabia. This was an act of premedication."
            Read the Story ofLa Grande Nation , Sieg oder Tod and others, in the Stories Forum


            • #36
              Originally posted by unscratchedfoot
              ............Do the french machinegunners never fortify?...........
              No they do not.

              When given the 'defense tag' the IBT time gets out of hand for my computer. So I just leave them with no AI strategy. They are 'immobile' so they really don't need it except to fortify, which doesn't add all that much defense.
              "The Pershing Gulf War began when Satan Husane invaided Kiwi and Sandy Arabia. This was an act of premedication."
              Read the Story ofLa Grande Nation , Sieg oder Tod and others, in the Stories Forum


              • #37
                December 1914

                The Western Front

                Fighting in Belgium:
                Christmas is right around the corner now, but for our troops in Belgium, there will not be much of a celebration. There is still heavy fighting against the French and civilians. Snow is now constant in this bitter cold, the roads covered in slush make for a most unpleasant travel. The local Belgians have refused to understand the bitter truth, that they have been conquered. Snipers are common in most villages, as it is not even safe to eat at a restaurant. In one village, a Catholic priest was caught, apparently inciting the farmers of the village to poison the water. In fact, in most villages our troops are not allowed to drink any of the local water, for fear of poisoning.

                The natural consequence is that the soldiers have begun to hate the population, which they now have to consider to be their bitterest enemies. This again arouses the worst instincts in some soldiers. In every army, one finds men with the disposition of barbarians. The many millions of inhabitants in Germany, France or Russia are not all civilized people, much as we like to convince ourselves of the contrary. Compulsory military service in these countries, forces all without distinction into the army, men and monsters. Many of the civilians have put up signs outside their homes, which read, “Bitte schonen, hier wohnen brave, gute, Leute!” It doesn’t always work.

                Fighting in Belgium - Casualties:

                6 G. Infantry
                1 A. Car

                5 F. Infantry

                Since the debacle in Metz, Falkenhayn has ordered a massive shift of units from Belgium to southwest Germany. It is not clear whether, the French will attack Strassburg, or Mainz, because of this our forces are divided and much smaller than the attacking enemy, wherever he will attack. Everyone is ordered to dig trenches outside the cities. “Dig for your lives!” are the orders from the commanders. Easier said than done in the almost freezing terrain. But it soon becomes clear that Mainz is the French objective.

                Battle of Mainz:
                The civilians in Mainz bunker down, as the first sightings of the enemy advancing are revealed. We receive them with the bayonet and we fight like savages. There is bayonet fighting of a ferocity that defies description. We stab and hit like madmen, through the chest, the stomach, it doesn’t matter where. There is no semblance of regular bayonet fighting; that, by the way, can only be practiced in the barracks yard. The butt-ends of our rifles swoosh through the air, like the swords of ancient days. It is so cold and wet from the winter rains, the trenches fill with water forcing some the dead bodies to get thrown out. Every skull that comes in our way is smashed-in. In spite of his great numerical superiority the enemy can not make headway against our little barrier of raving humanity in Mainz. The blood horrifies us and excites us, all at the same time. We forget everything around us and fight bloodthirstily. Their attacks are repeated for days, but we will not let Mainz go the way of Strassburg. We make our stand here against the enemy.

                Our opponent recognizes the danger that is threatening him and retires, seeking with all his might to retain any semblance of a respectable force. But we do not allow ourselves to be shaken off, and we bayonet the retiring foes one, after the other. It is a rout, a massacre and an unholy slaughter of unimaginable proportions, the Mainz attack is repelled!

                Battle of Mainz - Casualties:

                0 That is correct ZERO!!!

                23 F. Infantry
                2 A. Car

                The news of the amazing victory is made known throughout Germany by the government. The moral of the nation is lifted, as people take to the streets chanting “Soon we shall return to Strassburg and Memel.” Upon hearing of the ‘Rout in Mainz’, Wilhelm proclaims it a “Christmas miracle, a sign that God is on our side!” Just the news he was expecting to quiet down the socialists, for now.

                At the same time however, Falkenhayn is given the news that a large British force has arrived in northern France. “We shall give them a nice welcome to hell!”, says Falkenhayn to himself.
                "The Pershing Gulf War began when Satan Husane invaided Kiwi and Sandy Arabia. This was an act of premedication."
                Read the Story ofLa Grande Nation , Sieg oder Tod and others, in the Stories Forum


                • #38
                  The Eastern Front

                  In the east the cold is much more unbearable than in the west. It makes for limited fighting here in December. Hindenburg arrives in Berlin to face to face talks with Falkenhayn, a man he has grown to despise. In the secret war room, Hindenburg brings up his dissatisfaction with the Chief General’s command, “We are without a doubt fighting a war of attrition in the east. There is no way, that we can beat the Russian unlimited manpower this way. We must go on the offensive and destroy them in their own lands.”

                  “I understand, but I was forced to change a few things after the flawed Schlieffen Plan went to hell in a hand-basket”, says Falkenhayn.

                  “The Schlieffen Plan was not flawed, only the commanders were. If I was in the west, France would have surrendered months ago”, says Hindenburg in typical narcissistic fashion.

                  Now visually upset, but not eager to confront the older man, Flakenhayn responds, “It’s always easier to criticize after the fact. In any case, set up a plan for an offensive in the east. I shall give you my approval, if it is feasible.”

                  “You shall have my plan. Once the snow melts, I assure you, the Asian hoard will be punished to no end.”

                  Eastern Front - Casualties:

                  1 G. Infantry
                  2 Kavallerie
                  1 Submarine

                  3 Cossacks
                  3 R. Infantry
                  1 Sub
                  1 pre-dread
                  "The Pershing Gulf War began when Satan Husane invaided Kiwi and Sandy Arabia. This was an act of premedication."
                  Read the Story ofLa Grande Nation , Sieg oder Tod and others, in the Stories Forum


                  • #39
                    Keep the material coming. You sure gave the French a beatdown at Mainz. They deserved it. How much more of that slaughter can they withstand? Maybe you can attack now while they spend time to lick their wounds.

                    I'm fighting the French too now in my Napoleanic game. Savage and brutal. They have such strong guard units which are almost unstoppable. We must both stand up against the French belligerant!!

                    Please continue this cool story.
                    Here is an interesting scenario to check out. The Vietnam war is cool.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by unscratchedfoot
                      ............... How much more of that slaughter can they withstand? Maybe you can attack now while they spend time to lick their wounds.

                      I'm fighting the French too now in my Napoleanic game. Savage and brutal. They have such strong guard units which are almost unstoppable. We must both stand up against the French belligerant!!

                      Please continue this cool story.
                      The French don't have the manpower like Russia, but their troops are a lot better. ALthough it's nothing like their troops in your Nap scenario, in this one, the mighty Prussians have the best soldiers!

                      Without the Russkies, I'd probably be in Marseilles by now!
                      "The Pershing Gulf War began when Satan Husane invaided Kiwi and Sandy Arabia. This was an act of premedication."
                      Read the Story ofLa Grande Nation , Sieg oder Tod and others, in the Stories Forum


                      • #41
                        January 1915

                        The Western Front

                        Fighting in the West:
                        The British slowly make their way just south of Brussels. We have not fought them yet, but they appear eager and excited. Fools!, it’s the same look our troops had, back when this started. We will not stay eager and excited for long.

                        Back in Berlin, Falkenhayn prepares for upcoming assault on Metz. The commanders are eager to regain our city, but the Chief General is too wary, as there are still many French troops inside German territory. The liberation of Metz will have to wait.

                        All over the fields and in the ditches of the Belgium-French border lay the dead bodies of soldiers whose often sickening wounds are too terrible to behold. Thousands of big flies, which in this part of the country harbors great swarms, are covering the human corpses which have partly begun to decompose and are spreading a stench that takes away one's breath. In between these corpses, in the burning sun, the poor, helpless refugees are camping, because they are not allowed to use the roads as long as the troops are occupying it. But when are the roads not occupied by troops!

                        The French celebrate the new-year with a new attack on Brussels. This is a serious attack on Brussels and they mean to take it. 4 Corps with mostly Cavs in them are sent to the bloody battle. But their cavs are pure horse-meat, they don’t stand a chance against our machine gunners. Who were their commanders who have sent them to their deaths, to an awful slaughter, to rot with the rest of the bodies. Perhaps their commanders were under pressure from the Generals. In any case, it is just another episode, which has orphaned more children, widowed more women, and for what?

                        Fighting in the West - Casualties:

                        4 G. Infantry
                        1 A. Car

                        4 F. Infantry
                        2 A. Car
                        3 Guerillas
                        13 Cavalry
                        Attached Files
                        "The Pershing Gulf War began when Satan Husane invaided Kiwi and Sandy Arabia. This was an act of premedication."
                        Read the Story ofLa Grande Nation , Sieg oder Tod and others, in the Stories Forum


                        • #42
                          The Eastern Front

                          WINTER has now arrived in full effect and it’s icy cold. The trenches, all of which have underground water, have been turned into mere mud holes. The cold at night is intense, and there is no sleep. We must always be on guard. The Russians continue the westward movement, but soon they will pay a high price in human life for that little piece of Germany. It is quite natural that under such conditions the soldiers are not in the best of moods, desertions are now a common problem.

                          Eastern Front - Casualties:

                          1 G. Infantry

                          1 Cossacks
                          "The Pershing Gulf War began when Satan Husane invaided Kiwi and Sandy Arabia. This was an act of premedication."
                          Read the Story ofLa Grande Nation , Sieg oder Tod and others, in the Stories Forum


                          • #43
                            Fascinating stuff Kaos, Please keep the goods coming
                            A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.


                            • #44
                              Kick their asses. Why are the british all elite when they haven't fought yet? Historically they were little more than swaddling ducks for the Germans to mow down, especially at the Somme. So when do you begin the Verdun meatgrinder? I hope for heaps of casualties on both sides, although a cavalry turkey shoot is always good fun. And I hope you give the Russians a good beat down too. It's good to hear your trenches have built-in water supplies.
                              Here is an interesting scenario to check out. The Vietnam war is cool.


                              • #45
                                bring it on Kaos

                                smack them hard mate
                                Gurka 17, People of the Valley
                                I am of the Horde.

