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Sieg oder Tod

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  • #16
    great work Kaos
    A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.


    • #17
      ... it forces the reader to beg for more with all the grace of a slobbering dog at the tableside...

      Please more!!
      Very nice! I like war!!
      Here is an interesting scenario to check out. The Vietnam war is cool.


      • #18

        I am unworthy

        thanks for this...

        I read this on the way to my appointment this morning...
        well I was a bit chuffed with your story,
        and was putting the people I was seeing into your story

        as I said to the Scratchman

        Bring It On
        Gurka 17, People of the Valley
        I am of the Horde.


        • #19
          Thanks everyone!

          Note: The casualty list will not be cumulative, as there are too many battles to keep track of. It’ll just be a report on the war dead for that battle, on that month (turn).

          September 1914

          The Western Front
          Battle of the North Sea:
          Admiral Tirpitz had previously reassured the Kaiser about the possibility of a lack of fleet action. But as the waters in the North Sea became colder, the sea hostilities became hotter. Early in the month, reports indicated the presence of many enemy ships, including several large cruisers, pre-dreads and BB’s. Considering that his current force at sea might not be strong enough to deal with the situation sufficiently rapidly, Tirpitz unleashed from the harbors of Bremen, Hamburg, Kiel and Lübeck, our own cruisers, pre-dreads, subs, destroyers which had not been sent to the East. It was evident that to be of any value, the support must be overwhelming, and carried out at the highest speed possible. We sent over 30 vessels to duke it out with the British.

          Due to the mist coming from the southeast in September, there was a serious concern over losing the sight of submarines, and any possible sortie in force from the enemy's harbors. Our high speed, however, made submarine attack difficult, and the smoothness of the sea made their detection comparatively easy. Very quickly our two Navies came into contact and the Battle of the North Sea began.

          Soon we found out, the British had sent large ships New Zealand, Princess Royal, Ajax, Liverpool, Orion, Colossus among many more which, were in route to bomb our shores. But we are not afraid, although our navy is outnumbered, among our own fleet are the BB’s Rhineland, Westfalen, Mainz, Kaiser, Heigoland, Nassau. Steaming through the cold waters our Navy battles the British for days. The turrets never stop, as each navy tires to outflank the other at high speeds. Among the many duties, the ships are also there to pick up survivors, and prisoners.

          It gets very clear however, that the British have sent even more ships that we had thought. It didn’t matter how many British ships we destroy, because there seems to be 3, or 4 more waiting to counter. It becomes too overwhelming for our Navy and unfortunately many men are losing their lives. At the end of September, Admiral Tirpitz orders, what was left of our Navy to Bremen and Hamburg to get repaired. Of the 9 main BB’s that went into the North Sea, only the Wesfalen, Posen and Thuringin returned.

          When Admiral Tirpitz arrives to meet his friend the Kaiser, he does not mention the losses. “Your Majesty, we gave as good as we got. If not more”, says the Admiral.

          However, Wilhelm had already known about the rumors of the many lost ships, “You numb-nuts, it doesn’t matter, because they have a bigger Navy than ours to begin with. There is no point in matching them in kill ratios.”

          Disturbed over the personal attack, Tirpitz continues lying his a** off, “I understand, but we still have sufficient numbers left to defend the northern coast. And need I remind you, of our successes in the East. Besides things will go much smoother if you finally allow for unrestricted naval warfare.”

          “That is not a politically viable option, you know that. The entire world will turn on us”, responds Wilhelm upset, over Tirpitz insistence of unrestricted warfare.

          Frustrated, the Admiral answers, “How do you expect us to win, with one hand tied behind our back. Great Britain must be starved to death.”

          “The neutral nations support Great Britain, but as long as none declares war we should try to keep them out of this. We have enough enemies as it is”, says Wilhelm.

          Tirpitz had completely changed the conversation without the Kaiser knowing it. The Admiral is often called the “Eternal”, the name refers to his uncanny ability to remain in power despite his many failings.

          Battle of the North Sea - Casualties:

          4 Submarines
          5 Destroyers
          5 L. Cruisers
          2 Arm. Cruisers
          2 Pre-Dreadnoughts
          4 BC
          6 BB

          Great Britain
          6 Submarines
          8 Destroyers
          7 L. Cruisers
          2 A. Cruisers
          6 Pre-Dreadnoughts
          0 BC
          1 BB

          Franco-German Border:
          Along the Vosges Hills, our men showed considerable disorganization, as we took heavy losses. The situation of the trench line undergoes no essential change. The French troops continue to attack, but it becomes more and more evident to them, that the defensive preparations made are more extensive the closer they get. All their attacks fail, although in some places they are repeated and repulsed with heavy slaughter.

          On our part, we attempt to advance slightly, and are unsuccessful as regards gain of ground, but it leads to the withdrawal and destruction of the enemy's infantry and artillery. The French Machine Gunners are holding strong lines of trenches, among and along the edge of the numerous woods which crown the slopes. These trenches are elaborately constructed and cleverly concealed. In many places there are wire entanglements and length of rabbit fencing. From Metz to the Vosges, the French have been fighting fiercely, but have also been unsuccessful in gaining ground. Even with all the Arty barrages the fighting is at close quarters and of the most desperate nature, the streets of nearby villagers are filled with dead on both sides. Unlike last month, we have dealt the French a heavy blow. The much-awaited charges have begun across the trenches, but it doesn’t seem as exciting, as our troops previously hoped.

          Franco-German Border - Casualties:

          1 Flame-thrower
          3 G. Infantry

          7 F. Infantry
          3 Cavalry

          Battle of Liège/ Belgium:
          After much indecision, Moltke orders the full assault on the city and the rest of Belgium. We have been continually pounding the city for weeks with our siege gunners. When the big siege mortars enter into action they hurl against the enemy, shells weighing 1,000 kilos (nearly a ton), the explosive force surpasses anything known. Their approach is to be heard in an acute buzzing; and they burst with a thunderous roar, raising clouds of missiles, stones and dust. Inside the city, civilians and troops choke from the heavy dust. The screams of the enemy is heard and echoed in our positions. This only encourages our troops to go on the hunt.

          This is the situation in Liège, as our troops charge the besieged town. We storm in from all directions in a hale of gunfire. We search every house systematically for Belgian soldiers that have been dispersed or in hiding. Along with the soldiers we confront many civilians whom have taken up arms. But these Guerrillas are quickly scattered and killed. The Belgians are in full retreat, as we chase them into the countryside. The city is ours! Soon after that, with fix bayonets, we go from house to house, from door to door, and though the harvest is very meager, we are not turned away quite empty-handed, as the inhabitants have to deliver up all privately owned fire-arms, ammunition, etc. The chief functionary of a local resident, who accompanies us, is to explain to every citizen that the finding of arms after the search will lead to punishment by court-martial. And court-martial means---death.

          After the capture of Liège, Moltke insist on the full conquering of Belgium. But that’s impossible as we begin to confront French Infantry and Cavalry throughout the Belgian countryside. Moltke now becomes increasingly fidgety and neurotic. In Germany, everyone has lost faith in Moltke including the powerful industrialist families. When Moltke is ordered back to Berlin, he suffers a mental breakdown. Wilhelm then calls 53 year old Erich von Falkenhayn to tell him, the next move;

          “Moltke is losing it, I can no longer keep him in command.”

          Falkenhayn replies “This is an intelligent move, the belligerent General ended up being a little kitty.”

          ‘Sad really, Moltke is unworthy of the name he carries. His uncle must be turning over in his grave. But enough of that. I’ve called to tell you, that you, will be named the new Chief General.”

          “Excellent, this is what I always wanted. I will make all Germans proud, you’ll see. Just like with the Chinese Boxer Rebellion”, responds Falkenhayn almost giggling like a little school girl.

          “BTW, how is my son doing?”, asks Wilhelm. Crown Prince Wilhelm is the eldest of 5 sons. Wilhelm has little command experience, even though he trained as an officer at Potsdam at the age of 18. In line however with the German tradition of royal army command, he was given charge of Fifth Army in the western front, in August 1914. He is 32 years old.

          “He’s doing superb, you should be proud of him. He will make an excellent leader one day”, Falkenhayn says, clearly hiding his true feelings. The second Supreme Command begins.

          Battle of Liège/ Belgium - Casualties:

          1 Kavallerie
          5 G. Infantry

          7 E. Infantry
          1 E. Machine Gunners
          4 Guerrillas

          1 F. Infantry
          1 Cavalry
          "The Pershing Gulf War began when Satan Husane invaided Kiwi and Sandy Arabia. This was an act of premedication."
          Read the Story ofLa Grande Nation , Sieg oder Tod and others, in the Stories Forum


          • #20
            The Eastern Front

            2nd Battle of Memel:
            With Memel in Russian control, our ships are ordered to do a full naval bombardment on the city. Some of our German civilians are caught in this crossfire. But I’m sure they welcome it, as it means their liberation if they’re still alive. From Königsberg, Hindenburg sets out to recapture our lost city. Hindenburg is an old man at 67, but one of the greatest commanders of Germany alive. He actually retired in 1911, but was recalled during all the madness with the Archduke.

            Although no reinforcements from the west are received, there is a significant garrison in Königsberg. After the constant bombing from the sea, our troops rush in retake Memel. As we approach the city from he south, the destruction of many buildings is evident, although possibly from our navy, we vehemently blame it on the enemy. The Russians are not ready for our attack and many flee when they see our soldiers’ approach, those who don’t retreat, get shot. Our troops have vengeance on their mind as we charge the Russians, yelling, “many enemies, many honors.” We quickly move into the center of the city and take over the shipyards, many Russian bodies now strewn along the streets. Soon the people of Memel come out, singing and dancing over the liberation. Church bells ring throughout the city as the Asian hoard is sent scampering home. The party last for days, as our troops are celebrated like heroes. Many of the Russian dead bodies are thrown into the sea, for the fish to eat.

            But the party soon ends. We are still surrounded by the Russians from almost all directions and the Russians counter in full mass. The first sign of the upcoming battle comes from the sea, as Russian subs and destroyers arrive for the fight. The fight is now on! Like a repeat of last month, the Russians break through our defenses, using a massive amount of men. Our troops fight valiantly for Memel, killing one Russian after another. But it seems there isn’t enough bullets for every Russian. Ammunition runs low, as the fighting again commences in house to house battles. It is the biggest battle of the war thus far. The fighting is so close, that bayonet charges and hand-to-hand combat ensues. Blood spills into the streets and onto the Baltic Sea. But the Asian attack is relentless. We are short on arms and men, with hundreds more being lost every hour. Hindenburg has no choice, but to order the commanders in the field, to retreat back to Königsberg.

            But that isn’t the worse news out of the eastern front. In Hindenburg’s birth-town of Posen, Germany south of Königsberg the governor raises alarm, as sightings of Russian soldiers are reported. The Russkies were opening a second front in the east. The people begin to panic as small scale rioting occurs, probably from socialists. Hindenburg is told of the situation and makes it very clear in a telegram to Wilhelm and Falkenhayn, that “the eastern front is on the verge of collapse if there are no reinforcements sent. Posen, Memel, Königsberg could soon be overwhelmed!”

            2nd Battle of Memel - Casualties:

            2 Destroyers
            2 L. Cruisers
            11 G. Infantry

            2 Destroyers
            17 R. Infantry
            10 Cossacks
            1 Guerrilla
            Attached Files
            "The Pershing Gulf War began when Satan Husane invaided Kiwi and Sandy Arabia. This was an act of premedication."
            Read the Story ofLa Grande Nation , Sieg oder Tod and others, in the Stories Forum


            • #21
              Smashing stuff Kaos
              A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.


              • #22
                What a lovely war you are having
                Kaos, we are both fighting the Russians!!! We must work together to smite the evil!! I'll work them over real good in the Napoleonic era so they will be weaker when they fight you. I salute you for standing up to them toe-to-toe and scrapping it out macho style.

                Here is some pictoral advice on how to reduce the endless hoards of Russians:

                You should send the navy from the east to the west to fight the British.

                Please more war!!
                Here is an interesting scenario to check out. The Vietnam war is cool.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by unscratchedfoot
                  Here is some pictoral advice on how to reduce the endless hoards of Russians:
                  NICE SMILIE!

                  Yes, it’s eerie how similar the battles against the endless Russkies are.

                  As far as fighting the British in the west. I want no more of them. I originally thought they had double the number of ships, but I think it’s closer to triple.
                  "The Pershing Gulf War began when Satan Husane invaided Kiwi and Sandy Arabia. This was an act of premedication."
                  Read the Story ofLa Grande Nation , Sieg oder Tod and others, in the Stories Forum


                  • #24
                    A little more info about this game. I’m playing at the level between Emperor and Deity, I forgot what it’s called. I’m currently getting about 5-7 units every turn, it shall soon be more though, at least I hope. Also every unit cost 1 pop. Point.
                    "The Pershing Gulf War began when Satan Husane invaided Kiwi and Sandy Arabia. This was an act of premedication."
                    Read the Story ofLa Grande Nation , Sieg oder Tod and others, in the Stories Forum


                    • #25
                      October 1914

                      As summer turns to fall, the first signs of the war cost are appearing in Germany. Funeral services are now a daily occurrence in many towns, as bodies of the youth are brought home, from the east and the west. Under the threat of being ‘shutdown’ local newspapers only report the good news. The Memel situation is reported as a ‘strategic withdrawal’. Meanwhile headlines from underground papers, mostly socialists, report of catastrophic events, ‘Memel FALLS, Panic in Königsberg as they are next, Thousands dead in the West’.

                      Back in Potsdam, Kaiser Wilhelm learns of the news he has been waiting for. The Ottoman Turks have joined the Central Powers. “Our alliance is a force to be reckoned, now that the Muslamic barbarians have joined us”, says Wilhelm upon hearing the news. Hoping to regain lost territory in the Balkans, the Turks declare war on the Entente. Our brothers in Austria-Hungary have met fierce resistance from the Serbs. Fortunately, the Russians have not broken through their lines, as of yet.

                      The Western Front

                      Very beautiful fall days have now arrived throughout Europe. The nights are full of stars and trees are being painted in the colors of autumn. But it’s clear to all, this weather will not last; the gray winter days will set in soon. In the war room, the time has come for Erich von Falkenhayn to prove he is deserving of the ‘Chief General’ title. His first plan calls for the complete annihilation of Belgium done in one full thrust.

                      A massive amount of troops are ordered on the move for Antwerp, Brussels and Ypres. You have no idea how beautiful it is to see the troops marching along the road in columns as far as the eye can see, with the captains and lieutenants on horseback at the head of their companies. Our uniforms completely clean and pressed. But imagine how thrilling it will be tomorrow and the following days, marching toward the front, with the noise of battle growing continually louder before them.

                      Battle of Antwerp:
                      The battle for Antwerp starts like all the rest, with an extraordinary evidence of the artillery fire. The tree branches of the woods are all ripped to pieces; large size trees get broken clean off in the middle. Debris starts to fill up fast in the city as we move in for the kill. There is not a house on the main street that is escaping the fire. Quickly Antwerp falls, and remaining is nothing but blackened walls and here and there, the inhabitants standing with shocked faces in their ruined doorways. The scene of the marching columns down the ruined streets, a scene that should be becoming more familiar to us.

                      Battle of Antwerp - Casualties:

                      1 A. Vehicle

                      1 E. Machine Gunners
                      2 Guerrilla

                      1 A. Vehicle
                      2 Cavalry

                      Battle of Brussels:
                      Simultaneously with the attack on Antwerp, the men outside Brussels launch the assault on the capital. The Belgians defend their capital as if their life depended on it, actually it kind of does. Where as in Antwerp and Liège we were fighting guerillas, here we are fighting the top Belgian force. We come expecting a 1 day battle, but instead we get bogged down in different parts of the cities and the hours turn into days. It is a battle of the most barbarity. It doesn’t matter how brave one is, the fear of going down in such a dreadful hell can put fear into anybody. But little by little, we begin to reign in control of the city. Soon the belligerents fade away and Brussels is in German hands.

                      Battle of Brussels - Casualties:

                      7 G. Infantry

                      2 E. Machine Gunners
                      3 E. Infantry
                      2 Guerrilla

                      Battle of Ypres:

                      With Brussels and Antwerp complete, only Ypres remained. Men from both the Brussels and Antwerp fighting were sent in droves to take Ypres. Along the way, there are major scuffles with French troops. Among the bullets flying by, we also yell insults at each other. It is with great joy, that we remind them that soon, we’ll be fighting in France.

                      A limited number of sea vessels are sent to bombard the city, as well as confront the French navy. Ypres is a small coastal town, but it is the Belgians last desperate stronghold. That desperation shows, as we take on the biggest casualties thus far in the western front. We are not even fighting professional soldiers, more guerilla type units, but one can see the look of enraged defiance on the Belgian faces. The battle goes from house to house, and soon the men are beating each other with the buts of their rifles, they are so close.

                      In the end, Ypres is secured and the ‘Rape of Belgium’ is complete, but at a staggering cost, 10 Infantry units in Ypres. With Belgium gone, newly named Chief General Falkenhayn arrives for troop inspections and to consult with the Generals. He visits many of the battle sites and is revolted by the sight of seeing young men with their skulls caved in, their intestines ripped out and their arms and legs scattered about.

                      In a letter to his wife, Falkenhayn writes;

                      “I arrived around noon yesterday in Belgium. Although Belgium is completely under our control I can still hear the sounds of artillery going off. The major fighting has been over for several days, and yet many bodies lay lying all over the place. The stench is terrible, something unimaginable. I’ve not seen anything like it before, Peking was nothing compared to this.”

                      Battle of Ypres - Casualties:

                      10 G. Infantry
                      1 BB

                      1 E. Machine Gunners
                      6 Guerrilla

                      1 A. Cruiser
                      2 Cavalry

                      Rape of Belgium complete

                      While Falkenhayn visits Belgium, the French Generals execute a surprise counter in the Argonne.

                      Battle of Metz:
                      For 3 months our city of Metz, has been subjected to constant bombardment from the trench line. In return we have been firing at the French city of Nancy. But not since the early days has there ever been an attempt to cross the trench line until now. The French Corps units consisting of Cavalry units arrive in force, forcing our troops to retreat and to leave their trenches behind. Soon the Road to Metz is open and the French launch a daring attack on the VERY heavily defended city. The defenders of Metz fight bravely, but unfortunately they were caught off guard. Many buildings were destroyed in the battle, as civilians’ stream out of the town to the east. Lot’s of men were lost in Metz, but we still held on to the city.

                      Battle of Metz - Casualties:

                      5 G. Infantry

                      "The Pershing Gulf War began when Satan Husane invaided Kiwi and Sandy Arabia. This was an act of premedication."
                      Read the Story ofLa Grande Nation , Sieg oder Tod and others, in the Stories Forum


                      • #26
                        The Eastern Front

                        While some men are now being sent to the east, Hindenburg is still seriously upset over the lack of large reinforcements available. He discusses this with a friend named Max Bullinger, a leading industrialist.

                        Hindenburg on a private phone says, “I’m sick and tired over the lack of attention in the east, by those idiots in charge. Moltke, Falkenhayn they’re all the same. France should have already been defeated 6 weeks ago!”

                        “How can I help?”, asks the industrialist speaking with a large cigar in his mouth.

                        “Put some pressure on the Kaiser for me. And get your newspaper friends involved also.”

                        Chucking, Max asks, “That’s a big favor, what’s in it for me?”

                        Hindenburg responds, “Well once Falkenhayn is gone, I’ll be a step closer to being in charge. Most likely I will be in charge because I’m just, that damn good. Once in power, I think you will see some more contracts going your way.”

                        Considerably more happy, that this conversation hasn’t been a complete waste of time, Max says, “I like how you think. I’ll talk to some paper editor guys, don’t worry they are very trustworthy.”

                        3rd Battle of Memel:
                        While Hindenburg prepared for the defenses around Posen, his no. 2, Gen. Ludendorff plans once again, for the Battle of Memel. Ludendorff is also responsible for Königsberg, whose garrison is quickly dwindling. The battle begins once more at sea, where we still hold the advantage. We blast their ships and their troops inside. The charge to Memel by our Infantry and Cav makes a sweeping move to the east, in an effort to cut off the Russkie Infantry. Like the previous battles, this one turns into a street battle from buildings and houses.

                        This time our force is not that large and we need all the units to remain at full strength after the eventual capture of Memel, to defend. But unfortunately the liberation of Memel is becoming too costly, as our troops keep going down. Anyway, we are able to force the Russkies into a retreat. Memel is free once again. Unfortunately, the price is too much, there is hardly anyone left to defend. The top commander in Memel, named Zwingli, makes swift demands from Ludendorff, “We’ve been cut down a lot. There were too many losses, we need more troops.”

                        From Königsberg, Ludendorff responds, “There are no more men. Königsberg needs the present garrison here. You must defend Memel with what you have.”

                        Angrily Zwingli says, “You are crazy! We’re outnumbered by around 4 to 1.”

                        Ludendorff screams right back, “Prove your worth as a commander! DEFEND!”

                        “Did you hear what I said, it’s 4 to 1!”

                        In a relaxed and calm voice, Ludendorff now says, “So many enemies, so many honors.”

                        “*******”, is Zwingli’s only response, as he hangs up the phone.

                        Liberation of Memel, again

                        The defense of Memel begins with many of our troops running throughout the streets trying to defend several key locations at the same time. But the effort is futile, there are just too many Russians. The city falls again for the 3rd time.

                        3rd Battle of Memel - Casualties:

                        1 A. Cruisers
                        6 G. Infantry
                        3 Kavallerie

                        3 A. Cruisers
                        3 Destroyers
                        14 R. Infantry
                        2 Cossacks
                        1 Guerrilla

                        Back in Posen, Hindenburg is given a status about the Memel situation, by Ludendorff, “Sir, I’m sure you’ve heard by now, our troops could not hold Memel.”

                        “What happened? Why didn’t we have proper defenses set up in Memel.”

                        Ludendorff says, “Well I spoke with the Commander in charge of Memel and he seemed pretty confident that we would succeed. I even offered up troops from our depleting garrison in Königsberg, but he refused.”

                        “That moron, who was he? I want to speak to him”, demands Hindenburg.

                        “Well unfortunately, he perished in Memel.”

                        “Listen to me carefully, the ridiculous fool we have as Chief General, Falkenhayn, has ordered no more attacks on Memel. It’s over, just defend Königsberg, we’ll worry about Memel later on. Instead, there is now a policy of isolation for Memel”, says Ludenburg.

                        “Is there going to be, non-stop naval bombardment of the city?”, asks Ludendorff.

                        “Actually, they are going concentrate on the countryside, we shall starve everyone there.”

                        “Won’t our civilians die also?”, asks Ludendorff.

                        “Most of our civilians have left, those who stayed are probably socialists anyway.”

                        Fighting near Posen:
                        In Posen, there is limited action and only some skirmishes between our Cavs. However, from some of our advanced scouts, we have learned of the presence of the Brusilev and Kerensky Corps in the vicinity of Posen.

                        Fighting near Posen - Casualties:

                        3 Kavallerie

                        5 Cossacks
                        "The Pershing Gulf War began when Satan Husane invaided Kiwi and Sandy Arabia. This was an act of premedication."
                        Read the Story ofLa Grande Nation , Sieg oder Tod and others, in the Stories Forum


                        • #27
                          Damn, that is cool fight. Meatgrinders are always the most fun

                          Can you overcome the dog soldiers of Russia? They sure got a lot of grunts coming in.
                          Here is an interesting scenario to check out. The Vietnam war is cool.


                          • #28
                            I hope you can hold back those Ruskies, this is damn good Kaos
                            A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by unscratchedfoot
                              Damn, that is cool fight. Meatgrinders are always the most fun

                              Can you overcome the dog soldiers of Russia? They sure got a lot of grunts coming in.
                              Yes, the Russians have and endless amounts of grunts. Here is some more info on the scenario regarding unit stats. I think it will be an eye opener!

                              German units;
                              German Infantry = 13.11.1
                              Kavalleria = 9.6.3

                              Entente units;
                              Russian Infantry = 6.8.1
                              British Infantry = 10.12.1
                              French Infantry = 10.11.1
                              Entente Infantry = 8.10.1
                              Cavalry = 8.4.3

                              Used by all;
                              Machine Gunners = 1.14.1 (Immobile)
                              Armored Car = 10.5.1

                              As you can see, it’s quite an advantage against the Russkies, but when they’re sending 20+ against our 5 the stats don’t matter much.
                              "The Pershing Gulf War began when Satan Husane invaided Kiwi and Sandy Arabia. This was an act of premedication."
                              Read the Story ofLa Grande Nation , Sieg oder Tod and others, in the Stories Forum


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by ChrisiusMaximus
                                I hope you can hold back those Ruskies, this is damn good Kaos
                                Glad you like it Chris A.K.A. "The Godfather" of the stories forum. But I'm going to change the style a bit.
                                Last edited by Kaos XIII; May 10, 2004, 00:17.
                                "The Pershing Gulf War began when Satan Husane invaided Kiwi and Sandy Arabia. This was an act of premedication."
                                Read the Story ofLa Grande Nation , Sieg oder Tod and others, in the Stories Forum

