I finally finished my story after a year of reworking it and countless hours. Hopefully it will be both interesting and educational for you to read. It's about a big issue America is facing these days although its significance is dwarfed by terrorism, Iraq and other problems. The intent of this story is to provide a likely prediction on how this situation may be handled by America. Please note that this piece was written from a neutral point of view with no political biases and the characters are modeled to behave exactly as they would in these situations were they to occur in reality.
Snakeskin Boots, Shogi and a Pagoda Tower

The President Has Lunch
After throwing out United Nations inspectors years ago, North Korea has officially declared that it is developing nuclear weapons. It has ignored the United States' repeated requests for them to dismantle their nuclear program despite being offered the carrot promised in the form of security assurances, the normalization of relations and economic assistance.
Kim Jong-il's regime, notorious for imposing both poverty and famine upon its own people, is estimated to currently have 1 or 2 ready to fire missile-mounted nuclear warheads with medium intercontinental range. In addition, from their stock of 8000 nuclear fuel rods, they could make or may already possess from 6 to 8 more nuclear bombs from the extracted weapons-grade plutonium. Added to this is their ambitious missile technology development which may soon increase their current range over the area of southeast Asia to as far away as Los Angeles. The consequences of ignoring this grave potential could be catastrophic, especially if they decide to sell nukes to other rogue nations.
It seems that North Korea is intending to use the threat of nukes to ensure the survivability of its Stalinist regime as well as gain huge amounts of donated food aid as a form of appeasement from their neighbors. May God forbid that they ever actually use one of these terrible weapons of mass destruction on another nation.
President Bush's pen stopped here for a moment while he pondered the next thing to write. There was a brief knock at the door and Secretary of State Colin Powell came in.
"You coming for lunch? I'm thinking of going out today for a change from the usual cafeteria menu. I'm pretty hungry after a long meeting on economic development in Iraq." said Powell.
"Yeah, why not? I sure could use a break from writing this speech." replied Bush.
"What's that about?"
"It's for the U.N. about the North Korean nuclear situation. Say, what do you feel like having?"
"I'm thinking of going out for some geniune Chinese cuisine. You up for it?" asked Powell.
"Sounds good. How about Chenney?"
"Ah, he's hooked on those new beefsteaks the cafeteria's been cooking up lately. They're good, but everyday is a bit much. Let's go. The limousine's waiting."
They made their way outside to the front of the White House and got in the long dark limo with the 2 little American flags on each corner of the front hood. Inside it felt roomy with only the 2 of them and the driver. Normally a group of bodyguards would accompany the President and his aides along with an ambulance carrying matching blood types to be used in the case of an emergency such as an assassination attempt, but Bush and Powell were pretty lax about security, preferring to go it alone with just a driver. The White House security team had never had it so easy.
After explaining to the driver what they wanted he took them into the seedy Chinatown area of Washington where the drug addicts and pushers mixed in with throngs of unemployed filled the sidewalk, standing on cigarette butts and various types of bodily fluid covering most of the cracked cement walkway. Added to this were many lower class Chinese ex-patriots taking advantage of the cheap fresh produce sold in this part of town.
The limo took a right off a main drag into a narrow backstreet and the driver expertly guided the big car between rusty old vans, harleys and sometimes operational Japanese imports of decades before. It pulled up to a grundgy little Chinese joint with a flickering neon sign reading 'Fu King Palace'. It was in such a state of disrepair that it was hard to tell if they were looking at the front or back of the building.
"Thanks Rob. We'll call you when we're ready to be taken back." said Bush as they got out of the limo and made their way into the joint. Powell opened the door of the restaurant very gently because it looked ready to fall off its hinges.
Inside, all of the tables were taken with Chinese people having lunch so they sat on stools at the far right side of the counter next to the open kitchen. A sweaty, thin Asian man with a greasy face and a chef's uniform that was once white was slaving away in the kitchen. Next to him was a barrel-sized container of MSG from which he spooned copious amounts of the white crystals onto each dish he was frying. While waiting to be served, Colin and Bush watched a well-fed cockroach make his way across the counter with his antennaes bobbing up and down.
Then a door next to the kitchen opened to reveal a tiny toilet room with dark stained porcelain and out came a chef looking much like the first one in the kitchen except that this one was quite fat. Along with him came an exceedingly foul odor that spread all over the restaurant to make sure everyone knew for sure what kind of business he had been up to. The customers didn't seem to mind though, most probably because they were regulars of the Fu King restaurant and were used to it.
The fat chef clapped his hands together while walking into the kitchen. No need to wash one's hands when a simple clap will do, right? He spotted Bush and Powell and with a big smile said, "Hello, can I help you?"
Bush seemed quite relaxed with the atmosphere and said, "I'd like some lunch. I don't know... some chow mein or something."
"Okay, today special Miao Miao Mix - good taste!"
"Make that two." said Powell, not looking so hungry anymore.
While the chefs chopped, cooked and sweated away, Bush and Powell chatted about how they were going to spend their next days off. After a few minutes, two oval-shaped plates stockpiled with sizzling vegetables and meat in glistening black bean sauce were placed infront of them.
While this was going on, two Asian men in their 30's came in the restaurant, standing out badly with their pristine outfits which looked they'd just been bought off the shelf of a Gucci store moments before, along with gelled and meticulously styled hairdos. They were walking fast and businesslike and one was carrying a briefcase.
They came to the counter by the kitchen and gestured to the cooks to come over. "Hey!" said one who was wearing a black shirt, white pants and a black leather belt to match with a face flatter than the prairies. His eyes were so narrow that it was a wonder that he could see anything at all. The other was wearing a black fall jacket, casual grey shirt, matching black pants with black shades trying to look cool. He had a bulky nose which reminded Bush of an overripe papaya.
Both of the cooks stopped what they were doing and slowly walked over to the two fashionable gentlemen. By the unhappy looks on their faces, it was obvious that this was not the first time they had met.
"So Chu Dung, have you considered our proposal?" asked the man with the briefcase in a strict, cold voice.
The thinner cook answered, "We say you Mr. Choi, we no want your dog meat. Now go!"
Choi sighed and said, "We are trying to be reasonable with you Dung, why can't you just cooperate and avoid causing any... problems."
"Only problem is you! Now go! No dog meat here!"
"You do recall what happened to Sun Kwak's restaurant just a block away don't you? Coincidentally, he also had refused to buy our dog meat just days before the fire."
"You take threat and leave! Now!"
"What is wrong with you anyways? Dog meat is tasty and its healthy to feed to your loyal customers. Low fat and high protein."
Then came a voice from behind, "I'll feed you to the dogs if you don't mosey on outta here."
Mr. Choi and his partner spun around to see who had spoken the threat. They saw Bush busy scarfing down his meal, not even bothering to look back at them.
"Excuse me?" asked Mr. Choi.
In between mouthfuls, Bush answered while loading another spoonful, "You're barking up the wrong tree, pal. I suggest you move along and try selling your wares someplace else."
The two Asians walked with heads held high and an arrogant stride over to Bush and Powell. "Well well well, and look who we have here." It was just rhetoric considering the eyes of everyone in the restaurant were already glued to the developing situation.
Mr. Choi turned around and addressed the rest of the restaurant. "So tell me someone, what do crabs and Kim Jong-il have in common?"
Blank, curious stares were the only answer he got so he continued, "They both irritate bush."
The restaurant was stone cold quiet for just a moment and then gradually a nervous chuckle started and developed into full-fledged laughter among all the customers, including the dog meat salesmen.
Once the laughter had died down, Mr. Choi gestured towards Powell while looking around at everyone and said, "And what else do we have here? Look at that everyone. Ewww... it's the world's biggest bowell movement! BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"
The restaurant exploded with laughter. Even the cooks were doubled over crying with laughter. The only people not laughing were Bush and Powell themselves. The expression on Powell's face reminded Bush of how his favourite bull, named B-52, looked just before he charged fullbore on an enemy, be it an anti-war protester or a democratic supporter. Bush was particularly concerned with how Powell's eyes were going back and forth from the dog meat salesmen to the cooks. Powell was normally quite a patient man, so Bush knew that Mr. Choi had really hurt him with the insult, deep down inside.
Then all the laughter stopped with the suddenness of a bird flying into a window it didn't know existed. And for good reason. Mr. Choi had placed the briefcase on the counter, opened it and taken out a Mac-11 submachinegun. His partner, likewise, had produced a pistol from his jacket. "Ahhh, that was fun, but like they say... all good things must come to an end." Mr. Choi spoke in a tone much like a mother advising her pre-school child.
For the first time since the salesmen had come in, Bush had stopped eating and began to look at them with extreme wariness. Mouthing-off never had much effect on him but guns were serious business to a born and bred Texan. Pulling a gun before a Texan in public was no less serious than a samurai in ancient Japan drawing a katana before an enemy.
"I'll give you one and only one chance to put those guns away before you get yourselves into some very deep trouble." warned Bush.
"Heh, gonna talk tough now are you, Mr. President? Where are all your big strong body guards now, huh? We're ready when you are, Mr. Tough Guy."
"Tell you what. I'm gonna finish off my Meow Meow Mix and then I'll meet you out back.. or front and we can settle this business." Bush reflected for a moment on what he had just said and then added, "On second thoughts, let's head out right now and get things done."
"That's how I like to do business." Said Mr. Choi with a sadistic grin and motioned with the point of his machinegun for Bush to move along towards the door. Bush and Powell both got up but Bush put his hand on his friend's shoulder and guided him back down into his chair. "Colin, these chumps got guns and this could get messy. I don't want you getting hurt." Powells eyes were still going back and forth from the thugs to the cooks, lusting to inflict some serious hurt. But Bush reassured him, "Don't worry bud, in the end everything's gonna come out in the wash. I promise." That said, Powell knew there could be no doubt. Bush wouldn't talk like that if he didn't mean it and he wasn't one to break his promises, especially in matters of pugilism.
Bush walked out with Mr. Choi and his machinegun infront with the second pistol-packing thug behind him. They kept the business ends of their hardware pointed at the president at all times. Even dog meat salesmen knew better than to turn their backs on a Texan ruffneck. They didn't bother to close the door.
Once outside next to the cracked plaster wall of the Fu King restaurant, Mr. Choi still stood infront of Bush and his partner behind him both still with their guns pointed at him. This is not the kind of situation most presidents want to be in, but in spite of it all, Bush looked quite calm and confident. His eyes narrowed and never looked away from the Mac-11.
"You ready to die Mr. President?" asked Mr. Choi.
"Son, you really have no idea what you're getting yourself into."
Inside the restaurant, the fat cook said to Chu Dung, (*translated from Chinese*), "This is gonna be good. I'm gonna head on out and watch the fight."
Dung replied, "Yeah, me too."
While this was happening, a car had pulled into the parking lot and two Chinese businessmen were getting out. They were too busy talking to each other to notice the standoff occurring by the restaurant entrance.
And just a little ways down the narrow street, a taxi was approaching at high speed. Inside, the driver, a cheerful Sikh with a huge turban and a very heavy punjabi accent was chatting with a young woman who was nervous about the route being taken. "Oooo, don't worry at all. I know these streets so beddy beddy well. I take you there beddy fast and you not pay so much." He gave her a gleeful smile.
The taxi passed the Fu King Palace just in time to see the tense meeting going on. The taxi driver sang out, "Ah, it is my beddy beddy good friend Mr. Bush! And I see he is in a spot of trouble so I give him some help." Without slowing the car down a bit, he wrestled a revolver out of his pants and pointed it out the window. Unfortunately, a homeless bum pushing a supermarket buggy full of dirty bags was in the middle of the street and the taxi driver swerved around him just as he was firing 3 shots blindly over his left shoulder.
"I hope that can help him some."
"You are a friend of the president?" asked the woman, shaken by the firing.
"Yes, beddy good friend! I gave him a ride last Christmas and Mr. Bush strangled me with my own turban but he is so kind and friendly so now we are good friends!"
"He strangled you with your turban? Why?"
"Well, I did a baddy and overcharged him on the fare. You see it was Christmas Day and..."
Back at the restaurant the effects of the shots did not go unnoticed. The first two wild shots took out both the Chinese businessmen getting out of the car and the third shot just missed Bush's face by a hair and snapped into the wall next to him spraying powdered plaster into his eyes. Bush was temporarily blinded and held his eyes in pain.
Bush knew this was not a good development. Now he was blinded while hostile men were pointing guns at him with two innocent bystanders lying shot in the parking lot. But he also knew that the thugs would still be looking at the taxi from where the shots had just come. He lashed out with a good strong kick infront of him, hoping to neutralize Mr. Choi. But again, bad luck struck. For at that exact moment, the fat chef was just coming through the door and took the full impact of Bush's kick in his ribs. A crack could be heard and the chef was knocked over, bellowing in pain and surprise. He fell sideways into Mr. Choi who instinctively fired a burst from his machinegun. The chef's body first connected with the side of the gun, knocking its aim into the wall. The burst of lead ricocheted off the wall next to Bush and a scream could be heard from the second thug behind him.
Not wasting a moment of advantage, Bush decided a second kick just might finish off Mr. Choi so he lashed out again and connected beautifully with Chu Dung's ribcage this time as it was his turn to come through the door. There was a second crack and Dung hooted in agony. While clutching his bony torso, he fell on top of Choi and the two chefs formed a dogpile over the thug, unintentional of course. The fat chef's wounded middle rolled over the metal sights on the Mac-11 so he swung his elbow down to take his weight off it. Instead of meeting the ground, his elbow hammered Choi right between the eyes and knocked him out cold.
The fight was over. The chefs, still holding their sides and slightly bent over, grabbed the guns and then started to search the thugs for their wallets.
Bush had regained his eyesight and didn't approve of what he saw, "You just leave those wallets where they are for the police. They're gonna need to ID these two hooligans."
"We just want cash! We leave ID."
"No. Get inside. I smell something burning." So the 3 of them headed inside, leaving their victims unlooted. The food left cooking was burnt so bad that no amount of MSG could save it now.
Upon seeing Bush safe and sound, Powell breathed deeply with relief and he was even more happy when the chefs who had laughed at him came in bent over and moaning from the kicks they had received from Bush. Just as promised, everything had come out in the wash.
Snakeskin Boots, Shogi and a Pagoda Tower

The President Has Lunch
After throwing out United Nations inspectors years ago, North Korea has officially declared that it is developing nuclear weapons. It has ignored the United States' repeated requests for them to dismantle their nuclear program despite being offered the carrot promised in the form of security assurances, the normalization of relations and economic assistance.
Kim Jong-il's regime, notorious for imposing both poverty and famine upon its own people, is estimated to currently have 1 or 2 ready to fire missile-mounted nuclear warheads with medium intercontinental range. In addition, from their stock of 8000 nuclear fuel rods, they could make or may already possess from 6 to 8 more nuclear bombs from the extracted weapons-grade plutonium. Added to this is their ambitious missile technology development which may soon increase their current range over the area of southeast Asia to as far away as Los Angeles. The consequences of ignoring this grave potential could be catastrophic, especially if they decide to sell nukes to other rogue nations.
It seems that North Korea is intending to use the threat of nukes to ensure the survivability of its Stalinist regime as well as gain huge amounts of donated food aid as a form of appeasement from their neighbors. May God forbid that they ever actually use one of these terrible weapons of mass destruction on another nation.
President Bush's pen stopped here for a moment while he pondered the next thing to write. There was a brief knock at the door and Secretary of State Colin Powell came in.
"You coming for lunch? I'm thinking of going out today for a change from the usual cafeteria menu. I'm pretty hungry after a long meeting on economic development in Iraq." said Powell.
"Yeah, why not? I sure could use a break from writing this speech." replied Bush.
"What's that about?"
"It's for the U.N. about the North Korean nuclear situation. Say, what do you feel like having?"
"I'm thinking of going out for some geniune Chinese cuisine. You up for it?" asked Powell.
"Sounds good. How about Chenney?"
"Ah, he's hooked on those new beefsteaks the cafeteria's been cooking up lately. They're good, but everyday is a bit much. Let's go. The limousine's waiting."
They made their way outside to the front of the White House and got in the long dark limo with the 2 little American flags on each corner of the front hood. Inside it felt roomy with only the 2 of them and the driver. Normally a group of bodyguards would accompany the President and his aides along with an ambulance carrying matching blood types to be used in the case of an emergency such as an assassination attempt, but Bush and Powell were pretty lax about security, preferring to go it alone with just a driver. The White House security team had never had it so easy.
After explaining to the driver what they wanted he took them into the seedy Chinatown area of Washington where the drug addicts and pushers mixed in with throngs of unemployed filled the sidewalk, standing on cigarette butts and various types of bodily fluid covering most of the cracked cement walkway. Added to this were many lower class Chinese ex-patriots taking advantage of the cheap fresh produce sold in this part of town.
The limo took a right off a main drag into a narrow backstreet and the driver expertly guided the big car between rusty old vans, harleys and sometimes operational Japanese imports of decades before. It pulled up to a grundgy little Chinese joint with a flickering neon sign reading 'Fu King Palace'. It was in such a state of disrepair that it was hard to tell if they were looking at the front or back of the building.
"Thanks Rob. We'll call you when we're ready to be taken back." said Bush as they got out of the limo and made their way into the joint. Powell opened the door of the restaurant very gently because it looked ready to fall off its hinges.
Inside, all of the tables were taken with Chinese people having lunch so they sat on stools at the far right side of the counter next to the open kitchen. A sweaty, thin Asian man with a greasy face and a chef's uniform that was once white was slaving away in the kitchen. Next to him was a barrel-sized container of MSG from which he spooned copious amounts of the white crystals onto each dish he was frying. While waiting to be served, Colin and Bush watched a well-fed cockroach make his way across the counter with his antennaes bobbing up and down.
Then a door next to the kitchen opened to reveal a tiny toilet room with dark stained porcelain and out came a chef looking much like the first one in the kitchen except that this one was quite fat. Along with him came an exceedingly foul odor that spread all over the restaurant to make sure everyone knew for sure what kind of business he had been up to. The customers didn't seem to mind though, most probably because they were regulars of the Fu King restaurant and were used to it.
The fat chef clapped his hands together while walking into the kitchen. No need to wash one's hands when a simple clap will do, right? He spotted Bush and Powell and with a big smile said, "Hello, can I help you?"
Bush seemed quite relaxed with the atmosphere and said, "I'd like some lunch. I don't know... some chow mein or something."
"Okay, today special Miao Miao Mix - good taste!"
"Make that two." said Powell, not looking so hungry anymore.
While the chefs chopped, cooked and sweated away, Bush and Powell chatted about how they were going to spend their next days off. After a few minutes, two oval-shaped plates stockpiled with sizzling vegetables and meat in glistening black bean sauce were placed infront of them.
While this was going on, two Asian men in their 30's came in the restaurant, standing out badly with their pristine outfits which looked they'd just been bought off the shelf of a Gucci store moments before, along with gelled and meticulously styled hairdos. They were walking fast and businesslike and one was carrying a briefcase.
They came to the counter by the kitchen and gestured to the cooks to come over. "Hey!" said one who was wearing a black shirt, white pants and a black leather belt to match with a face flatter than the prairies. His eyes were so narrow that it was a wonder that he could see anything at all. The other was wearing a black fall jacket, casual grey shirt, matching black pants with black shades trying to look cool. He had a bulky nose which reminded Bush of an overripe papaya.
Both of the cooks stopped what they were doing and slowly walked over to the two fashionable gentlemen. By the unhappy looks on their faces, it was obvious that this was not the first time they had met.
"So Chu Dung, have you considered our proposal?" asked the man with the briefcase in a strict, cold voice.
The thinner cook answered, "We say you Mr. Choi, we no want your dog meat. Now go!"
Choi sighed and said, "We are trying to be reasonable with you Dung, why can't you just cooperate and avoid causing any... problems."
"Only problem is you! Now go! No dog meat here!"
"You do recall what happened to Sun Kwak's restaurant just a block away don't you? Coincidentally, he also had refused to buy our dog meat just days before the fire."
"You take threat and leave! Now!"
"What is wrong with you anyways? Dog meat is tasty and its healthy to feed to your loyal customers. Low fat and high protein."
Then came a voice from behind, "I'll feed you to the dogs if you don't mosey on outta here."
Mr. Choi and his partner spun around to see who had spoken the threat. They saw Bush busy scarfing down his meal, not even bothering to look back at them.
"Excuse me?" asked Mr. Choi.
In between mouthfuls, Bush answered while loading another spoonful, "You're barking up the wrong tree, pal. I suggest you move along and try selling your wares someplace else."
The two Asians walked with heads held high and an arrogant stride over to Bush and Powell. "Well well well, and look who we have here." It was just rhetoric considering the eyes of everyone in the restaurant were already glued to the developing situation.
Mr. Choi turned around and addressed the rest of the restaurant. "So tell me someone, what do crabs and Kim Jong-il have in common?"
Blank, curious stares were the only answer he got so he continued, "They both irritate bush."
The restaurant was stone cold quiet for just a moment and then gradually a nervous chuckle started and developed into full-fledged laughter among all the customers, including the dog meat salesmen.
Once the laughter had died down, Mr. Choi gestured towards Powell while looking around at everyone and said, "And what else do we have here? Look at that everyone. Ewww... it's the world's biggest bowell movement! BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"
The restaurant exploded with laughter. Even the cooks were doubled over crying with laughter. The only people not laughing were Bush and Powell themselves. The expression on Powell's face reminded Bush of how his favourite bull, named B-52, looked just before he charged fullbore on an enemy, be it an anti-war protester or a democratic supporter. Bush was particularly concerned with how Powell's eyes were going back and forth from the dog meat salesmen to the cooks. Powell was normally quite a patient man, so Bush knew that Mr. Choi had really hurt him with the insult, deep down inside.
Then all the laughter stopped with the suddenness of a bird flying into a window it didn't know existed. And for good reason. Mr. Choi had placed the briefcase on the counter, opened it and taken out a Mac-11 submachinegun. His partner, likewise, had produced a pistol from his jacket. "Ahhh, that was fun, but like they say... all good things must come to an end." Mr. Choi spoke in a tone much like a mother advising her pre-school child.
For the first time since the salesmen had come in, Bush had stopped eating and began to look at them with extreme wariness. Mouthing-off never had much effect on him but guns were serious business to a born and bred Texan. Pulling a gun before a Texan in public was no less serious than a samurai in ancient Japan drawing a katana before an enemy.
"I'll give you one and only one chance to put those guns away before you get yourselves into some very deep trouble." warned Bush.
"Heh, gonna talk tough now are you, Mr. President? Where are all your big strong body guards now, huh? We're ready when you are, Mr. Tough Guy."
"Tell you what. I'm gonna finish off my Meow Meow Mix and then I'll meet you out back.. or front and we can settle this business." Bush reflected for a moment on what he had just said and then added, "On second thoughts, let's head out right now and get things done."
"That's how I like to do business." Said Mr. Choi with a sadistic grin and motioned with the point of his machinegun for Bush to move along towards the door. Bush and Powell both got up but Bush put his hand on his friend's shoulder and guided him back down into his chair. "Colin, these chumps got guns and this could get messy. I don't want you getting hurt." Powells eyes were still going back and forth from the thugs to the cooks, lusting to inflict some serious hurt. But Bush reassured him, "Don't worry bud, in the end everything's gonna come out in the wash. I promise." That said, Powell knew there could be no doubt. Bush wouldn't talk like that if he didn't mean it and he wasn't one to break his promises, especially in matters of pugilism.
Bush walked out with Mr. Choi and his machinegun infront with the second pistol-packing thug behind him. They kept the business ends of their hardware pointed at the president at all times. Even dog meat salesmen knew better than to turn their backs on a Texan ruffneck. They didn't bother to close the door.
Once outside next to the cracked plaster wall of the Fu King restaurant, Mr. Choi still stood infront of Bush and his partner behind him both still with their guns pointed at him. This is not the kind of situation most presidents want to be in, but in spite of it all, Bush looked quite calm and confident. His eyes narrowed and never looked away from the Mac-11.
"You ready to die Mr. President?" asked Mr. Choi.
"Son, you really have no idea what you're getting yourself into."
Inside the restaurant, the fat cook said to Chu Dung, (*translated from Chinese*), "This is gonna be good. I'm gonna head on out and watch the fight."
Dung replied, "Yeah, me too."
While this was happening, a car had pulled into the parking lot and two Chinese businessmen were getting out. They were too busy talking to each other to notice the standoff occurring by the restaurant entrance.
And just a little ways down the narrow street, a taxi was approaching at high speed. Inside, the driver, a cheerful Sikh with a huge turban and a very heavy punjabi accent was chatting with a young woman who was nervous about the route being taken. "Oooo, don't worry at all. I know these streets so beddy beddy well. I take you there beddy fast and you not pay so much." He gave her a gleeful smile.
The taxi passed the Fu King Palace just in time to see the tense meeting going on. The taxi driver sang out, "Ah, it is my beddy beddy good friend Mr. Bush! And I see he is in a spot of trouble so I give him some help." Without slowing the car down a bit, he wrestled a revolver out of his pants and pointed it out the window. Unfortunately, a homeless bum pushing a supermarket buggy full of dirty bags was in the middle of the street and the taxi driver swerved around him just as he was firing 3 shots blindly over his left shoulder.
"I hope that can help him some."
"You are a friend of the president?" asked the woman, shaken by the firing.
"Yes, beddy good friend! I gave him a ride last Christmas and Mr. Bush strangled me with my own turban but he is so kind and friendly so now we are good friends!"
"He strangled you with your turban? Why?"
"Well, I did a baddy and overcharged him on the fare. You see it was Christmas Day and..."
Back at the restaurant the effects of the shots did not go unnoticed. The first two wild shots took out both the Chinese businessmen getting out of the car and the third shot just missed Bush's face by a hair and snapped into the wall next to him spraying powdered plaster into his eyes. Bush was temporarily blinded and held his eyes in pain.
Bush knew this was not a good development. Now he was blinded while hostile men were pointing guns at him with two innocent bystanders lying shot in the parking lot. But he also knew that the thugs would still be looking at the taxi from where the shots had just come. He lashed out with a good strong kick infront of him, hoping to neutralize Mr. Choi. But again, bad luck struck. For at that exact moment, the fat chef was just coming through the door and took the full impact of Bush's kick in his ribs. A crack could be heard and the chef was knocked over, bellowing in pain and surprise. He fell sideways into Mr. Choi who instinctively fired a burst from his machinegun. The chef's body first connected with the side of the gun, knocking its aim into the wall. The burst of lead ricocheted off the wall next to Bush and a scream could be heard from the second thug behind him.
Not wasting a moment of advantage, Bush decided a second kick just might finish off Mr. Choi so he lashed out again and connected beautifully with Chu Dung's ribcage this time as it was his turn to come through the door. There was a second crack and Dung hooted in agony. While clutching his bony torso, he fell on top of Choi and the two chefs formed a dogpile over the thug, unintentional of course. The fat chef's wounded middle rolled over the metal sights on the Mac-11 so he swung his elbow down to take his weight off it. Instead of meeting the ground, his elbow hammered Choi right between the eyes and knocked him out cold.
The fight was over. The chefs, still holding their sides and slightly bent over, grabbed the guns and then started to search the thugs for their wallets.
Bush had regained his eyesight and didn't approve of what he saw, "You just leave those wallets where they are for the police. They're gonna need to ID these two hooligans."
"We just want cash! We leave ID."
"No. Get inside. I smell something burning." So the 3 of them headed inside, leaving their victims unlooted. The food left cooking was burnt so bad that no amount of MSG could save it now.
Upon seeing Bush safe and sound, Powell breathed deeply with relief and he was even more happy when the chefs who had laughed at him came in bent over and moaning from the kicks they had received from Bush. Just as promised, everything had come out in the wash.