You may have wondered why I haven't posted any updates for Deutchsland Erwachte! recently. Well, actually you might not have.
Regardless, this is the reason. My English teacher asked me to get her 5 (
) short stories for her to look over to pick one to send to represent our school in a national contest. Sadly upon returning home I found that I had no stories that fit the 3200 word limit. (Peacemakers was shaved down though). Thusly I have spent the entire week working on getting these ready.
This is the best so far. It has certain Christian theme, and I'm sorry if this offends you but it's a Christian organization and I am not one to spare any small advantage when there are scholarships to be had.
I think perhaps I underemphasised reason and overemphasised faith, but that's due mostly to the word limit.
Regardless, this is the reason. My English teacher asked me to get her 5 (

This is the best so far. It has certain Christian theme, and I'm sorry if this offends you but it's a Christian organization and I am not one to spare any small advantage when there are scholarships to be had.
