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The Burning Sun Saga

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  • The Burning Sun Saga

    The great nation of Japan began many centuries ago in the mountainous regions of a containant that has come to be called Mesoasia. Neighbooring the Japanesse borders to the south and west were the minor nations of the Greek and the Americans. Over a short stretch of islands off the eastern seaboard of Mesoasia was the seafaring nation of Russia, strong sailors with their hands in many of the worlds riches. The known world as of 1200bc was as shown. The Shogun of Japan, Mishetto Tokugawa IV had just come to power after a blood fued with his older brother Armero Tokugawa. The two brothers fought for control of the thrown after their father Kumirro Tokugawa died in the war against the nation of Greece, at the battle of Sparta.

    Location: Kagoshima, Tokugawa family shrine
    Date: August 17th 1203BC

    "Father, I have accended to the thrown. The blood of your son is on my hands. He fought honorably, but to no avail you have trained me well," Mishetto Tokugawa the newly crowned Shogun of the Japanesse Monarchy kneeled infront of shrine dedicated to his family. His eyes closed, his face bare much anger. "Father I will continue your legacy and destroy Greece, I have been given a gift from our Sailor friends. They call it gun powder, I am not sure of the concoxtion it's self, but my aides know of it. We will use the muskets we are importing to annhilihate our enemy. Father, I will not fail."

    Mishetto stepped out of the shrine, slipping his sandals on. He motioned for a servant to come near. The servant bowed deeply showing respect, and proceeded to assist the Shogun onto a mount waiting for him. The Shogun took one more glance at the shrine, closed his eyes and prayed once more.

    "They will pay for our debts."

    ---Part 1 of the Burning Sun Saga---

  • #2
    Ouch, sounds like someone is in trouble here.

    Hope to hear more of this very soon...
    Gurka 17, People of the Valley
    I am of the Horde.


    • #3
      Nice opener, looking forward to seeing where you take this
      A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.


      • #4
        The Burning Sun Saga Part 2

        The Burning Sun Saga Part 2 Support Apolyton

        Location: Greek city of Mycenae
        Date: October 24th 1203BC

        Hundreds of Phalanx city guards rushed to their posts as the horn for the call to arms had been blown. Civilans rushed into the inner city walls for protection. The Japanesse had been known to use catapualts in their assaults.

        A lone young phalanx guard stood at his post staring out into the open stretch of hills and plains that were the Greek Imperial borders. His heart sank, and his hopes began to fail. Covering much of his view of the lush green lands were thousands of Japanesse warriors; Spearmen, Swordsmen, Archers, the dreaded Samurai many on horseback, and something knew caught his solemn glare. Men with large spear like weapons but they had no point. The young guard only saw a few regiments worth of the oddly shapen spear, but he feared them much the same.

        "Archers open fire!" yelled a captain, disrupting the young gaurds thoughts. He grabbed spear and sheild and prepared to guard from a counter barrage of arrows. Greek arrows, in a continuous volley, rained hell down upon the invaders. The young guard smiled with hoped, looking around at his comrades in arms to see if anyone else had his joy, none did. His hope was lost, pain struck into his chest. With a volley of loud explosions the japanesse had opened up a new way of war. The young guard had been hit by a black powder rifle ball. Bloood gushed from the small open wound in his chest. The silver gold of his tunic now lush red. His vision faded black, the only thought in his head was the lush green fields the japanesse were going to destroy. A tear ran out of his eye before his heart stopped.

        The Greek guards were taking many casualties to the new Japanesse weapon. The Japanesse used the muskets for cover while sending in regiment after regeiment of swordsmen to overwhelm the Greek Phalanx columns. The battle was over before the first shot had been fired, Greek just would not give up hope. Nor will they ever give up hope.

        ---The Burning Sun Saga Part 2


        • #5
          Nice addition Debauch except the final sentence is a little misleading as you say the battle was over before the first shot had been fired, but then go on to say the Greeks would never give up hope.

          As it stands its confusing, because the battle being over before the first shot was fired sums up a loss of hope and surrender!!

          What I think you are trying to say is that,

          "The battle was always going to go badly for the Greeks, even before the first shot was fired, as the Japanese had superior numbers and weapons. Despite this The Greeks would not lose hope, and fought valiantly to the death!!"

          Any way I hope you dont think Im being to picky and I look forward to seeing your next post
          A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.


          • #6
            looking forward to more of this.

            Gurka 17, People of the Valley
            I am of the Horde.


            • #7
              its too bad Debauch has been shipped off to Korea before he could finish this... he is an awesome writer. now he spends his time in an Abrams tank on the DMZ.


              • #8
                He shall return

                Debauch told me to tell all of you taht as soon as he gets done with training he will finish this story... which is about a week or so... so be patient! i know that half of you guys could give a flying rats butt.... but oh well!


                • #9
                  No you are quite wrong Sir we will all be quite happy to see the man himself come back and continue with this story, please pass on my regards to him if you are in touch.
                  A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.


                  • #10
                    Well, I just read this stuff, and I must say that even though it is rather short, I'd like to see this continued. So, the next installment would be very welcome.
                    XBox Live: VovanSim
           (login required)
                    Halo 3 Service Record (I fail at FPS...)
                    Spore page


                    • #11
                      yes, debauch was quite happy to hear that you guys liked his story, he should be getting a comp any time now... i'm even thinking of joining the army and heading over there also!

                      i was just kiddin' about the rats butt thing'' i can be vulgar sometimes...


                      • #12
                        The Burning Sun Saga: Continued

                        I'm Debauch but i changed my name. I'm over in korea, not 3 miles from the DMZ. I'm gonna start the next adduition to the story, which is gonna be longer, in a day or so. i need toget myself back into what it was i was writing.


                        • #13
                          woohoo! cant wait for you to start this baby up again...


                          • #14
                            Mycenae- now under Japanese control

                            "My lord we have posted guards on the battlements, we have samurai going home to home finding any remnents of government there might be, and we have dispatched a messanger to Kagoshima to give word of our glorious capture of the city," the samurai warrior General Deniru Onishimura bowed deeply to his lord Katsumora. Katsumora was the Emperor's second in charge, the commander of the imperial forces. He stood proudly, silently staring out from Mycenae's governmental center. The city was quiet after the days of fighting that had ensued.

                            After the first volleys of musketfire brought the Greek guards from their battlements the Japenese samurai easily over ran the inner gate, while the swordsmen marched in columns into the city itself. Little resistance from the Greek military was met. Until the columns marched on the city's capital building. The regional governer's palace was the largest building of the city, with a large open parade ground before the front steps to the palace. There the battle truly began. Ranks of Hoplites stood on the grounds waiting for the Japanese.

                            General Onishimura lead the first ranks of swordmen himself, the battle was bloody and the Japanese took their share of casualties. But the Hoplites could not stand the fierocity of the Samurai as they began to ride on horseback into the fight. Many of the rankingest Greeks began to flee, only to be caught with a black powder mini ball to the back. Few Greeks were left alive, those that were unfortunate to survive would instead expierence a slow, painful death of fever and bloodloss.

                            The images in Onishimura's head would haunt him for the duration of this life. Being a follower of Bushido Onishimura believed he would die and be reborn into a new life, as all Samurai believe. Standing from the bow he had been in while reflecting on the carnage, he began to leave his lord in peace.

                            "Deniru, prepare for a celebration. Our soldiers deserve to rest and relax," Katsumora said in a gruff but pleasent voice. This startled Onishimura, his lord had never used his first name and rarely celebrated. He bowed again and returned to his duties and to prepare for a, celebration.

                            -utside of Mycenae-

                            "Sir, there was nothing that could be done, they had supeiror weapons. I don't know what it was they were using, but I assure you we will obtain it and use it against them," the advisor to Governer of Mycenae said while riding horseback towards Greece's capital of Athens.

                            "We must harness the fire like they have, the God's have frowned on our empire today. The loss of Mycenae will be the beginning of a long era of blood and corruption. We must hurry and seek out Alexander. For all we know the Japanese scum could already be heading to great Athen's with their new spears of fire," the governer said,kicking his heals into his stallion to give it an order to move faster. The two rode off into the mountains leading to Athens as the Sun began to rise behind them.


                            • #15
                              Splendid news to hear you have come back to write this story for us

                              A nice chapter that, and I am very much looking forward to reading some more
                              A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.

