This is my first attempt at writing my game as a story. So be kind. Ok this is a huge map with everything else random. all victory conditions and accelerated production. No respawning A.I. The first part is a rip off of the Aenid by Vergil. thats because iam reading it for classics at school. and when tallking about military. 1000 = 1 unit. Also i have some picture if anyone wants them.
Volume one- 4000b.c. - 1a.d.
“They should of noticed the clanks…” As the great wooden stallion was towed into the fortress of troy the noise of shields hitting each other could be heard. But the Trojan people were naïve, after years of death and destruction they truly believed that this was a sign of peace. But alas it was not and as the Trojans slept the Greek hoplites came out of the mighty horse and set to work on destroying the city of Helen. The Greeks destroyed everything and the destroyed everyone. The burnt the city and murder the men, women children. Then the salted the land so nothing would ever grow. Only one group of Trojans escaped. Only one group of Trojans escaped the Greek destruction. They were lead by Aeneas the true, who was the son of the Goddess Venus. The Trojans escaped to Carthage where Aeneas meet Dido. While the Aeneas was in Carthage he was visited by the King of the Gods, Jupiter. He told Aeneas that he was destined to create a great Latin city that would one day rule the world. So Aeneas and his followers travelled across the land to a great plain. The area was full of great beautiful fruit that could be made into a divine wine. This area was the centre of the universe. And here they wandered.
They wandered for a thousand years, until one day when the sky’s once again opened up and great god Jupiter came to speak to the greatest of the great grandchildren of Aeneas. Zeus told him that he “vested absolute power in him, trusting him to create a civilization to stand the test of time.” The mans name was Caleius Harrius. Calebius was a great man and a natural leader. But also had a cruel streak and absolutely no compassion for human life. Caleius made him self the total and unquestionable despot of the Latin people. His first act as the new ruler was to stop his people wandering and to establish a city. The city was known as Rome and they were Romans. The Romans were prosperous from the beginning, they were surrounded by great vines of grapes. This became the major industry of Rome, And roman wine was drunk around the known world. Soon there was to many people for Rome to handle. Even after the borders were extended in 3550 B.C. by 2900 B.C. the people of Rome had to establish a new city. The city was called Veii and was situated to the south of Rome. It was around this time that the City state of Carthage sent a emissary to contact us. Caleius decide that it would be good for us a work together and we teach them how to work this iron, and told us about masonry. Then the city of Pompeii was founded near some Mountains so we could gather iron so we could build our military.
Soon we had built an army of 11000 Warriors. But caleius soon realised that if Rome put all its money into legions then it would become bankrupt and this could not be tolerated. So a carrer diplomat by the name of Julius Foxativen stood up. His idea was that if the military was needed to protect from Rome from foreign powers then the foreign powers could be used to pay for the military. Rome would use its Grand army to frighten its neighbours into paying tribute. This was known as the Foxativen Doctrine and was the bases for Roman foreign policy. The first nation to pay tribute was the city state of Carthage in 1550, they tributed Rome 5 gold a year for the next 20 years. In the year 1475 Egypt was meet. It stared off great with them teaching us how to write and we taught them how to work iron. But then things turned for the worse, when Caleius asked the Egyptian queen Cleopatra for 3 gold tribute. She told Caleius that “much like your skull your threats were empty.” Caleius moved our Army to out cities that boarded Egypt in case the rouge state tried anything.
Over the next 250 years the roman empire grew in size until it had around 15 cities and it was much stronger than any of its rivals. We meet Japan who were on a different continent who traded technology and communications with China, India, and Mongolia. Japan was the only one that was our neighbour so they tributed us 3 gold a year. Japan was located across the small Sea of Shin Nu. In the year 1350 B.C. The city of Veii was blessed with the construction of the Colossus. After this time of Peace and Harmony it was time again for tributes to be gathered. Carthage as Rome’s loyal friend had no problem paying 12 gold per year, But once again Egypt failed to meet her commitments. To make the situation worse four Egyptian warriors were seen massing by the Roman cities Byzantium, Antium and Lutetia. In 1050 Egyptian warriors were asked to leave the roman territory of Brundisim. Cleopatra replied that the invading forces were “Probing our defences.” In the 1025, citing the recent incursion by Egypt and enforcing the Foxativen Doctrine Supreme ruler of the Romans Caleius Harrius declared War on Egypt. The First Legion (consisting of 6000 troops) surround the city of Memphis and the Second Legion (consisting of 5000) surrounded Elephantine. The next year the attacks began, The First Legion took Memphis with little resistance. There was no roman Casualties. The Second Legion was not so successful with approximant 1000 Roman Casualties. This great success was followed at every Egyptian city. In 875 the city of Thebes was the scene of the greatest battle of the war. The Second Legion. (now over 9000 men) the battle began with a charge of Thebes by human waves of 1000 men each. The first fours waves were mowed down by Egyptian Spearmen. The walls of Thebes were painted red with the blood of Romans. Then when all else seemed lost a Legionary by the name of Trajar rose up to take command and take down the city. Later he would be the founding member a the Roman Guards who are a army made up of 3000 elite men.
The War was waged on for another 300 years before it was finally won by the army’s of Rome. After this we went about rebuilding and we meet our neighbours to the East. The Greeks. They were the second largest empire but fortunately they were peaceful. Now that the Egyptian war was over Calebus had to answer for some of the things he had done during the war. For instance some of the cities on the east coast of the empire were unhappy about the forced labour used there during the war and in 570 B.C. there were riots in Rome. In 470 B.C. the Roman government collapsed into anarchy. Calebus Harrieus was captured by the rebels. He was charged with allowing Rome to go to war and he was questioned about the forced labour. Calebus was pulled outside his cell on day be the revolutionary (who happened to be his 3rd Cousin) named Davious Beattiometra known to his friends as the Celt because he looked like one. Davious dragged calebus out to the colossus in Veii. Davious drew out a long dagger and sliced Caleius throat then pulled his entrails out threw his throat. The entrails were sent to the Commander of the Army, General Trajar. The general sent a message back proclaiming his allegenice to the total and unquestionable despot Davious Beattiometra. Davious sent back another message saying Not Despot Davious, King Davious.
The monarch never really stood a chance of surviving long. Even though Davious said that the people were free most common people couldn’t tell the difference. Davious tried to continue the Foxativen Doctrine even thought Julius Foxativen had been executed ( using lots of hot wax) during the revolution. When carthage offered 10 gold per year Davious accepted it. But then he relised that 10 gold was fair at the beging but now 10 gold was little more than a token payment. Not nearly enough to pay for the Roman military. So he asked Hannibal for 40 gold per year. Hannibal Refused. So Davious declared war to recover the dept. The entire Roman army of 40000 men was stationed around the city state of Carthage.
The Roman legions charged with each wave consisting of 4000 troops. The first wave killed equal numbers of the enemy. Then the Roman Guards struck. The enemy never stood a chance and when they were finished there was just one warrior Platoon left to defend the city. As the sun rose the next morning the Elite Roman Guards rose again. Then General Trajar was left with a choice, capture the city and let it join the empire or destroy the city.
As general Trajar rode back to Rome he could smell the smoke of the burning city and hear the screams of the Carthaginian woman and children as they were raped and tortured. The next morning he asked his servant Jordaian if there was any reply from Rome, the Corporal said none hade arrived yet. Trajar thought that was strange he just defeated that enemy and he expected congratulations from the King. Oh well he thought he would be at Rome in a week so it did not matter. After a days travelling his stopped and set up camp, after a great feast in which he toasted first Hannibal as a great enemy, then Davious as a divine King, and lastly Jupiter. Then slightly drunk from Roman wine he went to bed. He was awoken later that night by a disturbance outside his tent. “Jordaian is that you” he yelled. Then Jordaian stumbled backwards threw the door of the tent. His chest full of arrows and daggers he fell on the ground bleeding and mumblings “……Jupiter……save…
king……Rome…….” Trajar reached for his sword but was stopped by three large men holding bows and arrows at his head. Then one man looking like the leader of them walked in holding a basket, from it he lifted Davius Beattiometra’s head. Then the man said by order of the Republic of Rome I execute you for treason against the people. Then with one foul swoop Trajar’s head was removed from his body. The second Civil war of Rome began as the empire fell into anarchy. This would not be like the last revolution fast and clean. This would be a Civil War between the Monarchist who believe that Rome could only be ruled by one of Aeneas blood line and that Republicans who said that Rome could only be controlled by a elected Senate, And then there is a 50000 strong army who wouldn’t mind a return to the despotism, at least there was no riots then.. The future of Rome is uncertain with no government. And the mighty Greeks now bordering them as well as a strong Japan to the south. Rome has seen better days.
Volume one- 4000b.c. - 1a.d.
“They should of noticed the clanks…” As the great wooden stallion was towed into the fortress of troy the noise of shields hitting each other could be heard. But the Trojan people were naïve, after years of death and destruction they truly believed that this was a sign of peace. But alas it was not and as the Trojans slept the Greek hoplites came out of the mighty horse and set to work on destroying the city of Helen. The Greeks destroyed everything and the destroyed everyone. The burnt the city and murder the men, women children. Then the salted the land so nothing would ever grow. Only one group of Trojans escaped. Only one group of Trojans escaped the Greek destruction. They were lead by Aeneas the true, who was the son of the Goddess Venus. The Trojans escaped to Carthage where Aeneas meet Dido. While the Aeneas was in Carthage he was visited by the King of the Gods, Jupiter. He told Aeneas that he was destined to create a great Latin city that would one day rule the world. So Aeneas and his followers travelled across the land to a great plain. The area was full of great beautiful fruit that could be made into a divine wine. This area was the centre of the universe. And here they wandered.
They wandered for a thousand years, until one day when the sky’s once again opened up and great god Jupiter came to speak to the greatest of the great grandchildren of Aeneas. Zeus told him that he “vested absolute power in him, trusting him to create a civilization to stand the test of time.” The mans name was Caleius Harrius. Calebius was a great man and a natural leader. But also had a cruel streak and absolutely no compassion for human life. Caleius made him self the total and unquestionable despot of the Latin people. His first act as the new ruler was to stop his people wandering and to establish a city. The city was known as Rome and they were Romans. The Romans were prosperous from the beginning, they were surrounded by great vines of grapes. This became the major industry of Rome, And roman wine was drunk around the known world. Soon there was to many people for Rome to handle. Even after the borders were extended in 3550 B.C. by 2900 B.C. the people of Rome had to establish a new city. The city was called Veii and was situated to the south of Rome. It was around this time that the City state of Carthage sent a emissary to contact us. Caleius decide that it would be good for us a work together and we teach them how to work this iron, and told us about masonry. Then the city of Pompeii was founded near some Mountains so we could gather iron so we could build our military.
Soon we had built an army of 11000 Warriors. But caleius soon realised that if Rome put all its money into legions then it would become bankrupt and this could not be tolerated. So a carrer diplomat by the name of Julius Foxativen stood up. His idea was that if the military was needed to protect from Rome from foreign powers then the foreign powers could be used to pay for the military. Rome would use its Grand army to frighten its neighbours into paying tribute. This was known as the Foxativen Doctrine and was the bases for Roman foreign policy. The first nation to pay tribute was the city state of Carthage in 1550, they tributed Rome 5 gold a year for the next 20 years. In the year 1475 Egypt was meet. It stared off great with them teaching us how to write and we taught them how to work iron. But then things turned for the worse, when Caleius asked the Egyptian queen Cleopatra for 3 gold tribute. She told Caleius that “much like your skull your threats were empty.” Caleius moved our Army to out cities that boarded Egypt in case the rouge state tried anything.
Over the next 250 years the roman empire grew in size until it had around 15 cities and it was much stronger than any of its rivals. We meet Japan who were on a different continent who traded technology and communications with China, India, and Mongolia. Japan was the only one that was our neighbour so they tributed us 3 gold a year. Japan was located across the small Sea of Shin Nu. In the year 1350 B.C. The city of Veii was blessed with the construction of the Colossus. After this time of Peace and Harmony it was time again for tributes to be gathered. Carthage as Rome’s loyal friend had no problem paying 12 gold per year, But once again Egypt failed to meet her commitments. To make the situation worse four Egyptian warriors were seen massing by the Roman cities Byzantium, Antium and Lutetia. In 1050 Egyptian warriors were asked to leave the roman territory of Brundisim. Cleopatra replied that the invading forces were “Probing our defences.” In the 1025, citing the recent incursion by Egypt and enforcing the Foxativen Doctrine Supreme ruler of the Romans Caleius Harrius declared War on Egypt. The First Legion (consisting of 6000 troops) surround the city of Memphis and the Second Legion (consisting of 5000) surrounded Elephantine. The next year the attacks began, The First Legion took Memphis with little resistance. There was no roman Casualties. The Second Legion was not so successful with approximant 1000 Roman Casualties. This great success was followed at every Egyptian city. In 875 the city of Thebes was the scene of the greatest battle of the war. The Second Legion. (now over 9000 men) the battle began with a charge of Thebes by human waves of 1000 men each. The first fours waves were mowed down by Egyptian Spearmen. The walls of Thebes were painted red with the blood of Romans. Then when all else seemed lost a Legionary by the name of Trajar rose up to take command and take down the city. Later he would be the founding member a the Roman Guards who are a army made up of 3000 elite men.
The War was waged on for another 300 years before it was finally won by the army’s of Rome. After this we went about rebuilding and we meet our neighbours to the East. The Greeks. They were the second largest empire but fortunately they were peaceful. Now that the Egyptian war was over Calebus had to answer for some of the things he had done during the war. For instance some of the cities on the east coast of the empire were unhappy about the forced labour used there during the war and in 570 B.C. there were riots in Rome. In 470 B.C. the Roman government collapsed into anarchy. Calebus Harrieus was captured by the rebels. He was charged with allowing Rome to go to war and he was questioned about the forced labour. Calebus was pulled outside his cell on day be the revolutionary (who happened to be his 3rd Cousin) named Davious Beattiometra known to his friends as the Celt because he looked like one. Davious dragged calebus out to the colossus in Veii. Davious drew out a long dagger and sliced Caleius throat then pulled his entrails out threw his throat. The entrails were sent to the Commander of the Army, General Trajar. The general sent a message back proclaiming his allegenice to the total and unquestionable despot Davious Beattiometra. Davious sent back another message saying Not Despot Davious, King Davious.
The monarch never really stood a chance of surviving long. Even though Davious said that the people were free most common people couldn’t tell the difference. Davious tried to continue the Foxativen Doctrine even thought Julius Foxativen had been executed ( using lots of hot wax) during the revolution. When carthage offered 10 gold per year Davious accepted it. But then he relised that 10 gold was fair at the beging but now 10 gold was little more than a token payment. Not nearly enough to pay for the Roman military. So he asked Hannibal for 40 gold per year. Hannibal Refused. So Davious declared war to recover the dept. The entire Roman army of 40000 men was stationed around the city state of Carthage.
The Roman legions charged with each wave consisting of 4000 troops. The first wave killed equal numbers of the enemy. Then the Roman Guards struck. The enemy never stood a chance and when they were finished there was just one warrior Platoon left to defend the city. As the sun rose the next morning the Elite Roman Guards rose again. Then General Trajar was left with a choice, capture the city and let it join the empire or destroy the city.
As general Trajar rode back to Rome he could smell the smoke of the burning city and hear the screams of the Carthaginian woman and children as they were raped and tortured. The next morning he asked his servant Jordaian if there was any reply from Rome, the Corporal said none hade arrived yet. Trajar thought that was strange he just defeated that enemy and he expected congratulations from the King. Oh well he thought he would be at Rome in a week so it did not matter. After a days travelling his stopped and set up camp, after a great feast in which he toasted first Hannibal as a great enemy, then Davious as a divine King, and lastly Jupiter. Then slightly drunk from Roman wine he went to bed. He was awoken later that night by a disturbance outside his tent. “Jordaian is that you” he yelled. Then Jordaian stumbled backwards threw the door of the tent. His chest full of arrows and daggers he fell on the ground bleeding and mumblings “……Jupiter……save…
king……Rome…….” Trajar reached for his sword but was stopped by three large men holding bows and arrows at his head. Then one man looking like the leader of them walked in holding a basket, from it he lifted Davius Beattiometra’s head. Then the man said by order of the Republic of Rome I execute you for treason against the people. Then with one foul swoop Trajar’s head was removed from his body. The second Civil war of Rome began as the empire fell into anarchy. This would not be like the last revolution fast and clean. This would be a Civil War between the Monarchist who believe that Rome could only be ruled by one of Aeneas blood line and that Republicans who said that Rome could only be controlled by a elected Senate, And then there is a 50000 strong army who wouldn’t mind a return to the despotism, at least there was no riots then.. The future of Rome is uncertain with no government. And the mighty Greeks now bordering them as well as a strong Japan to the south. Rome has seen better days.