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Civ III in UK

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  • #16
    I'm more worried that I can't find anywhere to preorder the limited edition of Civ 3 in the UK. I'd rather not order overseas because they usually won't give refunds. Does anyone know where I can preorder Civ 3 in the UK? Preferably without paying extorionate prices.
    Never underestimate the healing powers of custard.


    • #17 will refund anything you return to them. I've ordered my civ3 from them (I live in Ireland), and the int'l courier service.

      Gonna cost $70 in total, but there's no way I could face reading these boards for nearly three weeks whilst waiting for November 16th


      • #18
        Originally posted by OneFootInTheGrave

        who are you working for? IFGM or?

        whaaa.... another three weeks, argh

        Yep, I got a legitimate copy of the game, I do work for Infogrames (UK). Been playing it pretty solidly for the last day or two. :-)

        I think I may need to upgrade/tweak my PC though, as it feels a little "sluggish" on my current system.

        Couple of quick observations

        Animated units and the landscapes look very good.

        Can't irrigate land from sea squares...aaarggh ;-)

        The diplomacy interaction with other civs is great fun.

        Nice feeling of running an "entire nation" rather than a group of individual cities.

        Culture/boundaries system works well (love subverting foreign towns to the cause!)

        Civlopaedia is excellent and provides useful information when you need it.


        • #19
          Originally posted by BlueHooHoo

          Yep, I got a legitimate copy of the game, I do work for Infogrames (UK). Been playing it pretty solidly for the last day or two. :-)

          I think I may need to upgrade/tweak my PC though, as it feels a little "sluggish" on my current system.

          Couple of quick observations

          Animated units and the landscapes look very good.

          Can't irrigate land from sea squares...aaarggh ;-)

          The diplomacy interaction with other civs is great fun.

          Nice feeling of running an "entire nation" rather than a group of individual cities.

          Culture/boundaries system works well (love subverting foreign towns to the cause!)

          Civlopaedia is excellent and provides useful information when you need it.

          uh. you lucky bastard.

          as for the irrigating from the sea...won't salinity harm the crops? i must admit i am not an expert on agriculture/biology.....

          is AI any good? what level are you playing at? colonies of any use?
          Last edited by Fidel; October 26, 2001, 05:34.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Deathray
            I'm more worried that I can't find anywhere to preorder the limited edition of Civ 3 in the UK. I'd rather not order overseas because they usually won't give refunds. Does anyone know where I can preorder Civ 3 in the UK? Preferably without paying extorionate prices.
            Don't know anywhere that it can be ordered in the UK. More worryingly, I can't find anywhere in the US that it can be ordered for international shipping.

            Amazon are now saying that they won't ship the LE internationally, and the UK doesn't seem to appear on new account form (unless I'm being blind and stupid).

            Anyone know of any other stores in the US offering the LE and international shipping?



            • #21
              Yes, warez it is till November. Because I want the game not later than November 3rd, and I mean it!
              Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
              Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
              I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


              • #22
                Originally posted by BlueHooHoo

                Yep, I got a legitimate copy of the game, I do work for Infogrames (UK). Been playing it pretty solidly for the last day or two. :-)

                I think I may need to upgrade/tweak my PC though, as it feels a little "sluggish" on my current system.

                Couple of quick observations

                Animated units and the landscapes look very good.

                Can't irrigate land from sea squares...aaarggh ;-)

                The diplomacy interaction with other civs is great fun.

                Nice feeling of running an "entire nation" rather than a group of individual cities.

                Culture/boundaries system works well (love subverting foreign towns to the cause!)

                Civlopaedia is excellent and provides useful information when you need it.
                Are you allowed/ willing to preview the game for us...

                I am (was *sigh*) IFGM shareholder... I order you

                Tell us how fast do cities grow, and how big is the biggest one you got so far... and a screenshot please

                Uh they made us wait 16 days even though we are getting the same game as the US.... *testing my patience*

                Anyway I am glad that you like it, so will I I'd expect.
                Socrates: "Good is That at which all things aim, If one knows what the good is, one will always do what is good." Brian: "Romanes eunt domus"
                GW 2013: "and juistin bieber is gay with me and we have 10 kids we live in u.s.a in the white house with obama"


                • #23
                  Originally posted by jad
                  Amazon are now saying that they won't ship the LE internationally
                  Gasp! *checks orders page* Well my order placed earlier this month is still there, saying delivery expected November 2-6... but you're quite right, the product page does indeed say Shipping: Currently, item can be shipped only within the U.S.. I have not received any email from amazon about this. Now I am anxious!!


                  • #24
                    yeah, post the pdf manual !
                    Do it now
                    Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                    Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by jad

                      Amazon are now saying that they won't ship the LE internationally, and the UK doesn't seem to appear on new account form (unless I'm being blind and stupid).
                      I asked about ordering from the US, and received the following back from them:

                      Unfortunatly, we no longer take orders from or ship to the U.K./England. Please visit our sister web site at .
                      They may be better able to serve you.
             do not, of course, have the LE listed.
                      Just managed to order the LE from - delivery takes 3-5 business days, for a total of $75.97.

                      Is is just me, or does anyone else think the launch of Civ 3 is one of the worst new product launches ever?

                      Last edited by jad; October 26, 2001, 10:21.


                      • #26
                        PH, you'll hafta tell me where I can get an illegal copy if they're relseing it more than 2 weeks after the US.

                        EVEN CTP2 WASN'T THAT FAR BEHIND.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by red_jon
                          PH, you'll hafta tell me where I can get an illegal copy if they're relseing it more than 2 weeks after the US.

                          EVEN CTP2 WASN'T THAT FAR BEHIND.
                          If it was it wouldn't have any sales. Not because of warez but because of bad US reviews telling Eurocoms not to buy it..
                          One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


                          • #28
                            Come on BHH post the manual and a preview ( if but a short one).
                            Destruction is a lot easier than construction. The guy who operates a wrecking ball has a easier time than the architect who has to rebuild the house from the pieces.--- Immortal Wombat.


                            • #29
                              Yes, give us the manual please!




                              • #30
                                The delay in the UK release - which will surely be identical to the US release - seems pathetic to me, and stopping UK customers importing from the US just seems downright mean.

                                Artificially dividing up the market in this way always works to the detriment of Europeans (the same with films etc.) and leaves a nasty taste in the mouth. Producers note that UK customers tend to catch on to US responses and hope that a good response over there will lead to good sales over here... But the fact is that its not us following US responses, its just that we respond in the same way (a good game is a good game wherever you are) later because we get the game later.

                                Sorry to rant, it just annoys me.

