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Civ3 release date in Brazil announced!

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  • Civ3 release date in Brazil announced!

    I know this info is not interesting to most of you guys (I guess there are few Brazilians here), but, anyway, I thought I should post it -- after all, it is related to Civ3.

    According to gaming news fonts, Infogrames has announced that Civ3 will be available in stores in Brazil as soon as November 1st. That's what I call great news! At least I won't have to be drooling while I read you people talking about how wonderful Civ3 is (I hope it is, anyway...).

    By the way, for the occasional Brazilian Apolytoner who wants to check it, here is where I got the news:
    I watched you fall. I think I pushed.

  • #2

    Parece que daqui a pouco terei outra coisa que fazer do que ler todos os mensagens nesse forum!!

    (just training my Portuguese skills )


    • #3
      Ehhh, portugues no entenñau un carajiño, sabe voce cuando saldra el jogo aqui en argentina???

      Hehehe, joke. Do u have any idea of when the game will be released here??. I suppose a couple of days after ya.
      Roman: Civilization belongs to the civilized. Attila: It belogs to those who have the power to conquer it. Me: Nope, it belongs to me. Coz ive paid 50 bucks and it has a 30 days satisfaction guarantee.


      • #4
        Thanks for the tip. I was going crazy due to the lack of information. I'm contacting some sales sites to check if they have any info coming from Infogrames.

        Thanks again.
        Visit Gamacather (GC)!


        • #5

          Way to go Alexnm!
          Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.


          • #6
            Saraiva has confirmed the release date 01/11/2001

            This was the response i got from them.

            Conferimos a data de lançamento nacional do referido produto para 01/11/2001. Ainda não existe previsão de pré-venda.
            Besides that, Submarino has already created a pre-order link. However, they'll send the game only on 05/11/2001. Here's the link.

            Submarino pre-order

            Great news, the link confirms that we'll get the original version of the game and only the manual comes in portuguese.

            Asesino, if the game isn't realeased on Argentina on the same date, i think is easier for you to get it from Brazil than from the US.
            Visit Gamacather (GC)!


            • #7
              1) Portuguese manual, no thanks.
              2) Buy MORE stuff to brazil, no thanks.
              Roman: Civilization belongs to the civilized. Attila: It belogs to those who have the power to conquer it. Me: Nope, it belongs to me. Coz ive paid 50 bucks and it has a 30 days satisfaction guarantee.


              • #8
                ****! 79 reales, are like 37 pesos (or dollars). **** **** **** ****!. Doesnt matter, althought ive got to pay 15 bucks more, ill buy it here.
                Roman: Civilization belongs to the civilized. Attila: It belogs to those who have the power to conquer it. Me: Nope, it belongs to me. Coz ive paid 50 bucks and it has a 30 days satisfaction guarantee.


                • #9
                  More like $30-32 pesos. Then you'll lose 20 bucks.

                  Anyway, the manual in portuguese is a real hindrance for you!
                  Visit Gamacather (GC)!


                  • #10
                    Yep. By the way, next week im going to be in Puerto Seguro (dont ask me the portuguese name, i think would be like Porto Segouro?). Where do u live? Perhaps we could have a some of fuchibol.
                    Roman: Civilization belongs to the civilized. Attila: It belogs to those who have the power to conquer it. Me: Nope, it belongs to me. Coz ive paid 50 bucks and it has a 30 days satisfaction guarantee.


                    • #11
                      Sorry, we won't have the chance to play futebol, I live in Brasilia. And you really got me depressed, there are no beaches here and you are going to a place filled with great ones.

                      BTW, is Porto Seguro.
                      Visit Gamacather (GC)!


                      • #12
                        Well, it's good to see that the release date is confirmed.

                        But Submarino says that the game will only be available to ship on November 5th. Considering the shipping time, I would probably get the game only on November 10th... too much time to wait!

                        I hope it can be found sooner than that. Maybe in time for the holiday... woohoo!
                        I watched you fall. I think I pushed.


                        • #13
                          É mas para ter um jogo em português vai levar um bom tempo e até boa vontade deles....


                          • #14
                            porra! e esse argentino que não sabe se fala espanhol, inglês ou português...?

                            meu irmão decida-se!!

                            prefiro que fale espanhol a essa bagunça lingüistica, pelo menos ele provavelmente consegue se entender...


                            • #15
                              RAF, i think all can understand me very well in english. Even YOU!. I would fill you with a lot of insults concerning ur nationality, but there are a lot of good brazilians, so, yes im argentino, dont mess with that.
                              Roman: Civilization belongs to the civilized. Attila: It belogs to those who have the power to conquer it. Me: Nope, it belongs to me. Coz ive paid 50 bucks and it has a 30 days satisfaction guarantee.

