First a serious but unimportant topic: Has anyone thought about naming their continent? Trip started referring to our region as "Luxia". I'm not quite sure if he meant our empire or not, but I began to use in my mind the term "Luxia" as the continent we are in. Sorry for the ethnocentrism if other teams are in our continent, but thats just how I think. But we should have a naming convention that not just myself (or my teammates) use. However, since the information on where each team's starting location is somewhat a valuable information, we wont know whos on who's continent entirely. But please do keep in mind that naming of continent which can be agreed by all team would be a convenient. Is anyone else using a naming conevention for their continent?
Another unimportant topic. Nothing to do with game but have you noticed that each team has different form of government? No not the government in game but how the demo team is governed. Espana(roleplay) seems to run in a dictatorship, GoW according to what I know roleplays tribal leaders from cities representing the government (republic), We Lux ditched the idea of relection ever since the first one (since we are too lazy to hold another :P) thus are monarchial, and NDE is democratic, even mimicking the arduous beauracratic process. How is Vox and GS demo game run? Do we have a fundamentalistic or communistic way of playing demo game?
Another unimportant topic. Nothing to do with game but have you noticed that each team has different form of government? No not the government in game but how the demo team is governed. Espana(roleplay) seems to run in a dictatorship, GoW according to what I know roleplays tribal leaders from cities representing the government (republic), We Lux ditched the idea of relection ever since the first one (since we are too lazy to hold another :P) thus are monarchial, and NDE is democratic, even mimicking the arduous beauracratic process. How is Vox and GS demo game run? Do we have a fundamentalistic or communistic way of playing demo game?
