First, let me iterate that which you should be aware of
1) I hold no formal position with Vox, Glory of War, Legoland, Roleplay, or Neu Demogyptica, I have no title other than that of outsider who observes the goings ons in the PTWDemo game strictly in the public forum, which I will lovingly refer to as the United Nations.
2) This letter is unauthorized by any team. It only reflects my views of the events that have transpired in the world of which I only get a smoky window view.
3) As such, you now know my place in the world of outsiders as just observer from which I hope to offer an impartial opinion on the recent events as they have unfolded in the United Nations.
4) I have no business with deceit or lies so what I say to you in this letter is my unabashed beliefs and understandings.
Greetings, and let me say I come with welcomed relief seeing the recent involvement of one advisor who has recently come to light and began interacting in a very constructive way in an already darkened United Nations. Of course, the advisor I speak of is no other than Vel who has graced this forum with his eloquent style and manner of speech.
I have been visiting the United Nations from the beginnings of the Stormia Civil War till present after seeing the changes in the faces of some of your bretheren as I frequented the Strategia Formata Cafe. When questioned about the change, they offered invitations to visit the United Nations and since then, I have always had a fondness for dropping by and seeing the current struggles, situations, and arguments that would arise from time to time. From the outset of those observations, Gathering Storm never before received my favor.
You might think that having previous intereactions and bondings with the citizens who frequented the Strategia Formata Cafe I would aquire a natural kinship with Gathering Storm and their plight when being surprise attacked and the victim of the agressive Vox, but that was never the case. I have not the depth of knowledge to ascertain exactly what it was about the United Nations that caused me to side with thine enemies, but that does not detract from the fact that these bitter feelings existed.
Then after the dust settled, a new emergency came to light with the war on Bob. Once again my ear turned deaf to the pleas and cries of the Gathering Storm Nation trying to defend their honor and sided with their mortal enemies.
But now, as Vel has cast his hat into the ring, a changing of my favor has been granted. Though at times Vel has certainly pontificated from upon a lofty steed, and maybe even looked to the heavens a time too many, his eloquence and softness of speech has brought a softening of my heart and has bended my ear to once again listen to the claims of the Gathering Storm Nation despite the fact that I may not always concur with Vel's truthfullness.
Then hearing Arrian's forthrightness in giving a straight forward reason for the unforseen alliance with Roleplay as opposed to the previous defending your honor stance the Nation of Gathering Storm has stood by has opened up my heart and called me forth to write to your nation in hoping you can continue to shed yourselves in the proper light for which you were destined. For not one nation here deserves to be the proverbial victim of a vendetta.
So take heart Vel and all the other Stormians and continue upon this new path and direction of pleas and discussion to the United Nations. You might not ever achieve perfection and be looked upon favorably by all nations, but you will no longer look like the dogs your enemies have painted you to be.
outside observer of the United Nations
1) I hold no formal position with Vox, Glory of War, Legoland, Roleplay, or Neu Demogyptica, I have no title other than that of outsider who observes the goings ons in the PTWDemo game strictly in the public forum, which I will lovingly refer to as the United Nations.
2) This letter is unauthorized by any team. It only reflects my views of the events that have transpired in the world of which I only get a smoky window view.
3) As such, you now know my place in the world of outsiders as just observer from which I hope to offer an impartial opinion on the recent events as they have unfolded in the United Nations.
4) I have no business with deceit or lies so what I say to you in this letter is my unabashed beliefs and understandings.
Greetings, and let me say I come with welcomed relief seeing the recent involvement of one advisor who has recently come to light and began interacting in a very constructive way in an already darkened United Nations. Of course, the advisor I speak of is no other than Vel who has graced this forum with his eloquent style and manner of speech.
I have been visiting the United Nations from the beginnings of the Stormia Civil War till present after seeing the changes in the faces of some of your bretheren as I frequented the Strategia Formata Cafe. When questioned about the change, they offered invitations to visit the United Nations and since then, I have always had a fondness for dropping by and seeing the current struggles, situations, and arguments that would arise from time to time. From the outset of those observations, Gathering Storm never before received my favor.
You might think that having previous intereactions and bondings with the citizens who frequented the Strategia Formata Cafe I would aquire a natural kinship with Gathering Storm and their plight when being surprise attacked and the victim of the agressive Vox, but that was never the case. I have not the depth of knowledge to ascertain exactly what it was about the United Nations that caused me to side with thine enemies, but that does not detract from the fact that these bitter feelings existed.
Then after the dust settled, a new emergency came to light with the war on Bob. Once again my ear turned deaf to the pleas and cries of the Gathering Storm Nation trying to defend their honor and sided with their mortal enemies.
But now, as Vel has cast his hat into the ring, a changing of my favor has been granted. Though at times Vel has certainly pontificated from upon a lofty steed, and maybe even looked to the heavens a time too many, his eloquence and softness of speech has brought a softening of my heart and has bended my ear to once again listen to the claims of the Gathering Storm Nation despite the fact that I may not always concur with Vel's truthfullness.
Then hearing Arrian's forthrightness in giving a straight forward reason for the unforseen alliance with Roleplay as opposed to the previous defending your honor stance the Nation of Gathering Storm has stood by has opened up my heart and called me forth to write to your nation in hoping you can continue to shed yourselves in the proper light for which you were destined. For not one nation here deserves to be the proverbial victim of a vendetta.
So take heart Vel and all the other Stormians and continue upon this new path and direction of pleas and discussion to the United Nations. You might not ever achieve perfection and be looked upon favorably by all nations, but you will no longer look like the dogs your enemies have painted you to be.
outside observer of the United Nations