I've been thinking during the last couple of days if there was a way to create a viable United Nations for the PTW Demo Games since I fear we might well reach the point many months later that all treaties can be violated at will with no consequence whatsoever. If every team is to be percieved as a backstabber, there will never be any trust left and further demo games will simply degenerate into slug-fests at every opportunity (not that it would be entirely bad...
So, I think I've come up with a rough framework of a functioning United Nations body, perhaps this demo game would be a little too advanced to implement it, but the PTWDG II has just started so it would be a good way to test it out.
Well, this is kinda long, so bear with me and please post your suggestions, comments and criticism.
to save succeeding generations from the scourge of treachery and deceit, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind, to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained, have resolved to establish a multilateral forum for the solution of international disputes.
1. The purpose of the United Nations is to discuss, debate and reslove disputes arising between two or more nations, to determine in a neutral and unbiased manner the victims of agression or treachery and the guilty parties involved.
2. All nations which exist in-game are allowed unconditional and permanent membership in the United Nations.
3. Each nation shall appoint one Permanent Representative which will have voice and vote in all UN proceedings and resolutions. The conditions and length of service of the respresentative shall be dictated by each team.
4. The game historian shall act as the Secretary General of the UN. The Secretary General shall have both voice and vote.
5. Each Permanent Representative may bring to the UN a draft resolution asking for mediation of an international dispute. Disputes may include but are not limited to border violations, armed agression and treaty violations. These disputes are preferably related to direct in-game consequences but may also include disputes with indirect in-game consequences (like NAPs). Disputes which do not meet this criteria will not be considered.
6. All resolutions shall be voted upon during a maxium time of 3 in-game turns. Each Permanent Representative shall submit his vote in public with the Secretary General voting at the end.
7. Each Representative may vote in Favor, Against or Abstain. A majority vote is required (50% +1) for a resolution to pass. Should the vote result in a tie, the Secretary General's vote shall be considered as the tie-breaker.
8. A Draft Resolution is an official document which seeks to resolve a dispute. It may be sponosored by any Permanent Representative or by coalition. During the discussion phase, the draft resolution may be modified by the sponsors before being subjected to vote. Draft Resolutions must include a title referring to the dispute.
9. If a Draft Resolution passes the vote, it becomes a Resolution with a number and a title.
10. Resolutions may not be applied retroactively.
11. Should a nation be considered guilty of agression or in violation of written agreements by the United Nations, the nation shall recieve a public reprimand and an opportunity to peacefully rectify the dispute according to the UN's dictate.
12. Should the nation refuse to rectify, it will be considered "in breach" of a United Nations Resolution. Nations in breach have all written agreements made with third parties subject to voluntary withrdrawl by the third party.
13. In case of an extreme act of aggression or treachery, or repeated violations of UN resolutions, the UN may call upon a luxury, resource and/or technology trade embargo on the offending nation. Nations which fail to support the embargo will be considered in breach of the UN.
14. This Charter shall be ratified upon signature of all existing nations in the game.
And now, like Kofi said, the floor is open for debate
![Big Grin](https://apolyton.net/core/images/smilies/biggrin.gif)
So, I think I've come up with a rough framework of a functioning United Nations body, perhaps this demo game would be a little too advanced to implement it, but the PTWDG II has just started so it would be a good way to test it out.
Well, this is kinda long, so bear with me and please post your suggestions, comments and criticism.
to save succeeding generations from the scourge of treachery and deceit, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind, to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained, have resolved to establish a multilateral forum for the solution of international disputes.
1. The purpose of the United Nations is to discuss, debate and reslove disputes arising between two or more nations, to determine in a neutral and unbiased manner the victims of agression or treachery and the guilty parties involved.
2. All nations which exist in-game are allowed unconditional and permanent membership in the United Nations.
3. Each nation shall appoint one Permanent Representative which will have voice and vote in all UN proceedings and resolutions. The conditions and length of service of the respresentative shall be dictated by each team.
4. The game historian shall act as the Secretary General of the UN. The Secretary General shall have both voice and vote.
5. Each Permanent Representative may bring to the UN a draft resolution asking for mediation of an international dispute. Disputes may include but are not limited to border violations, armed agression and treaty violations. These disputes are preferably related to direct in-game consequences but may also include disputes with indirect in-game consequences (like NAPs). Disputes which do not meet this criteria will not be considered.
6. All resolutions shall be voted upon during a maxium time of 3 in-game turns. Each Permanent Representative shall submit his vote in public with the Secretary General voting at the end.
7. Each Representative may vote in Favor, Against or Abstain. A majority vote is required (50% +1) for a resolution to pass. Should the vote result in a tie, the Secretary General's vote shall be considered as the tie-breaker.
8. A Draft Resolution is an official document which seeks to resolve a dispute. It may be sponosored by any Permanent Representative or by coalition. During the discussion phase, the draft resolution may be modified by the sponsors before being subjected to vote. Draft Resolutions must include a title referring to the dispute.
9. If a Draft Resolution passes the vote, it becomes a Resolution with a number and a title.
10. Resolutions may not be applied retroactively.
11. Should a nation be considered guilty of agression or in violation of written agreements by the United Nations, the nation shall recieve a public reprimand and an opportunity to peacefully rectify the dispute according to the UN's dictate.
12. Should the nation refuse to rectify, it will be considered "in breach" of a United Nations Resolution. Nations in breach have all written agreements made with third parties subject to voluntary withrdrawl by the third party.
13. In case of an extreme act of aggression or treachery, or repeated violations of UN resolutions, the UN may call upon a luxury, resource and/or technology trade embargo on the offending nation. Nations which fail to support the embargo will be considered in breach of the UN.
14. This Charter shall be ratified upon signature of all existing nations in the game.
And now, like Kofi said, the floor is open for debate
![Big Grin](https://apolyton.net/core/images/smilies/biggrin.gif)