In the war against Lux, Lux followed a pattern of abandoning cities rather than allowing them to fall into enemy hands. While the mechanics of Civ allow that, scorched earth policies tend to be rather hard on the civilians involved (not to mention straying a bit far afield from how Civ is really intended to work).
I've just now brought this up with my own team, so it certainly isn't an official proposal from GS, but I would like to ask both sides to agree not to abandon cities to prevent them from being captured. Conversely, I would like to ask for an agreement not to raze each other's cities, since a requirement for civs to leave cities intact just so the other side can raze them and grab some workers would be a bit nonsensical. Not only will such an agreement help keep the war a bit more civilized, but it will avoid a situation in which even the winners (whoever they may turn out to be) lose because little of value in conquered areas is left beyond the land itself.
And (from a roleplay perspective) I would like to ask for an agreement that civilians of all nationalities will be treated well and not blamed for any animosities that might linger between their nations' leaders. Some suffering in war is inevitable, but let's please keep the suffering for innocent civilians to a minimum.
I've just now brought this up with my own team, so it certainly isn't an official proposal from GS, but I would like to ask both sides to agree not to abandon cities to prevent them from being captured. Conversely, I would like to ask for an agreement not to raze each other's cities, since a requirement for civs to leave cities intact just so the other side can raze them and grab some workers would be a bit nonsensical. Not only will such an agreement help keep the war a bit more civilized, but it will avoid a situation in which even the winners (whoever they may turn out to be) lose because little of value in conquered areas is left beyond the land itself.
And (from a roleplay perspective) I would like to ask for an agreement that civilians of all nationalities will be treated well and not blamed for any animosities that might linger between their nations' leaders. Some suffering in war is inevitable, but let's please keep the suffering for innocent civilians to a minimum.
