Papacy Declares Crusade against Infidels!
Though it has understandbly taken some time for this news to travel to foreign lands since its original announcement within Spain, a meeting of the Curia took place at the Council of Castile so that the leaders of the Holy Catholic Church could discuss a request by King Justino Togas of Spain to declare a holy crusade against the invading infadels of Neu Demogyptica and the so-called "Glory of War".
After the meeting of the Curia in which a vote of the attending Cardinals was unanimous, the Supreme Pontiff, Pope Calixtus I, made the following announcement:
Following this announcement, the Pope sent his bannermen to all of the military units fighting for Spain and both gave them god's holy blessing and sanctified each unit with a name befitting them as crusaders of the Holy Catholic Church.
Furthermore, at the order of the Supreme Pontiff, the Swiss Guard have joined with the forces of Spain in this crusade and the Pope has sent the paladins of the church to fight alongside Spain in this war against the Devil and his minions of Neu Demogypticans and so-called "warmongers".
As with any crusade, all warriors who fight and die as crusaders against the vile heathens will be rewarded with an afterlife spent in paradise.
Brave men from across the Christian world are said to be taking up the opportunity to defend the Holy Catholic Church and earn their place in paradise!
The Pope has made an open call to such warriors that they shall also be given god's blessing should they fight on the side of Christiandom in this war.

Let the crusades begin!
Though it has understandbly taken some time for this news to travel to foreign lands since its original announcement within Spain, a meeting of the Curia took place at the Council of Castile so that the leaders of the Holy Catholic Church could discuss a request by King Justino Togas of Spain to declare a holy crusade against the invading infadels of Neu Demogyptica and the so-called "Glory of War".
After the meeting of the Curia in which a vote of the attending Cardinals was unanimous, the Supreme Pontiff, Pope Calixtus I, made the following announcement:
Originally posted by Pope Calixtus I, Supreme Pontiff
I have officially declared the war on China and on Arabia a crusade.
From now on, Spain's troops carry with them the Papal Banner, and the Paladins of the Church may accompany the army as aides to the Marshal and as generals.
I will officially bless our troops, and bestow on them titles befitting soldiers of God.
Also, I hereby appoint Polaris Winterius Archbishop of Spain and Bishop of Persia.
I have officially declared the war on China and on Arabia a crusade.
From now on, Spain's troops carry with them the Papal Banner, and the Paladins of the Church may accompany the army as aides to the Marshal and as generals.
I will officially bless our troops, and bestow on them titles befitting soldiers of God.
Also, I hereby appoint Polaris Winterius Archbishop of Spain and Bishop of Persia.
Furthermore, at the order of the Supreme Pontiff, the Swiss Guard have joined with the forces of Spain in this crusade and the Pope has sent the paladins of the church to fight alongside Spain in this war against the Devil and his minions of Neu Demogypticans and so-called "warmongers".
As with any crusade, all warriors who fight and die as crusaders against the vile heathens will be rewarded with an afterlife spent in paradise.
Brave men from across the Christian world are said to be taking up the opportunity to defend the Holy Catholic Church and earn their place in paradise!
The Pope has made an open call to such warriors that they shall also be given god's blessing should they fight on the side of Christiandom in this war.

Let the crusades begin!
