To anyone out there who can help, I'm having a little IRC problem. Whenever I try to connect to the 'poly chat room now, it gives me this message...
Can anyone give me some hints as to why my user ID is suddenly invalid? Even if I change my user ID, it still gives me that message. I kind of need to get back to the chatrooms to take care of business, so any help would be much appreciated!
* Connecting to (6667)
- *** Looking up your hostname...
* Identd request from
- *** Found your hostname, cached
- *** Checking Ident
* Identd replied: 4779, 6667 : USERID : UNIX : ZargonX
- *** Got Ident response
Closing Link: (Invalid username [ZargonX])
* Disconnected
- *** Looking up your hostname...
* Identd request from
- *** Found your hostname, cached
- *** Checking Ident
* Identd replied: 4779, 6667 : USERID : UNIX : ZargonX
- *** Got Ident response
Closing Link: (Invalid username [ZargonX])
* Disconnected