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Moving 'stacked' pieces together

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  • Moving 'stacked' pieces together

    1. While we continue to experiment with the game (CivIII PTW), we have found it difficult to move 'stacked pieces' together. An example would be: Aircraft Carrier (with aircraft on board), several battleships, a couple destroyers and a sub or two as one stack. When we go to move them, we must move them individully. Even though we select the 'stack' icon, they still do not move together, but must be moved one at a time. In Civilization:Call to Power (Activision), all stacked pieces moved together after they were 'locked'. Is this accomplished in CivIII PYW or must all of them be individually moved? Maybe I'm missing a 'unit stack locked' icon or something. It is no big deal, but it would be less complicated to move the pieces as one unit move instead of several individual moves, when they are going to remain together.

    2. When you have a variety of units of different types and eras (IE Battleship, Frigate, Destroyer, Iron Clad and Carrier) 'stacked together' and the AI attackes, which one is attacked. It seems the AI is able to pick one out at a time. If it defeats it, it goes to the next unit of the same type. The Carriers seldom get touched (makes sense when they are being escourted), but Iron Clads often get hammered as due Battleships and Destroyers, but not in any particular order. Also each unit is continually attacked until it is defeated or the attacking AI unit(s) is/are defeated. Frigates never get touched. Just kind of curious on this one, as I've seen several AI attackes on 'stacked unit' deals of this variety. It is probably discussed in detail somewhere in the strategy manual, I just have'n't found it yet. Does it make much sense to 'stack' 3-4 Battleships together? I realize that an Aircraft Carrier without an escort would have little defense, so a Battleshipp or two with it would serve to protect it by taking the attack point hits of the attacking units, but do 3-4 Battleships together defend themselves better (as in
    Civilization:CTP)than if they were individual?

    3. In reference to question number 1 (above), it would be nice (when bombarding a city to weaken it's defenses) to be able to bombard with all the similar ships (IE Battleships) in the 'stacked group" all at once (one after another) instead of having to identify each Battleship and bombard with each individually. I can see the benefit of not doing it all at once (like in Civilization:CTP) as you have more control to bombard different areas with a different ship in the 'stack' (if you so desire), but is their a way to have them all bombard the same taget on the same turn without selecting each (one by one), when you desire to bombard only one target (IE a city). I realize that units cannot be destroyed nor cities destroy or captured soley through bombardment. You must attack the units and/or cities with other combatent units (unit to unit, unit to city) in order to do this. Also, what is the best way to improve bombardment success. I've had an entire stack of 8-9 bombardment ships (Battleships) bombard an area, never once being successful. Then fly bombers off an aircraft carrier (or two) in the same turn from a different unit stack or the same unit stack, and hve no successful bombing runs (8 bombers with no success). I've been as far from the target (square wise on the map needing to using maximum range) and as close as possible (right next to the target; minimum ranged distance), effecting the odds very little. Sometimes the opposite takes affect, where everyting (or almost everything) is successful). I read how the bombardment percentages are calculated in the strategy book, but just wondered if there was a method to improve your odds of success (IE not bombarding every turn or bombarding every turn, etc). I've have noticed that if you bombard a railroad and are successful, the railroad reduces to a road. Then, if you continue to bombard that same spot duing that turn, all subsequent bombardments of that tile seem to end up 'unsuccessful'. In other words, I've yet to take out all the improvements on a particular tile in one turn no matter how units I bombard the tile with. Sometimes, I can't even remove the road improvement the next turn, as all those bombardments are also 'unsuccessful'. I've taken as many as four turns to remove the following improvements from one tile (railroad and road).

    Must say, I really like the way the aircraft are flown off the carrier to the bombing taget and back each turn. It makes it easier to keep track of them, thereby reducing the chance of forgetting to land the plane(s) back on teh carrier at the end of the turn (hence they would be lost)


  • #2
    1. When moving a stack of different speed units (e.g., Carrier & Battleship), I use "J" key (move all units of all types), and move them at LEAST 1 turn's movement for the fastest unit. In that way, you won't be asked to move individual units their last movement point(s). When they reach their destination, anyone with MP remaining will of course be asked for more orders.

    2. Unit defending is strongest defender (Defense Strength x Hit Points). If equal defense, non-transporting units will be preferred (e.g., Destroyer & Carrier of equal HP) according to Firaxian during chat.

    It makes sense to stack battleships or escorts together IF you are escorting something of high value and the AI is a threat. Usually, I prefer to spread my forces out so I can see naval units approaching. Sometimes an AI will enjoy building subs, so either have some yourself to detect theirs or enjoy your being surprised!

    3. Assigning everyone in a stack to bombard a square is high on most everyone's wish list. As it is, you can "continuous bombard" a square, but even that doesn't work if it is adjacent and you have the preference set to "wake when enemy is adjacent." Continuous bombard has to be assigned individually.

    I assumed you are using 1.14 PTW.


    • #3
      Thanks. That answers my curiousity. We are using the 1.14 upgrade patch with PTW.

      Are the bombardment success chances that I stated in my examples consistant with what others have found?


      • #4
        Artillery & Bombers are basically the same bombardment effectiveness (12 x 2 Rate of Fire (RoF) vs. 8 x 3 RoF). Battleships are 8 x 2 RoF.

        No "tricks" to bombardment other than doing it enough so you get the desired effect. Streaks of luck, good and bad, come with the territory. It is YOUR responsibility to recognize both types as they occur.

        The AI rarely uses offensive bombardment unless it captures someone else's artillery.


        • #5

          The bombardment values are too low for PTW, give them a boost with the editor.
          * A true libertarian is an anarchist in denial.
          * If brute force isn't working you are not using enough.
          * The difference between Genius and stupidity is that Genius has a limit.
          * There are Lies, Damned Lies, and The Republican Party.


          • #6
            You might want to look here for auto-bombardment:

            It was a thread about Civ3 without PTW and I don't know if it still works (I just found this thread again after forgetting about the feature).

