My game details:
Regent, tiny map with 4 civs-Rome (me), Babylon, Greece, and Carthage.
Carthage had a large continent to themselves, one smaller continent with 3 towns and 1 tiny island.
Babylon, Greece and Rome shared a continent. Rome also had a small island.
The game went along with wars here and there. Very early though I invaded Carthage's second largest continent that had 3 cities as I said earlier. I took a massive force of some 26 legions with 2 settlers. I destroyed their cities and established my own.
Later in the game they had the necessary resources to build nukes. They declared war and nuked Rome, Constantinople and Byzantium. I had no choice except to fight and make peace asap. Before though I brought Babylon and Greece in with a mutual protection pact. They never got nuked. Babylon lost some cities and Greece had one destroyed.
Also has anyone noticed a bug when using nukes. The game locks up sometimes and instead of saying the city where the nuke originate from it says sea or ocean?
Regent, tiny map with 4 civs-Rome (me), Babylon, Greece, and Carthage.
Carthage had a large continent to themselves, one smaller continent with 3 towns and 1 tiny island.
Babylon, Greece and Rome shared a continent. Rome also had a small island.
The game went along with wars here and there. Very early though I invaded Carthage's second largest continent that had 3 cities as I said earlier. I took a massive force of some 26 legions with 2 settlers. I destroyed their cities and established my own.
Later in the game they had the necessary resources to build nukes. They declared war and nuked Rome, Constantinople and Byzantium. I had no choice except to fight and make peace asap. Before though I brought Babylon and Greece in with a mutual protection pact. They never got nuked. Babylon lost some cities and Greece had one destroyed.
Also has anyone noticed a bug when using nukes. The game locks up sometimes and instead of saying the city where the nuke originate from it says sea or ocean?